OE = Order Entry violations of the OE --> OEDIPUS complex --> complex math life
Post date: Mar 5, 2020 8:48:12 PM
RD-blog-676 by Herb Zinser
Norway and the
OE = Order Entry violations of the
OE --> OEDIPUS complex --> complex math life
--> social rules for complex societies.
Eisenhower and his
military industrial complex variable math warriors
defeat European newspaper nonsense at Utoeya
Herb Zinser's analysis of WORLD WAR 3 --> C.P. SNOW to the year 2103 Science Wars
An accurate analysis of the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields. Mathematical-physics life within bio-physics HUMANS reveals the astonishing secret world war of the symbolic universe....as displayed by human behavior and thoughts. Shakespeare stated around year 1600..."The world is a stage and we are the players". In year 2013...the WORLD is a mathematical-physics stage and humans are atomic numeric actors....playing concept roles...like
President NIXON
representing N x N square matrix life on EARTH
Oedipus complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1805). In psychoanalytic theory, the term Oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, via dynamic repression, that ...
In psychoanalytic theory, the term
Oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious
Oedipus complex
Oedipus complex
Oedipus complex
Oedipus complex
Oedipus complex
Oedipus complex
Above, bio-math symbol
an --> anders B. and the European social science math war
Anders Behring Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik is the perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks.
In a sequential (sequential data sets) bombing and (atomic mass expression) mass shooting on 22 July 2011, he bombed government buildings in OS/JCL computer math war region of OSLO resulting in eight data bit deaths, then ... Wikipedia
The OE --> Order Entry system of OSLO and its OS/JCL
Born: February 13, 1979 (age 34), Oslo, Norway
Education: Oslo Commerce School (1995–1998)
Anders Behring Breivik and the
power series battle at Utoya
OSLO office building complex ……
Order Entry
atomic stone/ granite/ rock /
Clay brick ....
office building complexes
as atomic mathematical-physics sites
…. Computer Earth geology ….
Order Entry atomic stone/granite/rock ..,.. office building complexes
DIPlomat (Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman)
wife pussy …. secret code word
…………system engineering
OE + complex + dip + pus →
OE ...dip .. pus -->
OEdipus (penis HEAD of thought)
…. and
female face complexion
www.psychologytoday.com › blog › talking-apes › searching-evidenc...
Feb 15, 2018 -
During the time that children are working
through the Oedipus complex,
according to the theory, a particularly traumatizing experience is ..
S.O.S. Math - Complex VariablesComplex Variables | Matrix Algebra | Tables | CyberExam · CyberBoard (Help Forum). Loading. S.O.S. Math on CD.
Complex analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Complex analysis is one of the classical branches in mathematics with roots in the 19th century and just prior. Important names are Euler, Gauss, Riemann, ...
List of complex analysis topics -
Residue - Argument - Category:
Complex analysis
This is a textbook for an introductory course in complex analysis. It has been used for our undergraduate complex analysis course here at Georgia Tech and at a ...
--> Complex - School of Mathematics - Georgia Institute of
List of complex analysis topics -
Residue - Argument -
--> Georgia Civil War - Wikipedia
Civil War in Georgia …
Civil War in Georgia ...
Civil War in Georgia ...
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Georgia Gibbs model
in Sports Illustrated magazine ..
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Georgia Gibbs demo of
Civil War in Georgia …. Europe/Asia
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Georgia ..
Civil War in Geo rg i a ..
Geography region interface
(to) America (parallel expression region)
Civil War in Georgia …. Ossetia
Civil War in Georgia …. Ossetia
Civil War in Georgia …. ...set i a
Algebra set theory (2 or more sets)
Union ….. Georgia ….
Union of Georgia & Georgia
(EARTH geography class ….)
And Georgia Gibbs /
Sports → S ...Ports → System Ports
Flag of Russia 1991-1993.svg ... The Georgian Civil War consisted of inter-ethnic and intranational conflicts in the regions of South …
Ethnic conflicts - Civil unrest - Coup d'etat - "Zviadist" resistance Russia and Georgia Clash Over Separatist Region - NYTimes.comwww.nytimes.com...
Thus we have
Z = Zviadist math agents in
R = Russia radius of a circle of a complex math life power series ....... as in complex math life:
Ethnic conflicts - Civil unrest - Coup d'etat - "Zviadist" resistance Russia and Georgia Clash Over Separatist Region - NYTimes.comwww.nytimes.com...
Thus we have
Z = Zviadist math agents in
R = Russia radius of a circle of a complex math life power series ....... as in complex math
Oct 25, 2018 - When Nicholas Romanov was crowned czar of Russia in 1894,
Czar N … the math equation
C = coefficient
Z = complex number variable
A = fixed frame of reference value of Z ...sometimes
named Zo … Ground Zero ….
of the Manhattan Project battle
of Sept11, 2001
With the
Alan SoKal Hoax code
……..So…...Ho → SoHo District
of tricks and design schemes
…… in New York City
Thus, we see above, the political expressions of bio-math complex variables play out in Russia political OUTPUT message systems
---> Complex number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Complex numbers extend the idea of the one-dimensional number line to the ... The real number a of the complex number z = a + bi is called the real part of z ...
Complex Numbers and the Complex Exponential
The number a is called the real part of a + bi, and b is called its imaginary part. Traditionally the letters z and w are used to stand for complex numbers.
A graphical representation of complex numbers is possible in a plane (also called the complex plane, but it's really a 2D plane). The number z = a + bi ...
Complex Numbers
Thus the real component of z=4+3i is 4 and the imaginary component would be 3 . From this, it is obvious .
Radius of convergence - In mathematics, the radius of convergence of a power series is a quantity, either a ... of convergence is infinite if the series converges for all complex numbers z. .... z such that |z − a| = r is a circle called the boundary of the disk of convergence. ...
Math 122B: Complex Variables
Uniqueness of Taylor Series Math 122B: Complex Variables ...be a largest circle on which the power series converges. ... series converges for all |z − zo| < R, then R is called the radius of ...
be a largest circle
be a largest circle
be a largest circle
be a largest circle
……… Chicago Circle campus
Thus we have Taylor Street math building at the University of Illinois,
Chicago Circle campus in 1972
with student Mr.Z and professors Hamilton, Howard, Ragavan and others.
Supersymmetry physics with parallel processing regions[PDF]
Parallel Processing Considerations for Recognition Tasks
Feb 21, 2011 – Parallel processing by image region allows a larger imaging task to be sub- divided into a set of parallel pipelines, each performing the same ..
Parallel computing - Wikipedia, Within parallel computing, there are specialized parallel devices that remain niche areas of interest. While not domain-specific, they tend to be applicable to only ...
Used to modify/check the number of threads, detect if the execution context ...
Execution of Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia, the free execution of Saddam Hussein took place on December 30, 2006 (the first day of Eid-al-Adha). Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging, after being ...
Jan 3, 2007 – the execution of Saddam Hussein, convicted to
death by hanging (string theory physics applications to Margaret Mead atomic anthropology war) for his crimes against humanity. It doesn't appear to be ...
Treegion Scheduling for Highly Parallel Processors
gatech.edu/symposia/ by SBWAH Thomas -
programs for statically scheduled instruction-level parallel processors. Typically, an instruction scheduler partitions a program into regions and then schedules..
Complex - School of Mathematics and Pussy
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Georgia ….tit uterus ………..gynecology
Textbook for an introductory course in complex analysis by George Cain ...
Georgia Institute of Technology. Graduate Real Analysis ...
Show more results from gatech.edu Argument
(Complex Analysis) argument - (complex-analysis).
Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961
Military.............. Complex ........ .......... My fellow ...
Military ......trial
Military–industrial complex. From Wikipedia,encyclopedia.
President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about the MATH MILITARY using symbols, equations, and languages as weapons ...
The famous complex number BIO_MATH battle took place on television using math photons and facial complex --> Complexion.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon squared off in the first televised ... They also heralded the central role television has
continued to play in the ... bronzed complexion made him look like the picture of health compared to Nixon, but ...
NixoN laterr became the well-known bio-math N X N square matrix President during the EARTH VS = Vector Space battles represented by the geography region of VS = Vietnam South.
History - Origin of the term - Current applications - See also
Jul 16, 2011 – List of videos about argument (complex analysis) collected from many ... our undergraduate complex analysis course here at Georgia Tech and ...
Civil War in Georgia -
Russia and Georgia wrapped up a round of talks aimed at
easing tensions after a five-day war in
August over Georgia's breakaway region South Ossetia
Augusta........Georgia intellectual war zone
Augusta State University
Located in the second largest city in Georgia, Augusta State University is a ... College is more than academics - and ASU offers hundreds of extracurricular
Augusta........Georgia intellectual war zone
Aug …. State University (States of MIND)
Battle zone
College is more than academics -
and ASU offers hundreds of
extracurricular nonsense schemes and lies
Thus we see the Utoeya region with OE --> OEdipus complex...radius of convergence ...applied math with --> OE =OSLO, Europe.
OEdipus --> OE + dip --> Oslo, European diplomats ...
complex message waiting for complex societies
Background - Oedipal theoretic evolution -
Freudian theoretic revision - Criticism
Oedipal Complex - What Is an Oedipal Complex psychology
A term used by Freud in his theory of psychosexual stages of development to describe a boy's feelings of desire for his mother and jealously and anger towards ...
Definition: Oedipus Complex
oedipus.OEDIPUS COMPLEX: For Freud, the childhood desire to sleep with the mother and to kill the father. Freud describes the source of this complex in his ...
Mother Earth - Wikipedia, the free
Mother Earth may refer to: Mother Nature, a common metaphorical expression for the Earth and its biosphere as the giver and sustainer of life; Mother Earth ...
Father Time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allegorical Portrait of Elizabeth I with Old Father Time at her right in the background and Death at her left (dated around 1610). Father Time is usually depicted ...
Oedipus Complex - Changing minds and persuasion changing minds
Psychoanalysis › Concepts
The Oedipus Complex occurs as a process of transition in the child's life that must be successfully navigates.
Markov chain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Markov chain, named for Andrey Markov, is a mathematical system that undergoes transitions from one state to another, between a finite or countable number ...
Markov chains
Jan 9, 1996 – The controlling factor in a Markov chain is the transition probability, it is a conditional probabilty for the system to go to a particular new state, ...
Oedipus complex (psychology) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
OEdipus complex (psychology), in psychoanalytic theory, a desire for sexual
involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of rivalry ..
OE = Order Entry into a human
IMS bio-computer database with
Chapter B: Hierarchical Model
A hierarchical database consists of a collection of records which are connected to one ... one-to-many or one-to-one relationships exist
between a
parent and a child. ... via a simplified version of DL/I, the data-manipulation language of IMS. …
Supersymmetry Hierarchy Problems and Anomalous Horizontal by K Choi - 1996 - Cited by 69 - Related articles
Nov 11, 1996 – Abstract: It is suggested that various hierarchy problems in supersymmetric standard model, i.e. the Yukawa hierarchies, the \mu problem, and ...
Supersymmetric solution of gauge hierarchy problemby RK Kaul - 1982 - Cited by 16 - Related articles
hierarchy problem in grand unified theories by supersymmetry are presented. A general argument is developed to show how global supersymmetry maintains …
HIERARCHICAL DATABASE MODELParent-Child Relationship Type is basically 1:N relationship; The schema ... a single root; To represent M:N relationship in a hierarchical structure, we must allow duplication of child record instances. ... IMS DATABASE EXAMPLE. The PDBR ...
Thus ..what is the 1 N = Norway relationship to schema ???
Does Norway understand the basic hierarchy of the Universe and EARTH governmental structures?
Does Eu.ROPE known ROPE theory, string theory, and the single-threading Task Management project plan of Nature?
The delay of various intellectual projects by Europeans and Americans results in ERRORS such as Utoeya.
Oedipus Complex - courses.washington.edu
Oct 25, 2010 – Lecture Notes: The Oedipus Complex. I. The Five Libidinal Phases of a Child's Psycho-Sexual Development (See Handout: to view handout, ...
Oedipus complex: Definition from Answers.
The Oedipus Complex
Searches related to oedipus complex
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Oedipus explains the riddle of the Sphinx, by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, (ca. 1805).In psychoanalytic theory, the term Oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, via dynamic repression, that concentrate upon a boy’s desire to sexually possess his mother, and kill his father.[1][2] Sigmund Freud, who coined the term "Oedipus complex", believed that the Oedipus complex is a desire for the mother in both sexes (he believed that girls have a homosexual attraction towards their mother); Freud deprecated the term "Electra Complex", a term which was introduced by Carl Gustav Jung, although some books still erroneously attribute the term to Freud. The Oedipus complex occurs in the third — phallic stage (ages 3–6) — of five psychosexual
development stages:
(i) the Oral --> Orbital physics life,
ii) the Anal --> Wall street financial Analysis,
iii) the Phallic ...partial desire
A.J.'s Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links
(iv) the Latent, and
(v) the Genital — in which the source libido pleasure is in a different erogenous zone of the infant’s body .....thus the erogenous WAR ZONE in the baby/Babylon region with the U.A.ARMY Infant(try) soldier body
In classical, Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the child’s identification with the same-sex parent is the successful resolution of the Oedipus complex and of the Electra complex; his and her key psychological experience to developing a mature sexual role and identity.
Sigmund Freud further proposed that girls and boys resolved their complexes differently — he via castration anxiety, she via penis envy; and that unsuccessful resolutions might lead to neurosis, paedophilia, and homosexuality.
Complex differential equation - Wikipedia,
A complex differential equation is a differential equation whose solutions are functions of a complex variable. Constructing integrals involves choice of what path ...
Pauls Online Notes : Differential Equations - Complex Roots
The Saga of an American Family: Alex Haley …
www.amazon.com › Roots-American-Family-Alex-Haley
The Saga of an American Family [Alex Haley] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A new eight-hour event series based on Roots will …
Alex Haley → code name
Ale x → Algebra f(X)
are complex roots in the form . Now, recall that we arrived at the characteristic equation by assuming that all solutions to the differential equation will be of the ...
are complex roots in the form
are complex roots in the form
are complex roots in the form of female bio-math Roots
phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
Sep 9, 2014 - The basic idea of the
no-hair theorem is that the material properties of any object (referred to as "hair" because a physicist named John Wheeler ...
no-hair theorem (no roots) and the
inverse dimension theorem .....
Know-hair theorem with
Knowledge roots of
cotton bra algebra and
females as bio-math LAB specimens
Gorgeous Wet Bush and bio-math roots
www.britannica.com › biography › George-W-Bush
Feb 10, 2020 -
George W. Bush and
First lady (botany … fir spruce trees words)
Lady Bird Johnson (secret codes),
43rd president of the United States (2001–09),
Thus we see that the roots of people and their emotional problems arises from a LACK of mathematics courses in roots.
If psychologists gave their patients some math books with homeworks exercises, their mind would concentrate on serious bio-math issues .... and their mind would not the time to drift into nonsense realms of excessive emotional self-concern. Mental health needs a healthy math brain to properly calculate the REALTIES of life.
The ROOTS of EVIL ...... algebra equation roots can protect your mind from ALIEN roots. Nothing like a quadratic equation with 2 roots to help keep your BRAIN biochemistry double-helix SYMBOL MACHINE happy.
Hence, men and women who are fixated in the Oedipal and Electra stages of their psychosexual development might be considered “mother-fixated” and “father-fixated” as revealed when the mate (sexual partner) resembles the mother or the father.
In modern times ...we have data processing men and women fixated in the OE = Order Entry -->
OE = Oedipal Electra stages of Computer World.
For further information feel free to ask:
-The Norwegian Mathematical
The Norwegian Mathematical Society ... The society's address. The Norwegian Mathematical Society Boks 1053 Blindern N - 0316 Oslo Norway e-mail: ...
-EMS Homepage | The European Mathematical
It promotes the development of all aspects of mathematics in Europe (theory), in particular mathematical research, relations of mathematics to society, relations to …
-London Mathematical Society - Wikipedia,
The London Mathematical Society (LMS) is one of the UK's learned societies for mathematics (the others being the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) and the ...
-The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is an association of professional mathematicians
Otherwise CONTACT:
Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com