10 July 2021

With a return to WW3 combat style, RvB moved to a new map by UltraViolet, named Luavi, set in the south western Pacific Ocean. An interesting twist to this map was a series of mid-map islands with IFF2 AAA and SAMs.


The custom map was made by Ultraviolet (Waspe414) and can be downloaded on YSFHQ at this topic. The aircraft are modified GAC aircraft developed for this event by Crazypilot and Ultraviolet. You can download the pack on YSFHQ at this topic.


18 people joined in the action which was the highest count for an Red vs Blue combat event in YSFlight.

Lauvi features some beautiful terrain and ground objects.


Decaff42's python code helped reduce the time it took to score this RvB event. Decaff, Crazypilot and Ultraviolet were able to score the results quickly. One of the big assists was each participant saving and uploading their replay file of the event.

Notable Mentions!

  • Blue on Blue: Ultraviolet got hit by a friendly destroyer's rocket barrage

  • Cobruh: Jsu2 flew into UltraViolet after she performed a cobra

  • Redemption: Ping finally hit the runway

  • Revolving Door: Hornet was a late entry and was switched 3 times between Red and Blue in 25 minutes

  • Medieval Maneuvers: Kubson and Decaff42 killed each other twice with head-on missile shots

  • Frenemies: Viper64Alpha and TT flew in formation for 30 seconds without noticing

Viper64 (Blue) and TT (Red) accidentally flying in formation

Both teams developed strategies in their respective tactics channels on the YSFHQ discord channel. Thanks to the excellent intel map from UltraViolet, the teams made some high-quality planning maps

Red Team didn't spend much time developing strategies. Offline training didn't carry over well as the Blue fleet proved stronger than expected.

Blue Team developed intricate plans and several contingencies

Due to the last minute team swapping, Blue team attempted to provide disinformation to the Red Team with a false plan they developed. The Honorable Red Team bravely ignored all intelligence and proceeded with their plan.

Decaff made a minor modification to his Flight Log Python tool to get a crazy flight path trace from the 278 sorties the two teams generated.

Some screenshots from the event!

Step 1: VicViper attacks Blue Team's Fleet

Step 2: Destroyer shoots rockets at VicViper

Step 3: UltraViolet flies past Blue Fleet

Step 4: Destroyer kills UltraViolet

Wedge (HawkbitAlpha) performed the Tactical Inverted Takeoff.

We can't fight for an hour and not make some memes about it...

Wedge lamented Kubsons Air-to-Air skills