
We're going virtual!!!

Dear YRRSDS participants,

The long-awaited workshop dates are approaching. Despite the difficulties encountered because of the COVID-19 emergency, we worked to ensure the taking place of YRRSDS 2020, as we believe it is fundamental for our young research community to get in touch and exchange ideas. Therefore, we thank you all for participating and not missing the opportunity to fuel the research on Spoken Dialogue Systems.


For the online version of this YRRSDS edition, the workshop is going to be hosted on Zoom. A link to the room will be sent to you.

For the social events, for the Q&A sessions, and to easier get in touch with the other participants, we are going to use a Slack workspace, to whose account you're going to be invited.

It would be convenient for participants to at least have stable internet and headphones or headset to join the interactive sessions, and a webcam would be a (really appreciated) plus.