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Z101 - Science RD reports
Project Plan Z Science Reports
Algebra logarithms math life from Logan, Utah to CALTECH
CALTECH ... Computer Earth LOGON procedures VIA logan Utah and KIP IP Address
Computer Earth .... Logarithms processor
Norway projects: Viking, Thor, and North Star
Utoeya ..... Unified Theory battle site
Blog Wars
Ancient neurotransmitters
Computer Earth events
Internet murder systems
Niels Bohr
Rwanda and Pentagon brain neuron SOFTWARE defects
Avogadro's number of moles per container
OCTET battles
The amino acid defense system.
Baltimore and COMPUTER EARTH
City and State ERRORS
Earth war for control of Cities
Isaac Asimov .... Foundation series...psychohistory PROOF
Liverpool HELP song
Milwaukee DARK MATTER battle
War of the Worlds ..Watertown and Janesville
Wisconsin Highway 16
Wisconsin Highway 26
Crime & Murder
Jesse Dimmick, uranium 235 isotope, and Lindsay Rowley of Topeka
M-theory atomic English
M-theory of alphabet letter 13
The uranium 235 isotopes kidnapping and murder report
Earth Military
COMPUTER EARTH and the human bio-computer WAR
DNA Time
Nature's main Military Command Structure
The EARTH Military structure of NATURE
U.S.S.Cole, October 2000 --> the crystal field splitting in octahedral complexes
Earth math exponents and powers
Event NEWS. How to read a newspaper!
Max PLanck TIME signal 10:43 to atomic agent Africa ONE --> the ODD ONE
Science War battles
Symmetry M-theory geo-physics battle zone in Syria
The Argonne National Labs and ist Argentina brain
The atomic human brain optics WAR - - -> Occupy WALL Street -
Genes & DNA
Bio-computer genetics .... SOS Box war
Mid Atlantic states and 23 chromosomes
Sam Hengel murder
Europe - atomic Battle reports
Europe - the atomic table
Norway - OSIRIS of Os = Oslo death
Norway - Botany and the 14th Dalai lama
Norway - Galileo and Tycho Brahe
Norway - Milnor numbers and OSlO ... SIO instruction
Norway - Norbert Wiener and the cybernetics WAR.
Norway - Norwegian Salt cod fish
Norway - string theory
Norway - the continuum war
Norway - Tyrosine at Lake Tyrifjorden
Norway - Viking vectors (i, j, k )
Earth gravitational lensing system with Computer EARTH
Galileo Galilei ---> GG VS GG <--- Gabby Giffords.
Gravity and the magnetic field ... Spider Man & the Iron Mask
Gravity murders cover-up by Katharine Graham & Washington Post newspaper
Milwaukee .. Atomic iron and gravity battle VS human ERRORS
Africa ONE, Africa ONE signal to BALAD An-26 ......... over and out --> Please respond.
Atomic neutrons and BRAIN language and symbol War Commands
COPD elementary physics messages to the Niels Bohr Institute.
Los Angeles ...... social chemistry MOLE violations
Secret languages in books and magazines
The atomic anthropology problem --> BLOG WARS
The Feynman electromagnetic coupling constant 137 battle in Cleveland
Music & Optics
Elvis Presley ....... Heart Break Hotel
Music and harmonic waves of Monica
News Reports
Parallel Processing
Denmark parallax murder process in the parallel DANE county Wisconsin
Malcolm MacGregor explains his BIG MAC heritage
The 23 chromosome secret Secretary of Transportation, Ray LAB Hood
The Computer Earth system 370 war at Fort Hood
The North Pole and Chicago Pole-Americans
The Time Insects war in the EARTH time dimesion
Virginia Tech gauge couplings .... English atomic language battle
Friedrich Engels philosophy war
Hegel philosophy war explained by the murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel
Philosophy conflicts
Soren Kierkegaard and the Utoya ANGST battle
The Karl Marx philosophy war
The year 2020 ... Trial of Socrates .
Physics & Math
Politics & Law
Atomic social laws
Janet Reno - Renormalization group Equations
Modern law concepts
Supreme Court decision Roe VS Wade - - > L. G. Wade, JR textbook .
The DNA living Constitution of the United States. The 4th of July
The living Constitution of the United States defends itself using atomic, biochemistry, mathematics, and symbolic life formats .... as symbolic warriors.
The UWM terrestrial magnetism criminal trial with University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Caltech X-MEN, Logan , and the Brotherhood of Mutants
Gabby Giffords gravity battle
L. Ron Hubbard and book Battlefield Earth.
L. Ron Hubbard and his secret atomic brain electron circuit signal
Brain computer GOOVOO voodoo numbers
Malcolm H. MacGregor explains
Richard Dawkins explains the Mau Mau
Tenzin Gyatso as the square root of 200
Signaling Events
The 23 chromosome pairs report on the MURDER of Boy Scout ... Sam Hengel
The Liege EVENT ---> Signal processing ROC of DeBroglie wavelength
The Virginia TECH April 16 ROC supersymmetry
Social Sciences
Solar System
Asia and the Solar System
China. . . . . and COMPUTER EARTH system 370
Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth
Georgia Okeeffe explains the OSSETI, Georgia conflict
Mathura-Kasganj Express and base 16 battle casualties
Milky WAY computer science battle
Solar System code word.... Russia
Solar System government of Nature and Sartre existentialism
The deletion of the Norway IMS biological data base CHILD records.
The Russian army in the COMPUTER EARTH ... Afghanistan war
The SETI Institute aliens.
The SYMBOLIC ORIGIN of the Universe
Symbol Machines
Cavemen and Boltzmann gas experiments in Las Vegas
Cavendish Labs --> Agatha Christie and book: The CLOCKS
Deep Space Nine
Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - the English language and the ETHER brain war
Fermi Dirac VS Fermi Direc
K-theory class warfare
Karl MaRx → Rx Highway 41
Morse Code to Norse Code
Virginia Tech ROTC ..... ROC vector battle
Dimensional reduction of the university student body with shell-degrees
EARTH battle of neutrinos - - -> Nebraska Omaha
Fort Hood --> the Big Bang singularity battle
Symmetry physics and Syria
Syria and Symmetry physics
The dark matter battle in West Allis with Police Chief JUNG
The neutrinos super-symmetry physics battlefields: Norway and Nebraska.
The TACHYON battle
The Texas Superstring theory battle at Fort Hood
Waco Law school
WIMPS = WISCONSIN Milwaukee Public Schools
Z101 - Science RD reports
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