The Danger Zone

Avoid becoming a pirates' prisoner!

Avoid becoming an Aztec sacrifice!

Avoid becoming an Egptian pyramid builder!

Avoid becoming an Incan mummy!

Avoid being a 1920's gangster!

Avoid being a mammoth hunter!

Avoid being a Mayan soothsayer!

Avoid being a medieval knight!

Avoid being a ninja warrior!

Avoid being a pony express rider!

Avoid being a Roman soldier!

Avoid being a Salem witch!

Avoid being a samurai!

Avoid being a Second World War evacuee!

Avoid being a secret agent in the Second World War!

Avoid being a skyscraper builder!

Avoid being a slave in Pompeii!

Avoid being a Sumerian slave!

Avoid being a Tudor actor in Shakespeare's theatre!

Avoid being a US Civil War soldier!

Avoid being a Victorian servant!

Avoid being a worker on the Taj Mahal!

Avoid being a World War Two pilot!

Avoid being an aristocrat in the French Revolution!

Avoid being an Assyrian soldier!

Avoid being at the Boston Tea Party!

Avoid being Cleopatra!

Avoid being in a medieval castle!

Avoid being in a medieval dungeon!

Avoid being in Alexander the Great's army!

Avoid being in the first submarine!

Avoid being in the Great Fire of London!

Avoid being Joan of Arc!

Avoid being Leonardo Da Vinci!

Avoid being Mary, Queen of Scots

Avoid being on Apollo 13!

Avoid climbing Mount Everest!

Avoid entering the ancient Greek Olympics!

Avoid exploring with Captain Cook!

Avoid exploring with Marco Polo!

Avoid fighting in the First Crusade!

Avoid flying on the Hindenburg!

Avoid living in a Wild West town!

Avoid meeting a body snatcher!

Avoid meeting Typhoid Mary!

Avoid sailing in the Spanish Armada!

Avoid sailing on a 19th-century whaling ship!

Avoid sailing on an Irish famine ship!

Avoid sailing on the Mayflower!

Avoid sailing on the Titanic!

Avoid sailing with Christopher Columbus!

Avoid sailing with Francis Drake!

Avoid working in a Victorian mill

Avoid working in the forbidden city

Avoid working on a medieval cathedral!

Avoid working on a Victorian bridge!

Avoid working on the Statue of Liberty!

Bell and the science of the telephone

Curie and the science of radioactivity

Faraday and the science of electricity

The Wright Brothers and the science of flight

You wouldn't want to be a crusader!

You wouldn't want to be a slave in ancient Greece! _ a life you'd rather not have

You wouldn't want to be a Viking explorer! _ voyages you'd rather not make

You wouldn't want to be in the Ancient Greek Olympics _ races you'd rather not run

You wouldn't want to be in the trenches in World War One! _ a hole you'd rather not be in

You wouldn't want to live without bacteria!

You wouldn't want to live without books!

You wouldn't want to live without clocks and calendars!

You wouldn't want to live without electricity!

You wouldn't want to live without extreme weather!

You wouldn't want to live without fire!

You wouldn't want to live without mobile phones!

You wouldn't want to live without pain!

You wouldn't want to live without sleep!

You wouldn't want to live without snot!

You wouldn't want to live without soap!

You wouldn't want to live without toilets!

You would't want to live without money!