Norway - OSIRIS of Os = Oslo death
Post date: Mar 8, 2020 1:40:50 AM
RD-blog-675 by Herb Zinser
The worldwide OSIRIS project
. . . . the project milestones
.......sequence of death climax
at Utoeya Island.
The Os = Oslo Osiris secret
of European citizen cults.
Nature and the modern social science conflicts of civilization
The Utoeya tragedy helps explain
the secret languages of the world.
RD-blog-675 by Herb Zinser
The worldwide OSIRIS project . . . . the project milestones .......sequence of death climax at Utoeya Island.
The Os = Oslo Osiris secret
- -> European citizen bio-computer cults silent
about Osiris , Egypt, and the
Anwar Sadat bio-computer murder cover-up....
ANWAR --> An --> Alpha/numeric war casualty.
- Anwar Sadat
- أنور السادات
Anwar Sadat in 1980.
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
formerly President of the United Arab Republic
In office
Acting:28 September 1970 - 15 October 1970
15 October 1970 – 6 October 1981
Prime Minister
Vice President
Preceded by
Succeeded by
OSiris - Death and institution as god of the dead:
Perhaps the only pagan god for whom there is a resurrection is the Egyptian Osiris. Close examination ...
Appearance - Early mythology - Mythology - Judgment Anubis - Wikipedia, the free The Egyptian god Anubis (a modern rendition inspired by New Kingdom tomb ...
Osiris, Egyptian god of the underworld and of vegetation
It was this legend that accounted for Osiris's role as a god of the dead and ruler of the Egyptian underworld. He was associated with funerary rituals, at first only ...
Ancient Egypt: the Mythology -
A god of the earth and vegetation,
Osiris symbolized in his death the yearly drought and ...
He was a god-king who was believed to have given Egypt civilization....
Osiris (Egyptian god)
Sep 4, 2011 – OSIRIS.
Real Name: Osiris. Identity/Class: Egyptian god.
Occupation: Ruler of the Egyptian Gods, God of the dead and fertility, Former Pharaoh ...
Ancient Egyptian Gods: Osiris -
Depiction: Depictions of Osiris showed the god
... Ancient Egyptian religious texts describe Osiris as the god of the dead with the ...
Osiris - King Tut
God of Death, the Dead, the Underworld and Rebirth. The Temple
Statue of Osiris. The Egyptian God Osiris - Creation and Relatives. Description & Depiction ...
Osiris -
Ancient Egyptian Gods - The Children's University of Manchester
Osiris. ... religious texts known to us refer to him as the great god of the dead, who once possessed human form and lived upon earth. ...
super-symmetry physics and parallel EVENTS ... gives the modern version
Oslo .... religious texts known to us refer to him (Norway and Europe) as the great god of the dead, who once possessed human form and lived upon earth.
We see Nature and the project plan of OS.iris ........and the timeline of DEATH experiments approved by citizen community bio-computer groups that worship the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness world......known as the underworld of the living humans whose brain symbolic processor is dead. The movie "Dawn of The Living Dead' around year 1980. ...accurately outlined the potential problem situation.
It takes individual effort and curiosity to keep the brain active with math, physics, and molecular cell biology concepts. Twitter, Facebook, sports, movies, etc. are not considered brain activity......but governments and parents approve of misuse and abuse of Nature's abstract symbolic projects for the Central Nervous System 370 data processor.
This vast group of the Jung collective unconsciousness comprised of living humans with a dead abstract, symbolic brain. Their thinking is reliant upon the ancient long-range neurotransmitters that are forbidden in the modern world; but Europeans and Americans could care less about Central Nervous System 370 brain computer laws.
Thus we have the neurotransmitters (or equivalent body languages, etc.) and the transmission of secret social science, political science, and economic nonsense plans. The music group RADIO HEAD and other groups (and book authors) provide many accurate clues to the Darwinian evolution of brain electron circuits and their parallel to copper wire television and radio. Universities have had their BIG manipulation SECRET disclosed.......and how marketing and advertising tricks can cause confusion to some of the audience with less developed symbolic brains.
Category: Talking Heads songs - Wikipedia, the free Pages in
category "Talking Heads songs".
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). ...
Talking Heads were an American new wave and avant-garde band formed in ...
Thus the Wisconsin agricultural signal in new American wave (wave mechanics at Lake Superior) and the avant-gradeband (Mr.husBAND) with the EARTH LAB tragic message.
DATCP Secretary Nilsestuen (Talking Head ..... new wave TEST at Lake Superiority)
Drowns In Lake Superior - Madison
Jul 22, 2010 – Sources close to the family confirmed that DATCP Secretary Rod Nilsestuen drowned in Lake Superior Wednesday afternoon. Nilsestuen's ...
Rod Nilsestuen, state DATCP head, drowns in Lake Jul 22, 2010 – Rod Nilsestuen,
state DATCP head, drowns in Lake Superior.
Rod Nilsestuen, 62, Secretary of the
Department of Agriculture,
Trade and Consumer Protection (Rackets),
drowned while swimming in Lake Superior
on Wednesday, July ...
The University of Wisconsin in Madison has no interest in such complex aspects of existence.
Thus Highway 26 bypass and the consumption of farm land ......and the TALKING HEADS of Madison can think about their influential role in the death of the
DATCP secretary Nilesestuen...algebra subset gives
......CP secret of death with
UW-Madison Physics -
University of Wisconsin Madison Nov 19, 2008 –
Among the most powerful tools for
uncovering new CP ...[PDF]
FEATURES - Physics Department - University of Wisconsin-
From the Editor-Greetings to Physics Alums & Friends. 2
... CP Violation and ...
Rod Nilsestuen, DAT...CP
Rod Nilsestuen,
The University social sciences,etc like to play dumb .....and conceals the DATCP Nilesesteun accidental atomic ERROR (Science WAR casualty) ..... ......the Margaret Mead atomic anthrolopgy SIGNAL Processing DATA CP violation data of the ROC = Region of Convergence.
Another example of category "Talking Heads songs".
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
Then take the 26 pages and look at the 26 proton.. atomic English language 26 letters of ferrous oxide IRON atom....
.at the atomic iron Hemoglobin protein RD center
...EARTH LAB label --> Fer = FermiLAB and they will explain the ancient North Pole magnetic field ...brain message processing ferry system known to NORWAY. Then FermiLAB can go to HAM RADIO operators to learn about modern gene communication abilities.....with Gene --> Genetic General HAM for the DNA military nucleotides T,A,G and the pen.TAG.on.
The 26 pages ....of Computer EARTH atomic alphabets (letters 26) gives us
Computer EARTH RAM --> RamPage abend/error report with 13 dead as predicted by M-theory physics...the 13th letter of the atomic English alphabet. Thus we see ..from year 1632 the book message from Galileo.....2 Chief World Systems ......such as 13 dead + 13 alive = 26.
Thus FermILAB and the Office of Science and OSLO university 1 WORLD SYSTEM deny the existence of the 2nd World System......hence the HIerarchy Problem in atomic human brain arrogance.......and consequently the Manhattan project physic error signal of SEPT 11, 2001 and the Galileo ....
2 Towers of the WORLD TRADE CENTER of Mass ......high-in-the-sky astronomy battle.
Then FermiLAB theorists in Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology can take the 26 pages of TALKING HEADS and go to a DNA nitrogenous base .....military DNA site as FORT HOOD Soldier READ Center and study new VIRGIN(ia) TECH biochemistry with Major N (symbolic nitrogenous agent) Hasan .......
then go to year 19 56...the Hungary uprising ...and look at the EVENT HORIZON attributes:
- the human iron Hemoglobin protein... iron atomic mass rounded to integer 56
- the involvement of RADIO FREE Europe
- then read year 1910 Russell/Whitehead book "Principia Mathematica to 56 "
- eu.ROPE the precursor to the atomic life of string theory physics
then in year 2009/2010 ..... get General Ham from Europe and bring him to TEXAS to help the University of TEXAS in Autism in Austin with their advanced biased, incomplete DNA analysis of REALITY.
Texas gene theorist like the Gene Audrey cowboy television/movie performance at Fort Hood..... ...the Genetic GENE AUDRY western style shootout with the Shakespearean player gene/biochemistry MAJOR .....Major Hasan.
Modern William Shakespeare .....for DARPA advanced studies in awareness...self-awareness ...
with "The WORLD is a stage(Fort Hood) and we are the players (Dallas Cowboys with Major Hasan)'.
The TEXAS The restaurants of Austin, Dallas, Houston provide students,professors, and corporation leaders with the symbolic food for thought......and their Hollywood style newspaper explanations of events. The surface veneer description of an event is accurate (date, time, place, victims, etc). Their understanding of the Margaret mead atomic /astrophysics social anthropology continuum is limited to the BEDROOM level of mental effort.
We continue with neurotransmitter ERRORS as revealed by the nicotine / acetylcholine SMOKE SIGNAL wars.
For example, the euro (subset word of neurotransmitters)
....the euro monetary system and euro social engineering errors.
In ancient times, Nero ...neurotransmitters burned ROME in year 64 AD --> in the brain bio-computer war with double-word signal 64 = 32 + 32 regarding a data processing double-cross (treason). › wnet › secrets › great-fire-rome-background
May 29, 2014 - Though the infamous emperor Nero ruled Rome for less than two decades, ... under control; then the fire reignited and burned for another three. › rome
Eye witness account of the fire that consumed Rome a › news › did-nero-really-fiddle-while-rome-burned
Nov 20, 2012 - The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Nero was rumored to have sung about the destruction of Troy while watching the city burn; however, he …
Nero's Rome burns. The great fire of Rome breaks out and destroys much of the city on this day in the year 64. Despite the well-known stories, there is no evidence that the Roman emperor, Nero, either started the fire or played the fiddle while it burned. Still, he did use the disaster to further his political agenda.
That is brain computer address range from 0 to 63 ......hence in year 1963 the repeated NERO signal 64 (1963 and 1964) message for DP = Data Processing with OS/JCL --> DP OS --> Death President (Kennedy) OSWALD. Who will work with better understand the situation and publish the more accurate details of the assassination equation:
assassination =
a + ssa + ssin -->
a = america
ssa = IMS segment search argument
ssin = ss instruction format.
The city of BAL = Basic Assembler Language ...know as BALTIMORE and John Hopkins University have many experts in computer science....especially in brain memory computer science of canni.BAL.ism....the harvesting of old people brain memory...known to bio-physics as the modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology Hunters, Gathers, and Harveters ...atomic brain subroutines that work inside the brain. Thus Baltimore, the Baltic region, and the Balkans (1994 Yugoslavia war) have different formats of BAL death.......all conveniently ignored by scientists under control of university guidelines. › wiki › IBM_Basic_Assembly_Language_and_succ...
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
Another example, of secret language tricks is the year 2011 GREEK economic crises....which involves the GREEK alphabet symbols and the economic abilities of symbolic life comprised of the math, physics,and chemistry symbols.
Cavendish Labs and other universities think is very funny to insult and disrespect symbols.
They will not help understand the language problems and the language WAR casualties ...such as the Virginia Tech English Department relationship to the ENGLISH language DEATH Sentence.
S.I Hayakawa, in book " Language in Thought and Action' explained this. Thus we see the LIVING WORD in action the Virginia TECH English department manipulations racket and the
the State of TEXAS university school system with the TEXAS english DEATH SENTENCE at the Fort Hood Soldier READ Center........the READ TEXTBOOK .....parallel to the 1963 Texas School BooK depository role in Kennedy shooting. What is the nonsense taught in TEXAS?
Texas universities like to play dumb....lawyers for the murdered soldiers ought file lawsuits against the University of Texas, Austin.......requiring them to help explain their secret English language DEATH SENTENCE of the Texas State government's assembly and its assembly program instructions for human brain computers. Their lack of interest in helping to explain the SCIENCE WAR equivalent to a confession of neglect in year 2011.
Why their code of silence? .
Texas still won't explain the 1963 murder of President Kennedy by OS/JCL bio-computer CAD agent OSwald. The bio-computer TEXAS assembly (legislature) was succesful in the brain assembly programming of the brain computer of OSwald ...with the bio-computer instructions.
DP = Data Processing region of
DP = Dealey Plaza with the computer science police
DP = Dallas Police.
Dealey Plaza and the ... -
The Kennedy Assassination Home Step into Dealey Plaza, and you feel you are on sacred ground. .... It's supposed to prove that Kennedy was hit in the head by a shot from the Grassy Knoll. ...
The Biggest Secret Forum - Photo album - The Kennedy ...the biggest secret
/kennedy_zapruderThe Kennedy murder:
The Zapruder footage and frame analysis, proving the driver fired the fatal shot! ... When the car slows down after the first shot, the agent moves forward and back, resulting ... Kennedy driving through Daley plaza, waving ...
The Zapruder
footage and frame analysis.
The Zapruder
The Zapruder
The Zap
The Zap
The Zap
footage and frame analysis.
footage and frame analysis.
Foot ….
System 370
main frame analysis
With Maine and
the I/O port of Portland
footage and frame analysis.
footage and frame analysis.
Foot ….
2-legs walking… data entry into
geography atomic land ……
land/soil as data entry keyboard
Ask Plano Texas about project PLAN O.
PLANO is well known for its computer science analysts.
Ask any university computer science department about their special subliminal MIND...BRAIN computer programs to control behavior, commit crimes, etc.......using time delayed programs. The program is implanted into the brains ....for TASK initiation in ..... say 2 years in the future.
The language programmers get a TRILL out of setting up others....with stupid brain instructions. The newspaper crime reports 2 years later provide the feedback signal. It's an interesting scheme.....that citizens enjoy. In the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology class on is frowned upon.
Let's look as the DEATH timeline of the OS/JCL CAD = Computer Aided Design of human CAD = Cadavers using
OS/JCL = OSiris JOB CONTROL Language.
OSLO and European intellectuals remain silent; they are are so elite ....they can't communicate with mere mortals about the SCIENCE WARS.
God of Death, the Dead, the Underworld and Rebirth. The Temple
Osiris, lord of the dead. His green skin symbolizes re-birth.
God of the afterlife
Statue of Osiris.
The Egyptian God Osiris -
Creation and Relatives. Description; Depiction ...
Osiris -
1963--> President Kennedy killed
by OSiris agent OSWALD
1963--> the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Alabama
.......over the Base 16 hexadecimal computer wars
1974 - OSiris at OS agent = Oklahoma State Universe
Karen Silkwood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Estate of Karen Silkwood v. Kerr-McGeeý: Silkwood's father and children filed a lawsuit against Kerr-McGee on the behalf of ... of the longest civil trial in Oklahoma history, ... of Silkwood's death as well as the Kerr-McGee ...
Oklahoma State University – Stillwater
Oklahoma_State_University – Stillwater Cached - Similar
Karen Gay Silkwood (February 19, 1946 – November 13, 1974) was an American labor union activist and chemical technician at the Kerr-McGee plant near Crescent, Oklahoma, United States. Silkwood's job was making plutonium pellets for nuclear reactor fuel rods. She died under mysterious circumstances after investigating claims of irregularities and wrongdoing at the Kerr-McGee plant
Kerr metric - Wikipedia,
In addition to two Killing vector fields (corresponding to time translation and axisymmetry), the Kerr vacuum admits a remarkable Killing tensor. There is a pair of ...
Mathematical form - Gradient operator - Frame dragging - Important surfaces
Surface gravity - In astrophysics, the surface gravity may be expressed as log g, which is ...
Killing vectors in the Kerr Metric Physics › Special & General RelativityCached
Question about Killing vectors in the Kerr Metric Special & General ... Killing surface gravity for a Kerr black hole, Astrophysics, 22 ...
Thus we see that Karen Silkwood....was buried in astrophysics EARTH LAB ... black soil in a cemetry /a black gound grave hole .....known as a Kerr black hole.
Grave = Gra + ve = Gravity Vector (perhaps Viking math vectors from Norway)
Karen Gay Silkwood
→ wood→ cellulose BOTNAY
(February 19, 1946 – November 13, 1974)
was an American labor union activist › canning-vegetables
Aug 31, 2019 - Canning vegetables is perfect for the beginner. Fresh veggies from your garden (or farmer's market) retain higher nutrition, and canning is a ... › water-bath-canning
Boiling water bath canner or a large, deep saucepot with a lid, and a rack; Glass preserving ... and paring knife; Quality ingredients (fresh fruits and vegetables); Jar lifter; Home canning ... Pre-heat your Ball® canning jars in hot (180°F) water.
Sun Prairie Canning Co. - Wisconsin Historical Markers › 2015/04 › sun-prairie-cannin...
Apr 11, 2015 - Google Map Sun Prairie Canning Co. also known as the. Fuhremann Canning Company. Established in 1900 for local farmers looking for a … › Records › NationalRegister
Sep 15, 2004 - Historic Name: Fuhremann Canning Company Factory. Reference ... City/Village: Sun Prairie ... Architect: Stegerwald Lumber Company
and chemical technician at the Kerr-McGee plant near Crescent, Oklahoma, United States. Silkwood's job was making plutonium pellets for nuclear reactor fuel rods.
She died under mysterious circumstances
after investigating claims of irregularities and wrongdoing at the
Kerr-McGee plant
Kerr-McGee plant
Kerr-McGee plant
………. Green plant (vegetable)
……… 100 years war
(Battle of Water100 repeated ) › wiki › Perry_Mason_(TV_series)
Perry Mason is an American legal drama series originally broadcast on CBS television from September 21, 1957, to May 22, 1966. The title character, portrayed ...
No. of episodes: 271 (list of episodes)
--> 1981 Anwar = Atomic number / alpha numeric .WAR ....
particle physics and the Margaret Mead atomoic anthropology conflicts.
Assassination equation Egypt --> (E = mc2) + Gy (gravity) + Pt (pointer)
Anwar Sadat Assassination - Why and How Egypt's Anwar Sadat ...middle east.
Oct 6, 2008 – Understanding the details behind the Anwar Sadat assassination in
Cairo on Oct. 6, 1981, by a Muslim brotherhood offshoot that would later be ...
Cairo on Oct. 6
Cairo on Oct. 6
Ca............... 6
Carbon atomic number 6 ordered the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anger expression
Cairo on Oct. 6, 1981 and the parallel
Cairo on Oct. 6, 1981
Cairo Illinois
…. on OC = Organic Chemistry
For further information on atomic/astrophysics continuum
...about atomic human events.....try to communicate with:
Questions About Physics - Inquiring Minds
Aug 28, 2002 – Physics Questions People Ask Fermilab. Over the years, people have sent questions to Fermilab on subjects fromwhy the sky is blue to the ...
Monica Lewin.SKY and the blue SKY laws with astronomy matrix lawyer Ken Starr = Star array.
NOTE: FermiLAB does not have a monopoly on continuum knowledge.
In addition ANWAR represents the AN = Alpha/numeric Base 16 hexadecimal dimension of Sartre multi-faceted existentialism and its wars. Base 16 casualties were mentioned before.
Thus AN --> AN WAR ....
Norway ANWAR SADAT lies, cover-up and now again
Norway AN war ...with AN = Anders Behring Breivik
Will Norway, Denmark and Britain ever try to clean up their BULL-story explanations for world affairs. Their thought efforts......they try to do the minimum amount of deep thought and pondering. But they keep the secrets of DEATH out of the newspaper .....for many decades they have not printed details of the Kenndy murder..
In February 1992, the fighting escalated in South Ossetia, with sporadic Russian involvement. ...
Georgian–Ossetian conflict -
The Ossetian–Georgian tensions escalated into a 1991–1992 war which killed ...
South Ossetia - Wikipedia, The war left mostly Ossetian city Tskhinvali in ruins, ethnic Georgian ...
1994--> PC LU = Logical Unit killed by Ted OSWALD = Bio-Person Computer represented by Waukeska
.......Police Captain LU = advanced university experiment in brain computer programming that they screwed up. Waukesha is near Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16 Wisconsin, USA, Computer Earth.
1995 --> OS = Oklahoma State.....intellectual songs and dances
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia,
The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. It was the most ...
2007 --> OS = Omaha Shootng with 9 human data bits....
......8 data bits and 1 error checking parity bit killed on
....esda --> entry sequenced sata brain cell processor war
Police: Nine killed in shooting at Omaha mall, including Dec 5, 2007
– A 19-year-old gunman who killed eight people and then himself Wednesday at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, left asuicide note, ...
The note
from Hawkins, West Road mall is for the group with
Hawking, WEST Road DAMTP math/science departments at the University of Cambridge, England.
Britain has no problem ignoring North American messages.
2009 -->
OS/JCL --> OS.iris JOB CONTROL Language for base 16
Hex'AF' = 175 = AF.terlife test region for OSiris in
Hex'AF' = 175 = AF.Ghani.STAN with approval of the
.........American STANDARD of bio-physics in Batavia, Illinois(e)
Ethic standards at FermiLAB › bathroom › urinals
37 items - Pair your urinal with an American Standard Flush Valve for ultimate flushing performance and increased water savings. Ranging from 1.0 GPF to ...
- Pair your
urinal with an American Standard
The Oshkosh Corporation will build new all-terrain vehicles to serve in Afghanistan.
The company's stock soared 26 percent Wednesday because of the news.
The new troop-carrier is called a Mine-Resistant Armor-Protected vehicle or MRAP. It weighs 25,000 pounds and costs $500,000 to build, but its armor plating will protect American troops.
Oshkosh won the contract Tuesday and will build at least 2,000 MRAPs for the military.
Oshkosh Labors Under Army Truck Contract - Aug 8, 2011 –.
-->2011 OSiris visits Russia
Georgian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oct 14, 2011 – Situation tense in Georgia's invaded territory of South Ossetia. Georgia's invaded region of South Ossetia is on the edge of civil war. Situation is ...
Georgian Wars and Conflicts
Feb 12, 2011 – Several Civil Wars and Army rebellions have plagued Georgia since 1989 ...
Georgian-South Ossetian Border Clash (July-August, 2004)--16 ...
Russia and Georgia Clash Over Separatist Region -
--> 2011 OSiris visits Utoeya, OSLO, Norway ....... whose citizens are friends of DEATH...since NORWAY and Europe have not helped research the previous with a
high statistical-correlation in the
UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything with UTOE.ya and University of Oslo.
Thus we see the BAL region of Computer Earth...the Batic Sea countries.
BAL = Basic Assembler Language.
Egyptian God-Anubis
Cult Center: Thinis, Lycopolis, quickly spreading throughout Egypt. Attributes: Guardian of the Necropolis (cemetery). He was the guide of the dead as they made ...
Egypt: Anubis, God of Embalming and Guide and Friend of the Egypt: Anubis, God of Embalming and Guide and Friend of the Dead.
Thus the Norwegian national bio-computer assembly (legislature) and their brain bio-computer programming projects ought be more careful. The European universities that use BAL, Cobol, etc .....seem to have befriended the
BAL of em+Bal+ment.........another factor in the UTOEYA signal processing ROC = Region of Convergence.
For the
em = electromagnetic component of life ask
em = employees or Embassy physics diplomats ..about
em = embalment and modern life of math functions
funeral = fun + er + al = function error algebra.
Learn how to count like 1, 2, 3, 4 ...very difficult math for adults.
Further research needs to done; understanding these Sartre existences takes time and work.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER