Main objective

The overall purpose of the project is to analyze the incidence of educational & skill mismatch within Romanian graduates and to investigate how youth brain drain (here the emigration of high-school graduates) affects the use of adequate skills of non-movers in the local labor market.

Secondary objectives

O1: Assess the extent of the phenomenon of youth brain drain in Romania, as well as the composition of movers and non-movers (low- and high-ability, poor and non-poor).

O2: Analyze the incidence and the persistence of job-education mismatch, as well as of skill obsolescence on the Romanian labor market.

O3: Analyze to what extent migration of most talented increases equality of educational opportunity and the education – occupation match in the home country for students from different backgrounds.

O4: Examine the causal effects of emigration of high-school graduates on the level and type of origin-country human capital, as measured by the total admissions in the higher education system across regions and various study fields.

O5: Provide estimates of the probability of being mismatched on labor market, broken down by the field of study (horizontal mismatch) and level of skills (vertical mismatch).

O6: Analyze to what extent the source of the current educational-occupational mismatch lies back in the academic track chosen before entering high school.