Proceedings available here (v1.1)

*NEW* SIGDial has decided to host the conference virtually, which will be the same for YRRSDS. The exact program has yet to be determined, but we can say that we at least have the poster presentations, interactive roundtable discussions and talks by invited speakers. We have extended the deadline and notification to give more time to participants and reviewers.

Dear YRRSDS participant/reviewer,

We wanted to let you know about our plans with regard to COVID-19. We are closely observing the situation and will be reviewing papers with the current deadlines. However, we are looking, similarly as SIGdial, to options for a virtual or postponed conference. We will post new information on the home page regarding the decision. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact any of us via our contact information on the 'Committee' page.Stay safe and healthy,

Jelte van Waterschoot, YRRSDS coordinator, on behalf of the YRRSDS 2020 organizing committee

16th Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems for PhDs, PostDocs & New Researchers

Boise, Idaho, USA, June 29-30, 2020

YRRSDS 2020 is an open forum for spoken dialog researchers to discuss their work and research interests. This is the 16th edition of the annual roundtable that provides a networking platform for young researchers in the field. It serves as a playground for stimulating new ideas, sharing tools, and discuss current issues in Spoken Dialog Systems research.

Please note that by "young researchers" the workshop's organizers mean to target students and researchers in the field who are at a relatively early stage of their careers, and in no way mean to imply that participants must meet certain age restrictions.

This year's edition is collocated with SIGdial 2020.

Keynote Speakers

Amanda Stent

Bloomberg LP

Casey Kennington

Boise State University

Vivian Chen

National Taiwan University

In collaboration with


Silver sponsor

Silver sponsor

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