Current Issues in Comparative Syntax 2: Boundaries of Ellipsis Mismatch

September 1-3, 2023 

at Tsuda University [Hybrid Workshop]

Post-Workshop Script (September 17, 2024)

Thank you everyone for your presentations and participations!!! The handouts prepared by the speakers have already been uploaded here. 

Yosuke Sato (organizer-in-chief) 

Workshop Description

We are thrilled to announce that we are holding an international workshop entitled, “Current Issues in Comparative Syntax 2: Boundaries of Ellipsis Mismatch”, in a hybrid format (face-to-face and live via zoom) at Tsuda University, Kodaira Campus, in Tokyo, Japan.


We are going to invite a good mixture of emerging and established prominent researchers working on a wide variety of languages with different research strengths and profiles from diverse theoretical frameworks, both domestic and worldwide, to exchange our latest ideas on current topical issues surrounding ellipsis and ellipsis mismatch, including, but not limited to: a) the nature of identity conditions (syntactic, semantic, discourse, information structure or all of the above), b) operational mechanisms underlying various ellipsis phenomena (PF-deletion, LF-copying, pragmatic enrichment, or syntactic deletion), c) the diversity and uniformity of ellipsis construction types across typologically different languages, and d) the very origin of ellipsis and ellipsis mismatch in natural language syntax.


We would like to hold this workshop as an important international collaborative exercise to have a better wholistic understanding of such fundamental, big-picture questions like “What is really the nature of ellipsis?”, “What controls ellipsis?”, and “How much can we mismatch under ellipsis and why?”, questions which have remained poorly addressed in individual research on ellipsis, and to iron out current issues for future generations of ellipsists to work on.

Registration for the Tsuda Workshop

The organizers have expanded the workshop both in terms of the duration (from a two-day workshop to a three-day workshop) and in terms of the number of invited speakers (20 speakers in total). Unfortunately, however, due to the very limited space avaialble on Kodaira Campus in September 1-3 (when the time of the workshop coincides with the start of the third term of Tsuda University), we request that all participants of the workshop kindly join us only remotely through Zoom (to be sent out by email after you complete your registration below) except the domestic invited speakers.

We sincerely request your cooperation on this matter.

If you agree with this "online only policy" for attendees, please proceed and fill out your information below by August 31 (Thursday) 23:59:59 (JST) at the latest. You will receive Zoom information for the workshop after your online registration.

Confirmed Invited Speakers

     Duk-Ho An (Konkuk University)

     Matt Barros (Washington University in St. Louis)

     Vera Gribanova (Standford University)

     Ken Hiraiwa (Meiji Gakuin University)

     Hiroko Kimura (Chiba Institute of Technology)

     Yusuke Kubota (National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics)

     Audrey Li (University of Southern California)

     Anikó Lipták (Leiden University)

     Troy Messick (Rutgers University) 

     Kimiko Nakanishi (Meiji Gakuin University) 

     Hiroki Narita (Tokai University) 

     Myung-Kwan Park (Dongguk University)

     Rodrigo Ranero (University of California, Los Angeles) 

     Andrés Saab (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

     Richard Stockwell (Ulster University)

     Daiko Takahashi (Tohoku University)

     Yuta Tatsumi (Meikai University)   

     Gary Thoms (New York University)

Organizing Commitee 

Shun Ihara (Tsuda University) 

Taichi Nakamura (Tohoku University)

Yuta Sakamoto (Meiji University) 

Yosuke Sato (Tsuda University) 

Kensuke Takita (Doshisha University) 

Workshop Student Volunteers

      Ran Gonoi (Graduate Student, Tsuda University) 

Riko Nakayama (Graduate Student, Tsuda University)

Nagisa Hayashi (Graduate student, Tsuda University)

Grant Acknowledgements 

This workshop is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 19K00560 (Yosuke Sato), 23K00581 (Kensuke Takita), 23K00594 (Yuta Sakamoto), 21K00568 (Taichi Nakamura), and 21K13000 (Shun Ihara).

Final Workshop Program (updated August 31, 2023)

Tsuda ellipsis workshop tentative schedule as of August 29 2023.docx (5).pdf

Workshop Short Abstracts (Uploaded August 29, 2023)

Tsuda ellipsis workshop short abstracts.pdf

Tsuda Ellipsis Workshop Handouts (Uploaded September 29, 2023)

Tsuda ellipsis workshop handouts.pdf