Editrice AMZ

Editrice AMZ

Editrice AMZ is one of the most famous Italian publishing house. It was founded in 1954 by its three founding members: Mario Abriani, Mario Malipiero and Francesco Zaccarini. Its name ( AMZ ) is derived from the first letters of its founders' surnames ( Mario Abriani, Mario Malipiero and Francesco Zaccarini.

In a short time, AMZ  could open up to the international market with new series and, by 1990, It became the second publisher for young readers with an important production, 100 series and more than 600 titles. 

The AMZ catalog became  full of  strand traditional books, manuals and fairy tales, which were the backbone of the publishing house, at the end of the Seventies Abriani supported innovative product lines like the very first books taken from the animated television series (I PUFFI, HEIDI, SPAZIO 1999) and first school diaries with editorial content. Not to forget the great non-fiction series which have got extraordinary sales in Italy and abroad for many years. Among the most successful  series in the world: GUARDA E SCOPRI GLI ANIMALI  (LOOK AND DISCOVER ANIMALS) which was translated into different languages.

Between 1980 and 1990, AMZ was sold to the DeAgostini group and is still one of the brands dedicated to the publishing market for children and young people.


This is a Series of 22 volumes published in several editions  between the 60s and 80s.  

The pages are fully and beautifully illustrated by Andrew W. Allen, Angelo Bioletto, Sergio Borella, Genny Buccheri, Sergio Budicin, Dino Olimpia Buonanno, Busetto, Giovanni Caselli, Tino Chito , James H. Cracknell, Edward S. Dacker, Giorgio Degaspari, Bruno Faganello, Natale Fedeli, Giuseppe Festino, Ezio Giglioli, Heros Kara, Andri Lisiak, Betty Maxey, Bruno Pennisi, Antenor Schiavon, Giuseppe Signorello, Maria F. Vaglieri, Gino Vigotti, 

Director of the work: Rinaldo D. D'Ami  

Here is the full list of this wonderful serie 

01 -Gli animali della casa e del giardino

02 - Gli animali del campo e della fattoria

03 - Gli animali del bosco e della macchia

04 - Gli animali del fiume e dello stagno

05 - Gli animali del lago e della palude

06 - Gli animali della montagna e della valle

07 - Gli animali della tundra e dei ghiacci

08 - Gli animali del mare e della costa

09 - Gli animali dell'oceano e degli abissi

10 - Gli animali dell'Asia

11 - Gli animali dell'Africa

12 - Gli animali del Nord America

13 - Gli animali del Sud America

14 - Gli animali dell'Oceania

15 - Rettili della preistoria

16 - I mammiferi della preistoria

17 - Gli animali in pericolo

18 - Gli animali da salvare

19 - I piccoli dei piccoli animali

20 - I piccoli dei grandi animali

21 - Il cavallo

22 - Il cavallo e l'uomo