June 29 - 30, 2020
Boise time: UTC - 6 (Start at 9:30 AM, end at 3:00 PM)
Day 1 – Monday, June 29th
09:30 AM Welcome to YRRSDS 2020
09:40 Position Paper Presentations (Part 1)
10:15 Break
10:20 Position Paper Presentations (Part 2)
10:55 Break
11:00 Roundtable Discussion (Topic 1: Evaluation)
11:45 Long break
12:05 PM Keynote 1: Vivian Chen
12:35 Break
12:45 Roundtable Discussion (Topic 2: Pre-training/Transfer learning)
1:25 Break
1:30 Roundtable Discussion (Topic 3: Speech/Multi-modality)
2:15 Social after ‘drinks’
3:00 End of day 1
Day 2 – Tuesday, June 30th
09:00 AM Gathering & Socializing
09:30 Recap of program / Aprajita’s Boise Talk
09:45 Keynote 2: Amanda Stent
10:15 Break/Zoom Photo Op
10:25 Roundtable Discussion (Part 4: User experience)
11:10 Break
11:20 Keynote 3: Casey Kennington
11:50 Long Break
12:20 PM Roundtable Discussion (Part 5: Approaches and Architecture)
1:05 Closing YRRSDS
1:15 Social After ‘drinks’
2:00 End of Day 2