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Z100 - Project Plan Z
Alphabet war
Brain Alphabet hunters
English language anthropology WAR - CLUES
DNA life of words & concepts
DNA FCC electromagnetic WAR
DNA genetics Clinical Trial - Benjamin Lewin
DNA TIME split problem
Intellectual Mysteries of DNA social engineering projects
Lincoln's DNA nitrogenous base --> Four score and seven years ago .
Military expressions with David Petraeus
Monica Benjamin Lewin Sky & Telescope magazine
Pentagon .....DNA military nucleotide warriors
The Rothschild German Landgraves ... Earth langauge
Iron language
Coyote ART Fair and the the FLAT IRON building in Chicago
FALK iron gear insurance study
FermiLAB defeated in IRON blood battle
IRON expression agent - The IRON LADY - Margaret Thatcher
Norway + the IRON Lady + Poland Solidarity IRON Shipyards
The iron atom AND the North Pole magnetic field 11 degree angle on Sept 11,2001.
The Iron Lady explains
Language wars
Lewis Carroll ... British World War 2
Sherlock Holmes and Penn State university
The Inverse Universe - messages for Cambridge University
The Symbolic Origin of the Universe before Cambridge University
Optical battles
Lewis Carroll language battles
Snell's Law battle
Radio battles
Carbon 14 radio broadcasts of the 14th Dalai Lama ... from Madison / DeForrest Wisconsin orm Botany
Dane County Madison Wisconsin
Nature's Systems
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth )
Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)
The cannibal galaxy attack on PRIME MINISTER Margaret Thatcher
The inverse astrophysics VIEW of the Astrophysics (EARTH LAB) Salt Bridge of the Pacific Ocean with CALTECH
Advanced theory of ionization constants of acids and their FORT HOOD conjugate base with SECRET(ary) of Defense Gates.
Africa and Algerian Algebra class
Atomic social projects ... Lucifer and Dante's Inferno.
Dr. Robley D. Evans explains atomic social sciences
European engineering vector ( i, j, k ) war
Margaret Mead and the electron information orbitals 2, 4, 6
Milwaukee policeman Norberg wounded in Milwaukee Milnor number math battle
Modern atomic politics
Nature's military tools
Nature's wave mechanics battles
Norway n-space
OE = Order Entry violations of the OE --> OEDIPUS complex --> complex math life
Oxalic acid (the cleaning agent) at Virginia TECH
Princess DiaNa and the NaCl salt molecule treaty
The electron shell war . The K,L,M, N energy level SCIENCE WAR
The K, L, M Principle Quantum Number atomic anthropology war report.
The Milwaukee bio-physics electromagnetic WAR.
The Quantum TIME MACHINE - Computer Earth
Virginia TECH ROTC and ROC super-symmetry battles
Wisconsin's Einstein's FIELD Theory physics war
World War I - Principle Quantum Number War
Zino Particle Physics continuum
Avogadro & Zwitterion
Avogadro's 23 Senate Banking Committe members
Avogadro's number in Los Angeles
DR. Watson explains the Red Headed League
Master of Ceremonies ...Escherichia Coli - - -> M. C. Escher
MP13 --> Manhattan Project and the E.coli M13 MP vector tragedy of Sept 11
Psalm 23 Scripture
Botany religion
Atomic Spinach and Spinoza
Tree BUDS and the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
Food wars
Quantum physics - the quantum flavors ..... atomic anthropology WAR
Inverse existences
The Inverse Universe
The Inverse Universe and the Inverse of Cambridge University
EARTH LAB: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnetic Field Laboratory battle with 2 Milwaukee police officers
North Pole Magnetic field war - introduction
The BORG and the North Pole magnetic field WAR
The Earth's magnetic field interacts with the Feet scale and Fe = iron atom strcutures
Nature's military
Chemistry Lewis DOT structure represented by Fort Lewis.
Dipole Moments of polar molecules
DuPage County .... COMPUTER EARTH page failure
Galileo base 16 battle reports - the modern astronomy WAR
Matrices and Lie algebra battles
Tensor space/time battle of Sept 11,2001
The Earth government and the SALT TREATY b
The Fort Hood base ionization constant K = Killeen,
The NORTH POLE Magnetic Data Field WAR
Valence-shell electron repulsion VSEPR battle
String Theory
CALTECH ... Chocolate & sugar molecule string theory
North Pole magnetic field ..... information strings ... BATTLE
Sterling Hall Bombing (Part 2)
The Galileo Super-string from year 1632 to April 16,32 dead
Type II super-string battle at Virginia TECH
University of Wisconsin string theory WAR
Time & Space
Astrophysics (EARTH LAB) DNA Time Flies --> The TIME insects WAR
British brain computer - 24 hour clock TIME Failure
Cavendish Labs TIME mystery
DNA time
Fort Hood TIME military base
Greenwich Mean Time and the nasty / mean TIME WAR
The Marquette I-43 TIME interchange battle with Dr WHO , Aldrich chemical. and Aldrich Ames
The quantum TIME MACHINE
The Time Machine - Computer Earth and brain computer
Time battles AND the Salt and Pepper Shaker WAR
Time Insects
Time Machine battles explained by HG Wells
TIME Machine year 2000 DNA project - - - > Y2K Biological Clock
Time war --> Time flies --> the Time insects war
Project Z
Ideas & codes
Curiosities of the UNIVERSE
The Chicago Polish GODZIN Particle Physics
The Symbolic Origin of the Universe
Project Plan Z - Part 1
Project Plan Z
ZINJAN archeology / anthropology
Zino particle physics
Atomic anthropology battles
Atomic anthropology secrets of Enrico Fermi and FermiLAB.
Chicago Polish Americans and the Flat iron building
George Orwell 1984
Philosophy & Theology
Evolution of atoms into humanoid strutures
Pope Benedict XVI Base 16 computer religion
Z100 - Project Plan Z
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