Paper formatting

We accept science papers 3 to 10 pages long written either individually or by a group of authors.

The text of the paper must be carefully proofread and edited. The authors are responsible for the published material.

  1. The papers must be done in the Microsoft Word text processor.
  2. Language: Russian, German, or English.
  3. Page size: A4, portrait orientation.
  4. Page margins: 20 mm on all four sides.
  5. Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12 pt., single spacing.
  6. The paper title must be capitalized, bold font, centered.
  7. Last name and initials of the author(-s): one line below, capitalized, right-aligned.
  8. Next line: position, academic degree, and academic title (if any); below: FULL name of the organization (in nominative, if applicable), as well as country and city.
  9. English header: repeat the same information in English, if the paper is in Russian or German.
  10. One line below each other the following must be presented: an abstract in Russian and English languages no longer than 600 characters (including spaces) for each language, keywords (in Russian and English languages), and paper text. The text must be single spaced, indentation: 125 mm, justified.

Use brackets for in-text citations to references. The list of references is required. The list of references should be in alphabetical order, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R7.0.5-2008.


– page numbering;

– using automatic footnotes;

– using sparse or compacted letter spacing.

Paper template

You can download the template and go from there.

Paper Template.docx

RSCI information requirements

  • paper name (in Russian and English, bold, capitalized);
  • abstract (in Russian and English up to 50 words);
  • keywords (in Russian and English — 6-7 words);
  • last name, first name, patronymic name (if applicable), academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, institution address, e-mail (in Russian and English) (if there are several authors, each author has to provide their own details);
  • field of study of your paper; for example: Philology (10.00.00) etc.


If you have any questions regarding the Conference, you can send them to Tyukina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, head of the Foreign Languages Department of Yaroslavl State Technical University:, or to the Organizing Committee: