
Talks at conferences, seminars and workshops


  1. Singapore, June, Stein's method: the golden anniversary

  2. Karlsruhe, Germany, April, Seminar talk: Stein operators and applications (slides)

  3. Banff, Canada, April, Advances in Stein’s method and its applications in Machine Learning and Optimization (online)


  1. London, UK, CMStatistics (online) (slides)

  2. London, UK, December, RSS workshop on “Stein’s Method in Computational Statistics” on Wednesday 8 December (online). Tutorial talk (slides).

  3. Nancy, France, July, Informs. Cancelled.

  4. Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Probability and Statistics Seminar

  5. Banff, Canada, April. Advances in Stein’s Method and its Applications in Machine Learning and Optimization. Cancelled.

  6. One world probability seminar -- invited talk


  1. Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020 -- poster online.

  2. Oxford, UK (invited short course) -- online.

  3. London, UK, ERCIM. Cancelled.

  4. Lille, France, December (invited seminar talk) -- online -- slides.

  5. Karlsruhe, Germany November (invited seminar talk). Cancelled.

  6. Liège, Belgium, Meeting of RBSS. Cancelled.

  7. Dublin, Eire, March (invited seminar talk). Cancelled.


    1. London, UK, ERCIM, December, (invited speaker)

    2. Manchester, UK, October, (invited seminar talk)

    3. Palermo, IT, July (session organiser and invited speaker)

    4. Singapour, 12-25 Juin, Stein’s method and related topics (invited speaker)


    1. Pisa, Italy, 14 - 16 December, CMStat (invited speaker)

    2. Macau, China, 8-11 December, Workshop on Stein's method and related topics (invited speaker)

    3. Rennes, France, 1 Octobre, (invited seminar talk)

    4. Iasi, Romania, COMPSTAT 2018 (invited speaker)

    5. Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2018, Joint 2018 IMS Annual Meeting / 12th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics (invited speaker)

    6. Toulouse, France, 22 may (invited seminar talk)

    7. Paris, France, INRIA Mokameeting, 2 May (invited seminar talk)


    1. Bruxelles, October 2017, ECARES seminar (invited seminar talk)

    2. Gent, May 2017, Quetelet seminar (invited seminar talk)


    1. Sevilla, December 2016, ERCIM

    2. Leuven, November 2016 (invited seminar talk)

    3. Namur, October 2016, 24th meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society (Special "advanced" session organiser, Joint PHD talk and invited talk)

    4. Antwerp, June 2016, (invited seminar talk)

    5. Logroño (La Rioja), June 2016, BSL2016 (invited talk)

    6. Louvain la Neuve, February 2016, (invited seminar talk)


    1. Antwerp, October 2015, BSS Meeting (keynote speaker)

    2. Liège, September 2015, SRSL (invited talk)

    3. Brussels, September 2015, A path through probability in honour of F.Thomas BRUSS (invited talk)

    4. Amsterdam, July 2014, European meeting of Statisticians (invited talk)

    5. Singapour, May 2015, Workshop on new directions in Stein's method (invited talk)

    6. Liège, May 2015, Comprehensible Seminar (seminar talk)


    1. Bucharest, Romania, December 2014: conference on stochastic analysis and applications (invited talk)

    2. Bristol, UK, November 2014, Seminar: "A canonical approach to Stein's method"

    3. Bruxelles, Belgium, August 2014, The 7th Brussels Summer School of Mathematics: (invited talk)

    4. Missilac, France, June 2014, International Colloquium on Stein's Method, Concentration Inequalities, and Malliavin Calculus (invited talk)

    5. Brussels, Belgium, May 2014, Workshop on Advances in Directional Statistics (invited talk)

    6. Liège, Belgium, March 2014, IAP seminar (invited seminar talk)

    7. UCL, Belgium, February 2014, weekly seminar (invited seminar talk)


    1. Nancy, France, October 2013, Workshop on Stein’s method and related topics (invited talk)

    2. Brussels, Belgium, October 2013, ULB maths department weekly seminar (seminar talk)

    3. Leuven, Belgium, June 2013, MathSport International (contributed talk)

    4. Bochum, Germany, June 2013, seminar: “Entropy, stein factors and the fourth moment phenomenon” (invited talk)


    1. Jerusalem, Israel, June 2012, IWAP 2012 (contributed talk)

    2. Liège, Belgium, June 2012, first joint meeting of the Belgian Mathematical Society (BMS), the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME) and the Luxembourg Mathematical Society (SML) (invited talk)

    3. Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg, May 2012, Probability Seminar (invited seminar talk)

    4. Lille, France, March 2012, Séminaire mensuel de statistique-économétrie à l'Université Lille 3 - Laboratoire EQUIPPE (invited seminar talk)

    5. Mainz, Germany, March 2012, 10th German Probability and Statistics Days (contributed talk)

    6. Nancy, France, January 2012, Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistiques (invited seminar talk)


    1. Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg, December 2011, Probability Seminar (invited seminar talk)

    2. Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2011, ULB-UCL seminar (invited seminar talk)

    3. Hasselt, Belgium, October 2011, 19th annual meeting of the belgian statistical society (contributed talk)

    4. Fort-Collins, Colorado, June 2011, Graybill 2011 (special invited paper).

    5. Bruxelles, Belgium, April 2011, ULB-VUB seminar (seminar talk)


    1. London, UK, December 2010, CFE10-ERCIM 10 (contributed talk)

    2. Madrid, Spain, July 2010, International Workshop on Applied Probability (contributed talk)

    3. Lille, France, May 2010, Séminaire mensuel de statistique-économétrie à l'Université Lille 3 - Laboratoire EQUIPPE (invited seminar talk)

    4. ORFE, Princeton, NJ, USA April 2010 (invited seminar talk)

    5. Leipzig, Germany, March 2010, 9th German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics (contributed talk)

    6. Lyon, France, Janvier 2010, Séminaire de probabilités, Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon 1 (invited seminar talk)

Before 2009

    1. Troyes, France, June 2009, International Workshop on Sequential methodologies (contributed talk)

    2. Bordeaux, France, May 2009, 45èmes Journées de Statistique (contributed talk)

    3. Brussels, Belgium, May 2008, FNRS Graduate School in Statistics and Actuarial Sciences (invited talk)

    4. Brussels, Belgium April 2008, Séminaire de Probabilités, ULB (seminar talk)

    5. Aachen, Germany, March 2008, 8th German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics (contributed talk)

    6. Antwerp, Belgium, October 18 to 20 2007, 15th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society (contributed talk)

    7. Hejnice, Czech Republic, September 2 2007, Robust and Nonparametric Statistical Inference (contributed talk)

    8. Frankfurt am Maine, Germany, March 14 to 17 2006, Frankfurter Stochastic-Tage 2006, Goethe University (contributed talk)

    9. Brussels, Belgium, September 12 2005, PhD-Day, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (contributed talk)

    10. La Roche-en-Ardennes, Belgium, October 10 and 11 2003, 11th Annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society (contributed talk)

Summer/Winter school

Oxford, November 2020, organized by Gesine Reinert : "Stein's method in Machine learning" (3 hours)

Bonn, October 2016, invited lecturer at RTG Summer-School organized by Peter Eichelsbacher. Topic: “IT meets Stein’s method” (12 hours)

Research stays of minimum one week

    1. Karlsruhe, Germany, November 2020, Invited research stay, host: Bruno Ebner (cancelled)

    2. Manchester, UK, October 2019, Invited research stay, host: Robert Gaunt

    3. Macau, China, September 2018, Invited research stay, host: Lihu Xu

    4. Rennes, France, September 2018: Invited research stay, host: Guillaume Poly

    5. Cambridge, UK, April 2018, Invited research stay, host: Richard Samworth

    6. Paris, France, June 2017, Invited research stay, host: Benjamin Arras

    7. Oxford, UK, June 2016, Invited research stay, host: Gesine Reinert

    8. Luxembourg, November 2015: Invited research stay, 1 week, host: Giovanni Peccati

    9. Rennes, France, May 2015: Invited research stay, host: Guillaume Poly

    10. Princeton, NJ, USA, November 2014: Invited research stay, host: Marc Hallin

    11. Bristol, UK, November 2014, Invited research stay, host: Olly Johnson

    12. Oxford, UK, November 2014, Invited research stay, host: Gesine Reinert

    13. Oxford, UK, April 2014, Invited research stay, host: Gesine Reinert

    14. Luminy, France, July 2014, Workshop on Limit Theorems in Dynamics and Applications

    15. Bochum, Germany, June 2013, Invited research stay, host: Christoph Thaele

    16. Princeton, NJ, USA, November 2012, Invited research stay, host: Marc Hallin

    17. Oxford, UK, September 2012, Invited research stay, host: Gesine Reinert

    18. Princeton, NJ, USA, May 2011, Invited research stay, host: Marc Hallin

    19. Zürich, CH, November 2010, Invited research stay, host: Andrew D. Barbour