Post date: Feb 27, 2020 2:51:34 AM
RD-blog-667 by Herb Zinser
Symbolic universe ….
The living language
The life of VOWELS (A, E, I, O, U )
And i = square root of minus 1
defeats human
vowel permutation ( U, i, O, E ) →
Universitetet i Oslo , Europe
University of Oslo , Europe
The modern human brain engineering wars at Chuck Norris Hall ....brain engineering building with Virginia TECH English language manipulator script ERRORS.
Oslo and the worldwide OSIRIS project
The Utoeya tragedy helps explain the secret languages of the world.
The Utoeya tragedy helps explain the secret languages of the world.
Osiris - Ancient History Encyclopedia
Mar 6, 2016 - Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, ... from a lack of gratitude and an envy for someone else's good fortune.
Symbolic universe life VOWELS (A, E, I, O, U ) defeats human vowel permutation ( U, i, O, E ) --> University of Oslo , Europe. The atomic/astrophysics language continuum communications PROTOCOL ERROR results in the UTOEYA message.
The University of Oslo
(Norwegian: Universitetet i Oslo, Europe )
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Nor ……………………. Tet i
North Vietnam ……….. tet i
The Tet Offensive (Vietnamese: Sự kiện Tết Mậu Thân 1968), or officially called The General Offensive and Uprising of Tet Mau Than 1968 (Vietnamese: Tổng Tiến công và Nổi dậy Tết Mậu Thân 1968) by North Vietnam and the Viet Cong (VC), was one of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War, launched on January 30, 1968 by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) against the forces of the South Vietnamese Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), the United States Armed Forces and their allies.
It was a campaign of surprise attacks against military and civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam.[14]
The name of the offensive comes from the Tết holiday, the Vietnamese New Year, when the first major attacks took place.[15]
The offensive was launched prematurely in the late night hours of 30 January in the I and II Corps Tactical Zones of South Vietnam. This early attack allowed allied forces some time to prepare defensive measures. When the main operation began the next morning, the offensive was countrywide and well coordinated; eventually more than 80,000 PAVN/VC troops struck more than 100 towns and cities, including 36 of 44 provincial capitals, five of the six autonomous cities, 72 of 245 district towns, and the southern capital.[16] The offensive was the largest military operation conducted by either side up to that point in the war.
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Norwegian: Universitetet i
Nor …………………. Tet i
Nor …………………. Tet i
North Viking ………. Tet i
played out in
North Vietnam …… . tet i
Previous articles have contained important SCIENCE WAR news .....SIGNALS .....that affect the entire world; but European citizens are to concerned about songs and dances, nightclubs, sports, music, etc. to pay attention to such deeper subjects as Sartre existentialism.
However, Nature and the MIlky WAY Universe ....continue with
Project PLan: Recapture of Planet EARTH......
which started around YEAR 1616 with Galileo the Defender(of EARTH) from brain intellectual errors.
Below is an excerpt of the blog available
on the INTERNET.
The Symbolic Origin of the Universe
12/27/10 20:25 , Categories: Uncategorized
Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetic waves existed; before the BIG BANG
--> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer)
--> that a symbolic universe of thought, will, and ideas existed and wished to express itself in a new media
--> thus the BIG BANG and the new dimensions of visible, tangible expressions
--> such as solid-state physics, interaction of gravity with mass, electromagnetic life in biological EM format = EMBASSY diplomatic officials.
--> The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the
GALILEO Hexadecimal Base 16 construct
Of year 16 16 ….. and year 16 32 .
Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include:
The United States Federal Aviation Administration --> incomplete math exponential accident reports:
HEX'FAA' = F x 16 exp 2 + A x 16 exp 1 + A x 16 exp 0.
The British Royal Air Force --> RAF
--> computer earth RAF -->
REGION hex'A' = 10 thru hex'F' = 15 of
Base 16 Royal AIR = Oxygen atomic data processor.
The Royal AIR Force is now fighting
the Base 16 HEX'FF" = High-Values= 255 math battle in the HIGH-mountains geography region designated
Above military code --> ISAF
--> IS = Information Systems (WAR region)
--> AF is HEX'A' = 10 thru HEX'F' = 15
Does the RAF realize this math component of the WAR? British readers of this BLOG may communicate their SCIENCE WAR view to British military chat-rooms and British think tanks...give this BLOG as your reference source. This is a new dimension of understanding the AFGHAN WAR; its called thinking outside the box.
--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:
Vowel A = American geographic location
Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = other sides of the multi-faceted UNIVERSAL MIND
A major galactic SYMBOL COMPUTER battle was with the English Department at Virginia TECH University...representative of North American university intellectual errors. Usage of the English language for schemes, biased explanations of events, propaganda, BRAVE NEW WORLD brain manipulation....seems to be the approved policy of universities...and the STANDARD they teach students.
The phrase: The WORLD is a stage ...... and we are the actors (such as the WORLD theater player MR.CHO). So what is the SECRET theater script ...the symbolism...that the university faculties cover-up?
William Shakespeare from year 1600 already explained the basic concept: The WORLD is a stage ...and we are the players'.
Thus a message from year 1600 to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,the WHITE HOUSE address (IBM Base 16 hexadecimal …
WHITE optical spectrum used by eyes/optical nerve with the brain HOUSE of photon nouns/verbs/symbolic city).
2 versions of the White House ...
The university and newspaper reporters conspiracy ...accusing MR.CHO as the sole CAUSE of the tragedy ...... is the poorest intellectual fantasy explanation ever invented in the last 400 years. The event is one of many SCIENCE WAR tragedies:
Shakespeare - All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And ONE MAN in his time plays many parts, ...
Thus we have the UTOEYA battle with the
Universe symbol life (a, e, I, O, U) versus university (U i O)
--> University input OUTPUT ......with agent group
--> University of Oslo Europe.
The European institutions have to much language garbage, trivia news reports, incomplete explanations given for serious EVENTS such as Utoeya. All Europe and America have major empty spots in their Margaret Mead nuclear family .......atomic political science and atomic social science reports.
The message of the
Milky WAY galaxy point of view for EARTH LAB agents:
....NORWAY ..an agent for Europe.
Norway and Europe don't properly communicate on the serious intellectual matters of atomic/astrophysics anthropology continuum. Their arrogance has annoyed the UNIVERSE ....just like the arrogance of theology annoyed the Galileo SOLAR SYSTEM project of year 1616 thru 1643.
Thus we see the SIGNALS of British astronomy and the SET Institute in California on the STATUS of the Milky Way war region.
Search Results SETI Institute
SETI Institute
2011 SETI Institute.
All Rights Reserved.
Legal Contact us -->
.....galaxy contact usa agents
189 Bernardo Road,
Suite 100.
Mountain View, CA 94043.
Mission …. SET of female Breasts
Mission ….
Mountain View … SET theory of SETI
Woman: An Intimate Geography: Natalie Angier ... - Amazon.com
www.amazon.com › woman-intimate-geography-natalie-angier
Woman and
SETI Institute
……………… uterus astronomy
An Intimate Geography
Below, Mountains and valleys
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2015_waco_shootout
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, United States, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant ... "Bandido shot
in Twin Peaks shootout testifies at hearing".
Twin Peaks .. special event
Twin Peaks .. special event
Twin Peaks …….. cia event
Phone 650.961.6633.
Phoney people /bull-shitters
Fax 650-961-7099.
Allen is 4/5 symbolically the same as an
Alien symbolic brain structure ...
thus we have the Computer EARTH data space
secret of VSAM CA = Control Area of CA = CA.lifornia
CALTECH and University of CALIFORNIA...are thus EARTH
data sets.....their small subset institutions embbedded within the larger
VSAM data set. Thus professors are in a
hexadecimal Base 16
hex trap.......known to astrophysics insiders as the
..extraterrestial brains with ALIEN/nonsense thoughts....
....trap is a subset WORD ......and has trapped the
professorial CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 370 brain symbolic computer.
Alien Telecscope array..... parallel processing with
Allen Telescope Array www.seti.org/ata
2011 SETI Institute. All Rights
Mountain View, CA 94043.
Mountain View, CA 94043.
Mountain View, CASualties 94043.
Echelon Building as an
Atomic mountain of iron, glass, concrete
Mountain View,
CASualties code 94043 at
Research 9430 Boulevard
Year 1943
Robert Gates and Salvador Dali
Robert Gates (below) in egg /fetus format - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › robert_gates
MicRobe atoMic
…….Robert Michael Gates
(born September 25, 1943) is an American statesman, scholar, intelligence analyst, and university president who served as the 22nd United States Secretary of Defense from 2006 to 2011. He was originally appointed by President George W. Bush but was retained for service by President Barack Obama.
Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 ...
www.wikiart.org › salvador-dali › geopolitical-child-watching-the-birt...
Jan 29, 2020 - 'Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man' was created in 1943 by Salvador Dali in Surrealism style. Find more prominent pieces of …
Thus we see the North American Base 16
alpha/numeric SCIENCE WAR zone at Virginia TECH on April 16, 2007.
The astrophysics EARTH LAB war region in Europe is with the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 base 16 hexadecimal symbol warriors....of space/time region on EARTH ..giving EARTH LAB events in astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth).
Signal as reported by SETI deep undercover agents.
Galactic KEYWORDS:
Milk --> Milky way Galactic forces ..most likely in G = Gravity thought wave FORMAT and the interaction of gravity with brain atomic mass.
Farm --> Base 16 Hex'Fa' = 250
Dairy farms --> Da + Fa --> Data Hex'Fa' = 250
Dump --> Computer Earth system 370 abend signal ....BAL computer program abend/dump near region BAL = BALTIC with the Norwegian national assembly language...government program for child brain bio-computers using the LUNG oxygen atomic processor base 16 weight..the weight of heavy thinking atoms.
Sept 16 --> Galileo base 16 Hexadecimal space/time
Business --> data BUS.
Belgian Farmers go on Milk-Dumping Binge to Protest Low Prices earth first.In Europe, you can get a liter of milk for 20 (Euro) cents. That doesn't even begin to cover dairy farmers' expenses – and to make a point, they've dumped …
BBC NEWS | Europe | Farmers protest by dumping milk
Sep 16, 2009
Dairy farmers in Belgium, who are angry at low prices, have begun spraying three million litres of milk on a field in protest.
More videos for milk dumping europe »
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest low prices | us-europe-dairy-protests-
Sep 16, 2009 – They blame both the European Commission and local governments and about 7000 liters of milk was dumped in front of German agriculture ...
Belgian farmers dump milk in price protest - Business - World
Sep 16, 2009 – Image: Dumping milk ... Romuald Schaber, the president of the European Milk Board farmers' group, said up to half the milk farmers in some …
Milk dumping sweeps Europe | Article | Feedstuffs Weekly.
Milky Way galaxy with
the Solar System processor of 9 planets (equivalent to 8 data bits + 1 error checking bit)
and then COMPUTER EARTH system 370 with OS/JCL and OSLO, nor.WAY .....milky WAY DUMP.
IBM User's Guide,
Thirteenth Edition
The following job produces the ASSIST User's Guide , U05-0082. ..... In batch mode, real terminal interaction is not possible; avoid using the HELP command and the ..... To suppress printing of the dump in the event Abend-AID is unable to ...
Site Map - IBM Mainframe ibm mainframes.com/sitemap
Site Map
Site Map
Site Map … male human bio-computers
Site Map
Site Map
Site Map
Site Map …. dump event
Site Map
Site Map
Site Map
Site Map …. seat in Seattle Washington
Site Map
Site Map .
Site Map
Site Map ... Microsoft DUMP
IBM MAINFRAMES.com - IBM Mainframe Support Forums Index ..... Abend U0271 while restarting IMS batch job. Abend U0602 ... Abend-Aid dump reading ...
cobol - How to abend job intentionally -
Stack Overflow
stack overflow questions
2010 Austin
STACK attack
How to abend job intentionally -
Stack Overflow
The 2010 Austin stack attack occurred on February 18, 2010, when Andrew Joseph Stack III deliberately crashed his
single-engine Piper Dakota ( Pi + da → Data Pipeline ….
his airplane created a data pipeline thru
EARTH atmosphere)
…. The atmosphere as space/time
Mathematical-physics structure
…. A fabric of gravity and magnetic lines that can contain data fields ….
single-engine Piper Dakota light aircraft into
Building I of the Echelon office complex
Hierarchy ..Echelon problem BATTLE site - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › hierarchy_problem
In theoretical physics, the hierarchy problem is the large discrepancy between aspects of the weak force and gravity. There is no scientific consensus on why, for example, the weak force is 1024 times stronger than gravity.
in Austin, Texas, United States,[5] killing himself and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) manager Vernon Hunter.[6]
Thirteen others were injured, two severely. The four-story[7][8] office building housed an IRS field office
Housed (House bedroom)
IRS field (feeled pussy office)
occupying the top three floors,
along with a couple of private businesses on the first floor.
Jul 2, 2010
Is it possible to abend your job intentionally through COBOL program. ... In an IBM batch environment, the RETURN-CODE set by your program ... You may also issue a program dump from a program run under Language ...
Get more discussion results
Solves the problems of dealing with complex dumps through its automated ... for Batch, CICS Transaction and System Dumps, and MQSeries abends. ... Advanced handling and presentation of dump information (Europe society) and job listings mean ...
Dump Master accepts the format change IBM made to the Common Vector Table (CVT). ...
Belgian Farmers Milk-Dump
ZOS ABEND S0C7 Data exception error in file record
1. ABEND S0C7 message explication
2. Dump analysis for Cobol source program compiled and executed
2.1. Provoke program dump of PGM=LOANSNEW execution (D0595_LAKMSTR – MAY 1995, for Account=0000000000000823)
2.2. PSW (Program Status Word) investigation of LAKMSTR error
2.3. DUMP investigation of failing Assembler instruction
2.4. Program LOANSNEW compilation with job COBBATCH listing investigation
2.5. Error repare in the LAKMSTR record
2.5.1. Buffer length error repare in the LAKMSTR record
2.5.2. Error field repare in the LAKMSTR record
3. Dump analysis for Cobol program execution without source available
0C7 Data exception. The reason code is whatever the data exception code is in field SDWADXC
in the SDWA (systems diagnostic work area) … etc.
A Data Exception is caused when a computational-3 field (that contains packed decimal digits) has an invalid digit (not 0-9), or its last byte contains an invalid sign (not F, C, or D).
Whereas S0C7 is data exception?
It occurs when you try to move a non numeric value to a Numeric variable. Generally soc-7 occurs due to data mismatch. It means if you are placing numeric data in alphabetic field.
S0C7 error occurs in the following situations:
– moving data from alphanumeric to editing characters;
– moving data from editing characters to alphanumeric data type;
– involve alphanumeric datatypes in arithmetic operations.
2. Dump analysis for Cobol source program compiled and executed
Utøya (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈʉːtœʏɑ] ( listen)) is an island in the ...
Combined, the OS/JCL attacks in the city of OS --> Oslo and Utøya left 77 executes , with 69 killed on the COMPUTER EARTH is --> information systems --> island ...
Overview - The name - 2011 attack - References
- Job Execution (Spring Batch 3.0.2.RELEASE API)
- docs.spring.io/spring-batch/apidocs/org/.../batch/.../JobExecution.html
- Batch domain object representing the execution of a job. ... Because a Job Execution isn't valid unless the job is set, this constructor is the only valid one from a ...
- 2.12 Time Scheduling for Job Execution for Norway human bio-computers
- research.cs.wisc.edu/.../2_12Time_Sch...
- University of Wisconsin‑Madison
- Job deferral allows the specification of the exact date and time at which a job is to begin executing. HTCondor attempts to match the job to
- an execution machine ...
- at which a job is to begin executing. HTCondor attempts to match the job to
- an execution machine …
- at which a job is to begin executing. HTCondor attempts to match the job to
- an execution machine …
- at which a job is to begin executing. HTCondor attempts to match the job to
- an execution machine …
Alfred Gaynor | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
murderpedia.org › male.g › gaynor-alfred
Serial killer Alfred Gaynor pleads guilty to three new murder charges. By Buffy Spencer - The Republican. October 26, 2010.
batch of 9
BATCH Job Execution
batch of 9
batch of 9 = 8 data bits and 1 error checking bit
– For more than a ...
Date of murders: 1995 - 1998
Constituent Assembly elections were held in Norway in 1814. The elections were held in Christiania and the surrounding area in February, and in the rest of the ...
their brain bio-computer science
...brain symbol processor
0C7 Data exception .... Nature's messenger Anders B.
Data exception error in file record
Nature's rank and file ... the Hierarchy Problem of physics and Margaret Mead bio-physics
Norway and Europe just ignore the Milky WAY message SIGNAL --> MILK DUMP.
Europeans are superior to the entire universe and everything that can or may exist.
This intellectual modesty?
Thus the citizen neglect of intellectual integrity...results in UTOEYA.
Those readers interested in joint research, writing a book or magazine articles, please contact me. Government agencies are welcome to fund further research into these atomic social matters ......part of GUT = Grand Unified Theory of physics which includes atomic humans and their atomic emotions and brain electron circuits of thought.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com