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Can quantum gravity trigger chiral symmetry breaking? 
by Gustavo P. de Brito (São Paulo State University)
Thursday 20-06-2024 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT) 


In quantum chromodynamics, chiral symmetry breaking is the mechanism behind mass generation for hadrons. This mechanism relies on two main aspects: i) quarks are attracted to each other due to the exchange of gluons, which favors bound-state formation; ii) the non-Abelian interaction enters a strongly correlated regime in the infrared. Since the gravitational interaction is attractive, we might expect a similar mechanism to happen in non-perturbative approaches to quantum gravity. In this talk, I will discuss how such a mechanism could be used to constrain/rule out quantum-gravity theories. I discuss recent investigations of chiral symmetry breaking on two different approaches to quantum gravity involving non-perturbative regimes.

More to be announced soon...

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