
Google scholar profile

arXiv profile


  • Stein’s method and approximating the multidimensional quantum harmonic oscillator (with I. McKeague) - Code (Mathematica and R)

  • A note on one-dimensional Poincaré inequalities by Stein-type integration (with G. Gilles) - Code (Mathematica)

  • Stein’s Method Meets Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments (with A. Anastasiou, A. Barp, F-X. Briol, B. Ebner, R.E. Gaunt, F. Ghaderinezhad, J. Gorham, A. Gretton, C. Ley, Q. Liu, L. Mackey, C. J. Oates, and G. Reinert)

  • On infinite covariance expansions (with M. Ernst and G. Reinert)

  • Stein’s density method for multivariate continuous distributions (with G. Mijoule and G. Reinert)

Publications in peer reviewed journals

  • Distances between distributions via Stein's method (with M. Ernst) with supplementary material, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 35, 949–987 (2022) -- Mathematica Notebook

  • Simple variance bounds with applications to Bayesian posteriors and intractable distributions (with F. Daly, F. Ghaderinezhad, and C. Ley) ALEA, Vol. 18, 1845–1858 (2021)

  • Some new Stein operators for product distributions (with G. Mijoule and R. Gaunt) Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 34.4: 795-808 (2020)

  • Stein characterizations for linear combinations of gamma random variables (with B. Arras, E. Azmoodeh and G. Poly) Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 34.2: 394-413 (2020)

  • First order covariance inequalities via Stein’s method (with M. Ernst and G. Reinert) Bernoulli, 26.3: 2051-2081 (2020)

  • The adaptive sampling revisited (with M. Drescher and G. Louchard) Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 21.3 (2019)

  • An algebra of Stein operators (with G. Mijoule and R. Gaunt) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 469.1: 260-279 (2019)

  • A bound on the 2-Wasserstein distance between linear combinations of independent random variables (with B. Arras, E. Azmoodeh and G. Poly) Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129, 2341–2375 (2019)

  • Stein's method, many interacting worlds and quantum mechanics (with I. McKeague and E. Peköz) Bernoulli, 25.1: 89-111 (2019)

  • IT formulae for gamma target: mutual information and relative entropy (with B. Arras) IEEE transactions on information theory, 64(2), 1083-1091 (2018).

  • A stroll along the gamma (with B. Arras) Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 127(11), 3661-3688 (2017)

  • Distances between nested densities and a measure of the impact of the prior in Bayesian statistics (with C. Ley and G. Reinert). Annals of Applied Probability, 27(1), 216-241 (2017)

  • Efficient ANOVA for directional data (with C. Ley and T. Verdebout). Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Volume 69, Issue 1, 39–62 (2017)

  • Stein's method for comparison of univariate distributions (with C. Ley and G. Reinert) Probability Surveys 14, 1-52 (2017)

  • On the rate of convergence in de Finetti’s representation theorem (with G. Mijoule and G. Peccati). ALEA 13, 1-23 (2016)

  • A general parametric Stein characterization (with C. Ley). Statistics and Probability Letters 111, 67-71 (2016)

  • One step further: an explicit solution to Robbins' problem when n=4 (with R. Dendievel) [with notebook]. Mathematica Applicanda Vol. 44(1), 135–148 (2016)

  • Parametric Stein operators and variance bounds (with C. Ley). Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 30, 171-195 (2016)

  • Entropy and the fourth moment phenomenon (with G. Peccati and I. Nourdin). The Journal of Functional Analysis 266 (5), 3170-3207 (2014)

  • Maximum likelihood characterization of distributions (with M. Duerinckx and C. Ley). Bernoulli 20 (2), 775-802 (2014)

  • Integration by parts and representation of information functionals (with G. Peccati and I. Nourdin). IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2217-2221 (2014)

  • On Hodges and Lehmann's "6/pi result" (with M. Hallin and T. Verdebout). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 68, 137-153 (2014)

  • Stein's density approach and information inequalities (with C. Ley). Electronic Communications in Probability 18 (7), 1-14 (2013)

  • A note on the normal approximation error for randomly weighted self-normalized sums (with S. Hoermann). Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 67 (2), 143-154 (2013)

  • Local Pinsker inequalities via Stein’s discrete density approach (with C. Ley). IEEE transactions on information theory 59 (9), 5584-5591 (2013)

  • Optimal rank-based inference for spherical location (with C. Ley, B. Thiam and T. Verdebout). Statistica Sinica 23 305--332 (2013)

  • One-step R-estimation in linear models with stable errors (with M. Hallin, T. Verdebout and D. Veredas). Journal of Econometrics 172 (2), 195–204 (2013)

  • A stochastic analysis of table tennis (with Y. Dominicy and C. Ley). Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 27 (4), 467-486 (2013)

  • A stochastic analysis of some two-person sports (with D. Paindaveine). Studies in Applied Mathematics 127 221-249 (2011)

  • Rank-based testing in linear models with stable errors (with M. Hallin, T. Verdebout and D. Veredas). Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 23 305-320 (2011)

  • A continuous time approach to Robbins' problem of minimizing the expected rank (with F. T. Bruss). Journal of Applied Probability, 46 1-18 (2009)

  • A Matrix-Analytic approach to the N-player ruin problem (with F. T. Bruss). Journal of Applied Probability, 43 755-766 (2006)

  • The Schwarz-Christoffel transformation as a tool in applied probability (with F. T. Bruss). Mathematical Scientist, 29 21–32 (2004)

Working papers

  • Stein operators, kernels and discrepancies for multivariate continuous distributions (with G. Mijoule and G. Reinert)

  • Regularity of solutions of the Stein equation and rates in the multivariate central limit theorem (with T. Gallouët and G. Mijoule) (2018)

  • A new approach to the Stein-Tikhomirov method, with applications to the second Wiener chaos and Dickman convergence (with B. Arras, G. Mijoule and G. Poly) (2019)

  • Stein-type covariance identities: Klaassen, Papathanasiou and Olkin-Shepp type bounds for arbitrary target distributions (with M. Ernst and G. Reinert) (2019)

  • Stein's method on the second Wiener chaos: 2-Wasserstein distance (with B. Arras, E. Azmoodeh and G. Poly) (2016)

  • Rates of convergence towards the Fréchet distribution (with C. Bartholmé) (2013)

  • On a connection between Stein characterizations and Fisher information (with C. Ley). ECARES working paper (2011)

  • Discrete Stein characterizations and discrete information distances (with C. Ley). ECARES working paper (2011)

  • A unified approach to Stein characterizations (with C. Ley). ECARES working paper (2011)


  • Nombres de Catalan: alcool, ruine et probabilités (short article, in french). Colloquium Catalan, Université de Liège (2014)

  • Excursions le long de la Gaussienne (review article, in french). Proceedings of the Seventh Brussels Summer School of Mathematics (2014)

  • Inférence fondée sur les rangs dans les familles de lois alpha-stables. Proceedings of the 41èmes Journées de Statistique, SFdS, Bordeaux (2009)

  • A continuous time approach to Robbins’ problem and open questions. Proceedings of the International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies, Troyes (2009).

  • Notes from the second Brussels Summer of Mathematics (with C. Ley). Lecture notes, 37 pages (2009)

  • Notes of the Brussels Summer of Probability and Optimization (with C. Ley). Lecture notes, 36 pages (2008)

Thesis and memoirs

  • A contribution to the study of Robbins’ problem. Mémoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts, 60 pages (2011) -- prix de l'académie

  • On two unsolved problems in probability, Ph.D. thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles (June 2007)

  • On the three-player ruin problem, Master’s thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles (2004)

  • Geometric structures on complex manifolds and their intrinsic torsion, Diploma thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles (2002)

Editorial tasks

  • Comptes rendus des journées MATh.en.JEANS (avec J. Leroy, M. Ernst, E. Charlier éditeurs) (2018)

  • Comptes rendus des journées MATh.en.JEANS (avec J. Leroy, M. Ernst, E. Charlier éditeurs) (2017)

  • Notes de la cinquième BSSM (with N. Richard, C. Bartholmé, Y. Dominicy, T. Connor and L. Kidzinski editors). Lecture notes, 159 pages, ISSN 2034-466X (2013)

  • Notes de la quatrième BSSM (with N. Richard, G. Van Bever, C. Bartholmé, Y. Dominicy and C. Ley editors). Lecture notes, 171 pages, ISSN 2034-466X (2012)

  • Notes de la troisième BSSM (with N. Richard and C. Ley editors). Lecture notes, 91 pages, ISSN 2034-466X (2011)