Yuncheng (Arthur) Zhang,

a gameplay programmer and designer looking expand his understanding about computer science in game development. As a game developer, he is driven by a passion for conceptualizing and implementing innovative, out-of-the-box game mechanics. 


In his own time,  he makes 3D Models, play games and cook/mix drinks. 

Favorite games: Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Dark Souls I & III,  League Of Legends, Legends of Runeterra, Bioshock,  Borderlands II, Battlerite, Heroes of the Storm

Monomon MR

Role: Game Designer, Programmer

Tags: Mixed Reality, Multiplayer, Action

Tools: Unity

CMU ETC Semester 2 Project

Zifeiyu Rework

Role: (currently solo) Gameplay Programmer, Game Designer

Tags: 3D, Action, Hack-and-Slash

Tools: Unity

Iteration on the combat system 

子非鱼 [Untitled Fish Game]

Role: Game Designer, Technical Artist, Programmer

Tags: 3D, Action, Hack-and-Slash, Cooking

Tools: Unreal Engine, Blender, Audacity

Adventure of a doomsday fisherman/chef

Zap It!

Role: Programmer, VFX Artist

Tags: Oculus VR, Action, Building Virtual World

Tools: Unity

Defend your daughter from mosquitos with a sci-fi fly zapper

Once A Pot In Time

Role: Programmer, VFX Artist

Tags: Oculus VR, Action, Building Virtual World

Tools: Unity

T-Rex goes on a date with a cooking pot and makes a chicken soup by tossing ingredients into the boiling pot

Role: Game Designer, Technical Artist, Programmer

Tags: 3D, Action, Hack-and-Slash, Parkour

Tools: Unreal Engine, Blender, Mixamo

Plays as an alien assassin that traverse the battlefield with a grappling hook

Breakfast Bay

Role: Game Designer, Technical Artist, Programmer

Tags: 3D, Adventure, Underwater, Fishing

Tools: Unreal Engine, Blender, Audacity

You play as a submarine working as a fisherman in a coastal town named Breakfast Bay. 

Lucid Nightmare

Role: Game Designer, Technical Artist

Tags: Side-scroll Runner, Horror

Tools: Photoshop, Unity

Travel from one world to the other to escape/defeat your nightmares! 

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