Academic service


    • Since 2019: Elected Vice President of the Department INFORSCIENCES

    • Since 2019: Membre du comité de pilotage du bachelier en sciences mathématiques

    • 2019: Academic member of “groupe de travail sur la réforme de la Formation Initiale des Enseignants”

    • Since 2012: Head of the laboratory of General Mathematics at ULB’s Faculty of Medicine

At ULiège

    • 2017 - 2019: Secrétaire du jury de Master Mathématique

    • 2017 - 2019: Adjunct head of the Research Unit in Mathematics (URMathematics)

    • 2016 - 2017: Active member of the AEQES redaction committee

Editorial activity

At national level

    • Since 2017: Elected board member of the Royal Belgian Statistical Society

    • 2017 - 2019: Membre du jury pour l’Examen d’Entrée en Médecine et Dentisterie (ARES); responsable matière pour les mathématiques

    • 2016 - 2019: Delegate of ULiège in the jury of the FRIA (FNRS)

    • 2018 - 2020: President of the Belgian Mathematical Society

    • 2016 - 2018: Vice President of the Belgian Mathematical Society

    • Since 2016: Academic member of the “école doctorale thématique Stat Actu"

Thesis pannel

    1. Cécile Adam, KUL 2021, Advisor: Irène Gijbels "Flexible expectile regression and applications"

    2. Josea Rasoafaraniaina, ULB 2020, Advisor: Thomas Verdebout "Preliminary test estimation in uniformly locally asymptotically normal models" (President of the jury)

    3. Christine Cutting, ULB 2020, Advisor: Davy Paindaveine "Testing uniformity against rotationally symmetric alternatives on high-dimensional spheres" (President of the jury)

    4. Gauthier Dierickx, VUB 2018, Advisor: Uwe Einmahl “A general Darling-Erdös theorem and integral test for sums of independent and identically distributed random vectors in Euclidean space”

    5. Stéphanie Aerts, ULiège 2018, Advisor: Gentiane Haesbroeck “Robust multivariate dispersion measures” (President of the jury)

    6. Amit Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology, January 2018, Advisor: Neelesh S. Upadhye “Approximations related to some distributions of (k1; k2)-runs via Stein's method"

    7. Aysun Cetinyurek Yavuz, ULg, January 2017, Advisor: Philippe Lambert “Flexible Bayesian models for interval-censored survival data” (Secretary of the jury)

    8. Rémi Dendievel, ULB, October 2016, Advisor: F. Thomas Bruss “Sequential stopping under different environments of weak information”

    9. Andreas Anastasiou, Oxford, UK, June 2016, Advisor: Gesine Reinert “Bounds for the normal approximation of the maximum likelihood estimator”

    10. Isabelle Charlier, ULB and Université de Bordeaux, December 2015, Advisors: Davy Paindaveine and Jérôme Saracco “Conditional quantile estimation through optimal quantization”

    11. Sarah Dendievel, ULB, June 2015, Advisor: Guy Latouche “Skip-Free Markov Processes: Analysis of Regular Perturbations”

    12. Carine Bartholmé, ULB, May 2014, Advisor: Pierre Patie “Self-similarity and exponential functionals of Lévy processes”

    13. Géraldine Laurent, ULg, May 2014, Advisor: Cédric Heuchenne “From censored to cross-sectional data: non and semiparametric new developments”

    14. Vahid Nassiri, VUB, September 2013, Advisor: Ignace Loris “Robust Alternatives to Least Squares for Sparse Estimation with Applications”


    • Expert reviewer for Czech Science Foundation