Past Events

Recordings of our Seminars and Other Events


Evaporating Black Holes, New Quantum Analogues, and a Breakdown of Classicalityby Sebastian Zell (UCLouvain)
Thursday 23-05-2024 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT) 


After an introduction to black hole evaporation, I will review that Hawking's calculation of particle production is based on the semi-classical limit of a fixed metric. This approximation can break down after a finite time as the black hole evolves due to back-reaction. Therefore, I shall argue that two far-reaching questions remain to be answered:
(1) How long is the semi-classical description valid?
(2) What happens after a potential breakdown?
Attempting to answer them, I will subsequently present simple analogue systems, which share important quantum properties of a black hole, such as its entropy. Numerical non-perturbative time evolution reveals indications that (1) the semi-classical description can break down long before half of the mass is lost and that (2) evaporation slows down drastically at this point. As a particular consequence, small primordial black holes can both become viable dark matter candidates and provide a unique window on quantum gravity.


Based on:
G. Dvali, L. Eisemann, M. Michel, S. Zell, Black hole metamorphosis and stabilization by memory burden, Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 103523, arXiv: 2006.00011.
M. Michel, S. Zell, The Timescales of Quantum Breaking, Fortsch. Phys. 71 (2023) 2300163,
arXiv: 2306.09410. [Accompanying news article “Where is the boundary to the quantum world?”]

Slides of the talk

Try out the analogue models yourself  with TimeEvolver on GitHub

Quantum energy inequalitites in integrable models by Jan Mandrysch (U. Erlangen-Nurenberg)
Thursday 25-04-2024 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT) 


In semiclassical gravity, lower bounds of the smeared stress-energy tensor, so-called quantum energy inequalities, allow to conclude generalized singularity theorems a la Penrose and Hawking and exclude exotic spacetime configurations like wormholes and warp drives. In this regard, they provide a powerful stability criterion selecting physically reasonable geometries sourced by quantum matter. However, to treat self-interacting theories has been largely unsuccessful so far. In this talk, I will present numerical and analytical results in this direction, focussing on integrable QFT models in 1+1 dimension, in particular the O(N)-nonlinear-sigma and sinh-Gordon model.

Running relational observablesby Renata Ferrero (FAU Erlangen)
Thursday 14-03-2024 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST) 


In this seminar I will bring into contact the Renormalization Group and the Asymptotic Safety scenario for quantum gravity and the problem of observables in gravity.

Geometrical information of the quantum spacetime which we try to observe is crucially carried by physical fields. Observables cannot be properties of the “quantum spacetime” alone, but must also depend on the experimental setup that is used in order to observe or probe them.

After giving an introduction about Asymptotic Safety, I will introduce an approach to compute the RG flow of relational observables which evolve from their microscopic expressions towards the full quantum expectation value.

From non-singular black hole spacetimes in quantum gravity to observational signaturesby Héloïse Delaporte ( CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark)
Thursday 22-02-2024 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


In this talk, I will start by motivating the introduction of new- (quantum) physics effects in black hole spacetimes through a principled-parameterized approach. I will then discuss how these new-physics effects can affect the formation of non-singular black holes by applying the principled-parameterized approach to gravitational collapse. This will motivate to study non-singular black hole parameterizations beyond circularity. Finally, I will present how quantum gravity effects linked to these guiding principles can be traced back to observational imprints in synthetic (ng)EHT images, in particular in photon rings.


Regarding black holes in AS and RG-improved black holes:

- Black holes in Asymptotically Safe Gravity - Alessia Platania

- Black holes in asymptotically safe gravity and beyond - Astrid Eichhorn and Aaron Held

Regarding regular black holes:

- Regular Black Holes: A Short Topic Review - Chen Lan, Hao Yang, Yang Guo and Yan-Gang Miao

- Regular Black Holes - Cosimo Bambi

Regarding testing GR and alternatives with BH shadow images:

- Fundamental Physics Opportunities with the Next-Generation Event Horizon Telescope - D. Ayzenberg et al.

Effective Anisotropic Dynamics in Group Field Theory Cosmologyby Yi-Li Wang (Hanyang University)
Thursday 18-01-2024 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the group field theory (GFT) approach to quantum gravity and show the emergent dynamics of an anisotropic universe in the context of GFT condensate cosmology. A scalar field is coupled to play the role of a relational matter clock. According to different definitions of "isotropy'', two anisotropic condensate states are considered and the Bianchi-like dynamics of cosmological anisotropic observables, as well as their quantum fluctuations, are analysed. We find that both anisotropic states become isotropic at late time, reproducing an effective Friedmann dynamics, while anisotropies give small but non-negligible contributions at earlier times, closer to the cosmic bounce.


A Wilsonian Effective Action for (1+3+6)-dimensional Emergent Universes in the IKKT Model by Samuel Laliberté (McGill University)
Thursday 14-12-2023 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


The IKKT model is a promising candidate for a non-perturbative description of Type IIB superstring theory.  A modified version of this model, with a Lorentz invariant mass term, is known to have many interesting emergent universe solutions.  This mass term, however, is often introduced by hand or serves as a regulator in the theory.  In this talk, I will show that a Lorentz invariant mass term can arise naturally in the IKKT model under certain choices of compactification.  When 6 dimensions are compactified, the S(1,9) symmetry of the Lorentzian IKKT model is naturally broken to SO(1,3) x SO(6). This opens the way for solutions of the IKKT model where 3 spacial dimensions become large, and 6 others stay small. 
Emergent Metric Spacetime from a Matrix Model by Robert H. Brandenberger (McGill University)
Wednesday 22-11-2023 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


The BFSS matrix model is a proposed non-perturbative definition of superstring theory. I will outline a research program in which we obtain an emergent metric spacetime starting from a thermal state of this matrix model. The metric which emerges is spatially flat and leads to an early universe scenario in which thermal fluctuations yield scale-invariant spectra of curvature fluctuations and gravitational waves, thus providing an alternative to inflationary cosmology for understanding the early phases of the evolution of the universe. 
Soft Scattering & Holography: BMS Symmetries in Higher Dimensions by Federico Capone (University of Jena)
Thursday 12-10-2023 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT)


The well known BMS symmetries of four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes provide a novel undersdanting of the infrared properties of gravitational theories, such as the factorization theorems characterising scattering amplitudes in the soft limit. This is a remarkable starting point for the exploration of holographic dualities with vanishing cosmological constant. Starting from a summary of how this story unfolds and the observation that soft theorems hold true in higher dimensions as well, I will discuss the definition of BMS symmetries in dimensions greater than four while drawing a picture of the current status of research. 
A Toolbox for Holographic CFTs by Suzanne Bintanja (University of Amsterdam)
Thursday 07-09-2023 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT)


Holographic CFTs are CFTs whose gravitational dual have a low energy effective description of semiclassical general relativity minimally coupled to (possibly interacting) matter. Such CFTs must satisfy stringent constraints. In this talk I will review these constraints and discuss how to find holographic CFTs using conformal manifolds. The conformal manifold can be explored using exactly marginal deformations, which come in different varieties. I will discuss the effects of the different types of marginal deformations and in doing so we will see how this toolbox can be used to explore the space of holographic CFTs 
Black Hole Entropy - Panel Discussionwith Alejandro Perez (Aix Marseille Université, Université de Toulon, CNRS, CPT) and Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas (University of Michigan, IAS Princeton, ICTP Trieste)
Thursday 25-05-2023 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT)


A panel discussion with Alejandro Perez and Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas representing two different views (LQG vs. AdS/CFT and string theory) on black hole entropy. 

An Introduction to Celestial Holography and its relation to the flat space limit of AdS/CFTby Leonardo Pipolo de Gioia (University of Campinas) 
Thursday 11-05-2023 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT)


Celestial Holography is a proposal for applying the holographic principle to asymptotically flat spacetimes which conjectures that a quantum theory of gravity in asymptotically flat backgrounds should be dual to a codimension two Celestial Conformal Field Theory living in the celestial sphere at null infinity. This proposal emerged from the observation that the bulk S-matrix written in a basis of boost eigenstates behaves in many ways as a two-dimensional conformal correlator. In particular, soft theorems allow for the identification of certain soft modes in the bulk theory as two-dimensional currents and a candidate stress tensor in the boundary theory. In this talk I will review the motivation for Celestial Holography that emerged from soft symmetries, and present some of its features. Finally I will review some recent developments suggesting that Celestial Holography naturally emerges from AdS/CFT in the flat space limit of the latter. This perspective may provide new tools for the understanding of Celestial Holography by the application of the wide range of results from holography in asymptotically AdS spacetimes.

Effective Spin Foam Models for Quantum Gravityby Seth Kurankyi Asante (FSU Jena)
Thursday 13-04-2023 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 EDT)


Several approaches to quantum gravity have area variables as fundamental degrees of freedom. Motivated by this, ‘effective spin foam models’ are defined as geometrical path integrals for quantum gravity based on discrete area variables. These models have simple amplitudes while maintaining the universal features of quantum geometry and thus allow for fast computations, they are the fastest to date.  

The study of quantum gravitational dynamics reveals a very rich semi classical regime as an interplay between the parameters of the model. The study also provides a resolution of `flatness problem’ appearing in asymptotic analysis of spin foam models. These results are very promising in the hope of emergence of general relativity from spin foam models. I will discuss these developments in the talk.

Twisted Holography by Kasia Budzik (Perimeter Institute)
Thursday 09-03-2023 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


Twisted holography is the duality between protected subsectors of the AdS/CFT correspondence, which can be obtained by the procedure of twisting both sides of the duality. In this talk, I will explain how to twist supersymmetric QFTs and string theory. The resulting twisted theories enjoy many simplifications and can be well-defined mathematically making it possible to formulate the duality as a mathematical statement.
Basic Twistor Theory, Bi-twistors, and Split-octonionsby Sir Roger Penrose (University of Oxford)
Thursday 16-02-2023 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST, 15:00 GMT)


Twistor theory was introduced in the mid-1960s as an approach to combining quantum theory with space-time structure. A driving force behind the introduction of Twistor Theory was to combine the quantum-field theoretic requirement of positive frequency with the structure of space-time. In order to achieve this, the notion of twistor space was introduced to codify the structure of space-time in a way which related it to the splitting of the twistor space into two halves, one representing positive frequency, and the other representing negative frequency. Standard twistor theory involves a complex projective 3-space PT which naturally divides into two halves PT+ and PT– , joined by their common 5-real-dimensional boundary PN. The points of the space PN represent light rays in Minkowski space-time. However, this splitting has two quite different basic physical interpretations, namely positive/negative helicity and positive/negative frequency, which ought not to be confused in the formalism, and the notion of “bi-twistors” is introduced to resolve this issue. It is found that quantized bi-twistors have a previously unnoticed G2* structure, which enables the split octonion algebra to be directly formulated in terms of quantized bi-twistors, once the appropriate complex structure is incorporated. 

On Loop Quantum Gravityby Carlo Rovelli (Aix-Marseille University)
Monday 23-01-2023 at 17:00 CET (11:00 EST)


Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity is a tentative, but complete, quantum theory of gravity. I review its conceptual structure and the equations that define it. I discuss the numerous open issues in the theory.  I illustrate its current tentative applications in cosmology and black hole physics. 


Quantum Gravity and Quantum Ricci Curvature by Renate Loll (Radboud U. Nijmegen)
Friday 09-12-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


Researchers in quantum gravity look for a theoretical and quantitative understanding of the dynamics of spacetime near the ultrashort Planck scale, which is believed to be governed by large quantum fluctuations and therefore cannot be described by perturbation theory about solutions to the classical Einstein equations. A powerful nonperturbative methodology is that of "random geometry", the study of continuum limits of statistical ensembles of piecewise flat simplicial manifolds consisting of equilateral triangular building blocks. While systems of two-dimensional random geometry in Riemannian signature provide analytically soluble toy models and illustrate the viability of the method, physical quantum gravity requires an implementation in four dimensions and Lorentzian signature.

The formulation of Causal Dynamical Triangulations (CDT), which builds on the principles of random geometry, is a quantum-gravitational analogue of what lattice QCD is to nonabelian gauge theory. It has allowed us to move away from formal considerations in quantum gravity to extracting quantitative results on the spectra of invariant quantum observables, describing physics near the Planck scale. A breakthrough result of CDT quantum gravity in four dimensions is the emergence, from first principles, of a nontrivial, nonperturbative vacuum state with properties of a de Sitter universe. I will summarize these findings, highlighting the unusual character of observables in quantum gravity, and describe some of the interesting physical questions that are being explored using the new notion of quantum Ricci curvature.

Group Field Theories for Quantum Spacetimeby Daniele Oriti (LMU Munich)
Thursday 10-11-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


I introduce the group field theory formalism for quantum gravity, in its basic features as well as in its links with other quantum gravity approaches. Then, I survey a few research directions and recent results, focusing in particular on continuum limit and renormalization, and on the extraction of effective cosmological dynamics from the fundamental quantum dynamics.

String Field Theoryby Ivo Sachs (LMU Munich)
Thursday 13-10-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


String Field Theory is Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) by construction. I will motivate and describe this construction, starting with the relativistic point particle, which leads to BV-quantum field theory, and then describe the challenges of extending this to string theory. 

No prior knowledge of String Theory is required

What String Theory Might Say about Quantum Gravityby Davide de Biasio (LMU Munich)
Thursday 15-09-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


Starting from a simple and modern introduction to the main features of string theory, we will then focus on the many ways in which it can be used to tackle the long-standing problem of formulating a theory of quantum gravity. Specific attention will be dedicated to the most recent developments of the so-called Swampland Program, which aims at highlighting the features of quantum field theories that can be consistently coupled to quantum gravity in the ultraviolet regime.

An Asymptotically Safe Way for Quantum Gravityby Gustavo Pazzini de Brito (Southern Denmark University)
Thursday 16-06-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


In this talk, I will present the status of the asymptotic safety program for quantum gravity. I will review part of the results that give significant evidence for an ultraviolet fixed point in quantum gravity, both for pure gravity and gravity-matter systems. I will also discuss some open challenges in the field.

Phenomenological Consistency Tests of  Safe Gravity and Matter by Marc Schiffer (Perimeter Institute)
Thursday 19-05-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


Asymptotically safe quantum gravity might provide a unified description of the fundamental dynamics of quantum gravity and matter. The realization of asymptotic safety, i.e., of scale symmetry at high energies, constraints the possible interactions and dynamics of a system. In this talk, I will confront asymptotically safe quantum gravity with several phenomenological consistency tests. These consistency tests are inspired, for example by the observation of light fermions at low energies, or the presence of a non-trivial Abelian gauge sector. I will present indications that asymptotically safe quantum gravity might pass these consistency tests and that the interplay of quantum gravity and matter might impose a lower bound on the number of fermions in our universe, or even constrain fundamental parameters of our universe. Finally, I will highlight how non-dynamical scalar fields can be used to investigate whether lattice methods, in particular Euclidean dynamical triangulations, are a suitable tool to investigate asymptotic safety.

Aspects of Asymptotically Safe Quantum Gravityby Rafael Robson Lino dos Santos (Southern Denmark University)
Thursday 14-04-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


One of the open questions in theoretical physics is whether or not there is a quantum theory of gravity. Standard perturbative renormalization techniques require an infinite number of counterterms, demanding that an infinite number of experiments fix that. On the other hand, an asymptotically-safe theory of quantum gravity could render a non-perturbative renormalization of general relativity, restoring the predictive power at higher energies. The asymptotic-safety community has been finding indications for that. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of asymptotic safety in quantum gravity by exploring its machinery and landscape, focusing on its predictive power and the interplay between gravity and matter.

Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes and the Challenge of Constructing Statesby Christiane Klein (University of Leipzig)
Thursday 10-03-2022 at 16:00 CET (10:00 EST)


Physical effects like Hawking radiation, as well as more conceptual questions like the strong cosmic censorship conjecture, are motivations to study quantum field theory on curved spacetimes. The appropriate framework to do so is algebraic quantum field theory. I will present some basic ideas of this formalism, and explain why in this framework choosing a state for a concrete problem can be very difficult. Finally, I will give an outlook on how this difficulty can be overcome in the example of a Kerr-de Sitter spacetime. 

Causality in Quantum Field Theory on a Fixed Backgroundby Maximilian H. Ruep (University of York)
Thursday, 10-02-2022 at 10:00 CET


Fixed, non-dynamical backgrounds, on which QFTs may be defined, come with their own causal structure; and while it is an axiom that spacelike separated observables of any QFT commute, it is still a nontrivial question in what sense causality is incorporated in quantum field theory. Indeed, as an old protocol by Sorkin demonstrates, a priori perfectly reasonable local quantum operations (e.g, non-selective measurements) might still allow for superluminally signal. In this talk, I will present a class of physically reasonable local and fully causal quantum operations for QFTs on fixed backgrounds. If time permits, I will indicate how they can be used to perform causal measurements of local observables.

This talk is based on joint work with H. Bostelmann and C. J. Fewster.

Continuation through the Big Bang Singularity by Rishabh Jha (GAU Goettingen)
Thursday, 13-01-2022 at 10:00 CET


General relativity admits singular solutions, where the predictability of evolution of physical degrees of freedom is expected to break down. This notion is challenged by presenting classical solutions that satisfy the existence and uniqueness theorems of differential equations at the big bang singularity, thereby surviving through it. This is presented for the class of homogeneous anisotropic cosmological models, namely the Bianchi IX universe, coupled to stiff matter sources such as scalar fields, using the ADM formalism of general relativity. The talk focuses on developing the prerequisites for this work, in particular the 3+1 decomposition of spacetime (& consequently the ADM formalism) as well as an introduction to the homogeneous universes. The talk will conclude by showing the results for the case of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity whose classical solutions survive through the big bang singularity. Possible future directions will be mentioned.


Introduction to the AdS/CFT Duality. From Strings & Black Holes to Quantum Field Theories and Martin Ammon (FSU Jena)
Thursday, 02-12-2021 at 10:00 CET


Holography - also referred to as AdS/CFT correspondence or Gauge/Gravity duality - is an attractive new concept providing surprising cross-relations between various active research areas. In the talk, I will mainly focus on AdS/CFT dualities linking (conformal) quantum field theories to higher-dimensional quantum gravity theories in asymptotically Anti-deSitter spacetimes. On one hand, those dualities shed new light on quantum gravity aspects, while on the other, they provide tools for studying strongly coupled systems in a variety of areas in physics.

After a short introduction into the basic building blocks of such AdS/CFT dualities, I discuss quantum gravity aspects of such dualities. Finally, I will provide an outlook on the important next steps in this research direction.