13 February 2021

This was the first time Red vs Blue took to the skies of World War 2 over the English Channel. Originally scheduled for 06 February 2021, it was delayed one week to finalize the map and aircraft that were specially created, modified and balanced for this event.

Propaganda Poster for Red Team by Greenhorn


The custom map was made by Ultraviolet (Waspe414) and can be downloaded on YSFHQ at this topic. The aircraft developed for this event were modified versions of select Allied and Axis aircraft from Taskforce58's Down In Flames pack by Crazypilot, Ultraviolet and Decaff_42. You can download the pack on YSFHQ at this topic.


18 people joined in the action which was the highest count for an Red vs Blue combat event in YSFlight.

Due to some late drops, the teams were not perfectly balanced from a numbers perspective.


Based on experiences from the last Red vs Blue event, Decaff_42 developed a python code to help score RvB WW2. This dramatically reduced the time to score the results. With the google sheet already developed from the last event, Decaff, Crazypilot and Ultraviolet were able to score the results in just over 48 hours. One of the big assists was each participant saving and uploading their replay file of the event.

Notable Mentions!

  • Sightseeing: Turbofan's recon flight lasted the entire match and he wasn't shot down once!

  • Survivor: Mobious lased 30 seconds with no fuel and 3 enemies chasing him over enemy Territory

  • How Rude: JSU spent half an hour climbing to altitude only to be shot down by CrazyPilot

Both teams developed strategies in their respective tactics channels on the YSFHQ discord channel. Thanks to the excellent intel map from UltraViolet, the teams made some high-quality planning maps

Some screenshots from the event!

Red Team launching at the beginning of the event

Swift launching in a P-47

Swift (P-80) about to crash into Ping (Me109)...Poor Ping.

Decaff (Do217) shooting down AlphaStar (Spitfire)

Decaff Bombing Blue Team's Dam

After-party with Red and Blue team