(A non-stock, non-profit Virginia Corporation)


The name of the corporation shall be Yankee Point Yacht Club, Inc. d/b/a/ Yankee Point Racing and Cruising Club herein referred to as the “Club”.


The principal office of the Club shall be located at 734 Oak Hill Road, Lancaster, VA.


The triangular burgee of the Club will be red and white sails on a dark blue background.


The purpose of the Club is to establish an organization to promote and encourage yachting, seamanship, sailing and allied subjects, and good fellowship among the members of the Club.


The management of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in a Board of eleven (11) Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of the seven (7) elected officers of the Club, the immediate past Commodore who shall be an ex officio member, and three (3) members elected from the membership of the Club at large and who shall be voting members of the Club. The officers of the Club, members of the Board of Trustees, and members of the Board of Trustees ex officio shall be elected annually by the voting membership of the corporation at its regular annual meeting. The majority of such members of the Club present, consistent with the provisions of paragraph 14 hereof, at such meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, may at the Board’s recommendation by resolution theretofore adopted, increase or decrease the number of trustees. Any such additional trustee shall be elected in like manner as above provided. The trustees shall have the power to appoint members to fill vacancies that may occur in the Board or among the elected officers of the Club. The Board of Trustees shall have the responsibility of the management of the business affairs and the property, both real and personal, of the Club and shall have all the powers of a Board of Directors consistent with the authority given under the Charter and By-laws of the corporation.


The membership of the corporation comprises and shall comprise those enjoying membership by-election in accordance with the Charter and Bylaws. Any candidate for membership must be proposed and seconded in writing. The name and address of the candidate, with the names of the members proposing and seconding him or her, must be sent to the Secretary and by him or her delivered to the Board of Trustees. Due notice of the proposal of membership, together with the name and address of the candidate, must be given to all members. Members shall be elected by the Board of Trustees by ballot only. Members of all classes shall be open to either sex. The classes of membership shall be:

(a) Family membership: husband and wife, partner with significant other; and their children under 21 years of age.

(b) Single membership: Individual; and their children under 21 years of age.

(c) Out of State membership: member who resides out of state and not having a boat permanently moored in the state of Virginia.

(d) Honorary: Individuals whose contribution to the Club, even though non-Club members, warrant that this status be conferred by the Board. Honorary members pay no dues but enjoy all membership privileges, except they shall not be entitled to hold office or vote in affairs of the club.

(e) Children less than 21 years of age, of members, shall be afforded the same privileges as though they were members, except they shall not be entitled to vote in the affairs of the Club.


The enrollment of yachts in the Yacht Squadron Register shall be limited to yachts that are in commission and owned or chartered by active members of the Club.


The right to vote in any meeting of the Club shall be limited to active members, (a member who is in good standing and whose dues are current). Family membership, entitled to two votes. Single membership, entitled to one vote.

A member shall not concurrently hold more than one (1) elected office, except as provided in Paragraph 5.


The officers of the corporation shall be a President, to be known as Commodore, a Vice Commodore, a Rear Commodore, a Fleet Captain, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and Membership to be elected annually by a majority of the members present at the regular annual meeting. The Commodore or the Board may create further offices and define their duties, such offices to be filled by appointment by the Commodore for tenure at his or her pleasure. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

Commodore – The Commodore shall be the chief executive officer of the Club. He or she shall command the squadron, shall preside at meetings of the Club, shall be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and shall enforce the Charter, Bylaws, and all rulings of the Board. He or she shall appoint the officers and committees provided for in the Bylaws, except as otherwise provided therein, and may appoint such additional officers and committees as deem necessary, all appointees to hold office at his or her pleasure. He or she shall authorize the Treasurer to make disbursement of funds, shall with one other officer, sign all contracts, agreements, notes, etc., and all membership cards, certificates of enrollment, and all other documents and papers. At his or her discretion call special meetings of the Club and shall serve as ex officio member of all committees.

Vice Commodore – The Vice Commodore is a Vice President of the Club and will function as the chief assistant to the Commodore. In the absence or disability of the Commodore, the Vice Commodore will perform the functions of the Commodore.

Rear Commodore – The Rear Commodore is a Vice President of the Club. Will monitor and be responsible to the Commodore for the social activities and publicity committees and any other Club activities assigned by the Commodore. In the absence or disability of the Commodore and the Vice Commodore, the Rear Commodore will perform the functions of the Commodore.

Fleet Captain – The Fleet Captain, as senior captain of the Club, will be responsible to the Commodore for the activities of the race and cruise committees and any other Club activities assigned by the Commodore.

Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have supervision of all funds and financial affairs of the Club and shall render to the Board of Trustees reports of the finances of the Club.

Secretary – The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Trustees, shall be responsible for giving notice as may be required of all such meetings, and shall perform all other duties as may be prescribed by the Commodore. The secretary shall be the custodian of the corporate seal and records of the Club.

Membership – The Membership Officer shall be responsible for the recruitment of new members and the integration of all members into Club activities; for development of strategies to enhance recruiting, encourage member involvement in boating and social activities, and to promote greater use and enjoyment of club facilities.

All officers shall be Family or Single members of the Club.


The Commodore shall appoint the following standing committees in addition to any other committees he may deem advisable to appoint:

Awards Committee

Cruise Committee

House and Grounds Committee

Nominating Committee

Publicity Committee

Race Committee

Social Activities Committee


The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past Commodore, and consist of not less than three members to select a slate of officers and trustees for submission to the Board and general membership prior to the annual meeting. Nominations from the floor may be made at the annual meeting.


The annual meeting of the membership of the Club shall be held in November of each year upon the call of the Commodore; the Secretary, ten days prior, will communicate written notice thereto to each member in good standing at his address. The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held immediately following the annual meeting of the members.

Special meetings of the members of the Board of Trustees shall be held upon call of the Commodore or upon call of a majority of the Board of Trustees. Notice of special meetings of the members and/or the Board of Trustees shall be communicated to each person entitled to vote at such meeting not less than ten days prior to any such meeting.

13. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT REVOCATION OF MEMBERSHIP The Board of Trustees may reprimand, suspend, or expel a member in its sole discretion, after reasonable notice and hearing.


A quorum shall be a simple majority of the voting members and shall be necessary to conduct the affairs of the Club at any membership meeting. Voting by written proxy shall be allowed. A quorum for the transaction of business at every meeting of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the Board of Trustees and a majority vote of those present at such meeting shall be sufficient to pass any resolution or measure within the authority of the Board of Trustees.


Club dues and initiation fees for the various classes of membership shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Trustees. This shall not be construed to grant the Board of Trustees authority to assess the membership in any amount in excess of the annual membership dues.


The Bylaws may be amended, by a vote of the membership at any meeting where the proposed amendment to the Bylaws has been circulated in written form to the membership in ample time for review by the membership and where such proposed change receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the membership.


The fiscal year of the Club shall end on December 31st of each year.


Checks drawn on the account of the Club must have the signature of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, or Treasurer, who may also authorize electronic payments on the Club’s account.

Bylaws Effective January 1, 1980

Melvin R. Manning, Attorney for Yankee Point Yacht Club, Inc.

As amended December 3, 2011, by a vote of the members at the Annual Meeting.

As amended November 10, 2018, by a vote of the members at the Annual Meeting.