Necessary Tensions


Stress is a normal part of our lives and it tends to pull us toward extremes – words such as ‘always’ and ‘never’ slip into our thinking and we find ourselves acting and speaking in extreme ways. It is easier to give in to an extreme mindset than to wrestle with the question at hand. Yet it is this wrestling which brings us to the best conclusions and the best decisions.

The struggle defined above is tough, but necessary. Struggle is a normal part of our lives. Struggle is not a problem, it is the process by which God chooses to move us away from extremes of attitude, words and actions toward appropriate feelings, responses and deeds.

NECESSARY TENSIONS: How God Uses the Tensions in Our Lives to Guide Us

Chapter titles:

1. What is a necessary tension?

2. Love - What is best for others? The tension between caring and daring

3. Joy- Calm delight. The tension between hilarity and serenity

4. Peace - Living today. The tension between the past and the future

5. Patience- The long-burning candle. The tension between despair and immediate gratification

6. Kindness- Being useful. The tension between being useless and being used

7. Goodness- Holistic health. The tension between sanctimony and sin

8. Faithfulness – Consistently convinced. The tension between faithlessness and foolishness

9. Gentleness- Corralled strength. The tension between severity and softness

10. Self-control- Vigorous vigilance. The tension between need and desire

11. Putting it all together – avoiding spiritual pride

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Other titles are in process, including books about ministry, the ancient Near East and Bible studies.