

2010. Minimalist Interfaces: Evidence from Indonesian and Javanese. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today Series 155. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

-- reviewed by Eugenia Romanova for LinguistList: LI Issue 23.1886

-- reviewed by Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine for Oceanic Linguistics 55(1):298–306.


forthcoming a. "Ellipsis in East Asian Languages" Journal of East Asian Linguistics 34:2 (2025) (A collection of papers presented at the Workshop "Current Issues in Comparative Syntax 2: Boundaries of Ellipsis Mismatch" held at Tsuda University, Sept. 1-3, 2023).

forthcoming b. The Routledge Handbook of Syntax, 2nd Edition. London: Routledge. with Andrew Carnie and Daniel Siddiqi: contracted; with all chapters of the 1st edition to be updated with a few additional new chapters]

2022. ことばの様相:現在と未来をつなぐ [Aspects of Language: An Interface between Present and Future] (co-edited with Etsuro Shima, Naoto Tomizawa, Yoshiki Ogawa, Yoshihito Dobashi, Cornelia Daniela Lupsa].Tokyo: Kaitakusha. 

2014. The Routledge Handbook of Syntax. London: Routledge. [with Andrew Carnie and Daniel Siddiqi]

-- reviewed by Dennis Ott for LinguistList: LI Issue 25.2041


Forthcoming. Introduction to the special issue on ellipsis in East Asian languages. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 34:xxx-xxx. [not peer-reviewed]

2024a. On the directionality of conversion: A new perspective from category mismatch under VP-ellipsis. Languages 9, 206. 

2024b. Partial wh-movement in Indonesian, criterial freezing, and sub-extraction. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 69:63-89.

2024c. Transfer domains in Japanese and relativized vP phases. Explorations in English Linguistics 37:71-99. [with Shin-Ichi Kitada]

2023a. A dual-structure analysis of coordination. Explorations in English Linguistics 36:25-55. [with Jacky Chua]

2023b. Null objects in Uzbek. The Journal of Studies in Language 38:405-417. [with Michael Barrie]

2023c. When VP-ellipsis and sluicing conspire against syntactic NEG raising. Linguistic Inquiry [Early access]

2021a. Action/result in Indonesian accomplishment verbs and the agent control hypothesis. Oceanic Linguistics 60:263-301.

2021b. Syntactic head movement in Japanese: Evidence from verb-echo answers and negative scope reversal. Linguistic Inquiry 52:359-376. [with Masako Maeda]

2020. Idioms, argument ellipsis and LF-copy. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 29:259-278.

2019a. Comparative syntax of argument ellipsis in languages without agreement: A case study with Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Linguistics 55:643–669.

2019b. Particle stranding ellipsis involves PF-deletion. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 37:357–388. [with Masako Maeda]

2018a. On the in-situ theory of sluicing in English: A new perspective from "immobile" elements. English Linguistics 35:97–122. [with Nobu Goto and Shin-Ichi Kitada]

2018b. String-vacuous head movement in Japanese: New evidence from verb-echo answers. Syntax 21: 72–90. [with Shintaro Hayashi]

2017. Wh-questions in Singapore English tell us what about questions with declarative syntax? Glossa 2:1–18. [with Jian Gang Ngui]

2016a. Remarks on the parameters of argument ellipsis: A new perspective from Colloquial Singapore English. Syntax 19:392–411.

2016b . Subject-object asymmetries in Persian argument ellipsis and the anti-agreement theory. Glossa 1:1–31. [with Simin Karimi]

2016c. Prosodic phrasing and the that-trace effect. Linguistic Inquiry 47:333–349. [Yoshihito Dobashi]

2015. Argument ellipsis in Javanese and voice agreement. Studia Linguistica 69:58–85.

2014. Argument ellipsis in Colloquial Singapore English and the anti-agreement hypothesis. Journal of Linguistics 50:365–401.

2013a. Fragments, ellipsis, and PF-repair: New evidence from Indonesian. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 58:497–505.

2013b. Cyclic spell-out and modal complement ellipsis in Javanese. Linguistic Analysis 38:183–206.

2013c. More on kena-passives in Singapore English and the distribution of passive morphemes. World Englishes 32:297–307. [with Chonghyuck Kim]

2013d. Wh-questions in Colloquial Singapore English: Adaptive traits from Vernacular Malay and typological congruence. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 28: 299–322.

2012a. Multiple spell-out and contraction at the syntax-phonology interface. Syntax 15:287–314.

2012b. Particle-stranding ellipsis in Japanese, phase theory and the privilege of the root. Linguistic Inquiry 43:495–504.

2012c. Radical pro drop and the role of syntactic agreement in Colloquial Singapore English. Lingua 122:858–873. [with Chonghyuck Kim]

2012d. Successive cyclicity at the syntax-morphology interface: Evidence from Standard Indonesian and Kendal Javanese. Studia Linguistica 66:32–57.

2012e. On the argument structure of zi-verbs in Japanese: Reply to Tsujimura and Aikawa (1999). Journal of East Asian Linguistics 21:197–218. [with Maki Kishida]

2012f. Got interrogatives and answers in Colloquial Singapore English: Akitionsart and stativity. World Englishes 31:186–195. [with Mie Hiramoto]

2011a. P-stranding under sluicing and repair by ellipsis: Why is Indonesian (not) special? Journal of East Asian Linguistics 20:339–382.

2011b. Radical pro drop and fusional pronominal morphology in Colloquial Singapore English: Reply to Neeleman and Szendröi. Linguistic Inquiry 42:356–365.

2011c. On the movement theory of obligatory control: Voices from Standard Indonesian. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 56:267–275.

2010a. One-replacement and the label-less theory of adjuncts. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 55: 416–423.

2010b. Complex phrase structures within morphological words: Evidence from English and Indonesian. Lingua 120:379–407.

2009a. Psychological predicates and the point-of-view hyperprojection. Gengo Kenkyu 135:123– 150. [with Maki Kishida].

2009b. Reduplication asymmetries in Bahasa Indonesia and the organization of the lexicon-syntax interface. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 1:189–204.

2007. Remarks on the derivational vs. representational theories of grammar: A multiple spell-out account of one- and do so-substitution. Explorations in English Linguistics 20:29–62.

2003. Semantic regularity in the alternation in idioms. English Linguistics 20:419–440.

2002. A dynamic semantic account of causative psych verb constructions. Explorations in English Linguistics 17:83–117.


2010a. Complementizer deletion in Kansai Japanese revisited: A prosodic account. Snippets 22

2010b. Evidence for the bimorphemic analysis of everything from relative clauses. Snippets 21

2010c. Nominative case without tense in the Niigata dialect of Japanese. Snippets 21

2008. Case-stranding nominal ellipsis in Japanese: A preliminary sketch. Snippets 17

2007. P-stranding generalization and Bahasa Indonesia: A myth? Snippets 16 


forthcoming. Scrambling in minimalism: Recent developments and challenges. In: Andrew Carnie, Daniel Siddiqi and Yosuke Sato (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Syntax, 2nd edition. xxx-xxx. London: Routledge. [with Nobu Goto] 

To appear. Input indeterminacy and the PP vs. KP ambiguity hypothesis: A view from interspeaker variation in transitive subject control promise. In: Yoshiki Ogawa (ed.), Theories of morphological case and topic/focus: Synchronic variation and diachronic change of Japanese, English and Bantu, xxx-xxx. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

2022a. シンガポール英語における時空間メタファー:言語接触学と継承言語学の接点 [Spatio-temporal metaphors in Singapore English: An interface between contact linguistics and heritage linguistics]. In: Yoshiki Ogawa and Toshihide Nakayama (eds), Koopasu kara Wakaru Gengohenka/heni to Gengoriron 3 [What corpora show about Language Change/Variation and Linguistic Theories, vol.3], 44-58. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.

2022b. Polarity reversals in Japanese sluicing and NEG raising. In: Etsuro Shima, Naoto Tomizawa, Yoshiki Ogawa, Yoshihito Dobashi, Yosuke Sato, and Cornelia Daniela Lupsa (eds.),Kotoba no Yoosoo: Genzai to Mirai o Tunagu [Aspects of Language: An Interface between Present and Future], 215-225. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. 

2021. On the degree semantics of hutsuni and zenzen. In: Hae-Sung Jeon, Peter Sells, Zixi You, Sotaro Kita and Jaehoon Yeon (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 28, 181-194. Stanford, CA: CSLI. [with Yuka Imai and Moka Michihata] 

2020.  How to eat your cake and have it too in Japanese: Causal pluralism and the role of agentivity. In: Michael Barrie (ed.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 27, 209–223. Stanford, CA: CSLI. 

2018. Particle stranding ellipsis in Japanese, string deletion, and argument ellipsis. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 25. In: Shin Fukuda, Mary Shin Kim and Mee-Jeong Park (ed.), 159–172. Stanford, CA: CSLI. [with Masako Maeda]

2014. Scrambling. In: Andrew Carnie, Daniel Siddiqi and Yosuke Sato (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Syntax. 264–282. London: Routledge. [with Nobu Goto]

2012. Phonological interpretation by phase: Sentential stress, domain encapsulation and edge sensitivity. In: Ángel Gallego (ed.) Phases: Developing the Framework. 283–307. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

2009. Spelling-out prosodic domains: A multiple spell-out account. In: Kleanthes Grohmann (ed.) Interphases: Phase-Theoretic Investigations of Linguistic Interfaces. 234–259. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2008. The distribution of the active voice morphology in Bahasa Indonesia and vP phases. In: Yoshiaki Kaneko, Akira Kikuchi, Daiko Takahashi, Yoshiki Ogawa, and Etsuro Shima (eds.), Gengo kenkyuu no genzai: Keisiki to imi no intaafeisu [The State of the Art in Linguistic Research: Interface of Form and Meaning. 365–376. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.


To appear a. Interspeaker variation in particle stranding ellipsis in the two-grammar model for Japanese. Proceedings of the 42nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. by Shweta Akolkar, Amber Galvano, Akil Ismael, Franco Liu, and Line Mikkelsen, xxx-xxx. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. [with Hiromune Oda]

To appear b. The syntactic OCP and obliteration: With special reference to Indonesian meN-. Proceedings of the 14th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIV), eds. by xxx, xxx-xxx. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.

To appear c. PF-LF domain mismatches under ellipsis and the non-simultaneous transfer hypothesis. Proceedings of the Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, ed. by xxx, xxx-xxx. University of Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society.

2023a. Focusing on the diagnostic validity of the adjunct test in Japanese ellipsis: Where prosody meets information structure. Proceedings of the 25th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Tae Sik Kim, 60-73. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. [with Ryoichiro Kobayashi and Tomoya Tanabe] [errata]

2023b. ECM, raising-to-object, or none of the above? Pettiward’s (1998) challenge revisited. The Meeting Handbook of the 167th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan. 345-349.

2023c. Modalities of post-auxiliary ellipsis: A false dichotomy? JELS 40:117-123. [with Hajime Ono, Haruka Ikebuchi, Fuwa Makino, Nonoko Morita and Misato Nagumo] 

2022a. Deriving wordhood without word: Wh-compound questions in Japanese and renumeration. Proceedings of the 13th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia XIII) 2022 Online Special, eds. by Yuqiao Du, Zhuo Chen, Xiangyu Li, Zetao Xu, and Victor Junnan Pan, 223-239. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong. [online proceedings; with Hisako Ikawa]

2022b. When VP-ellipsis meets TP-ellipsis: Implications for neg raising, sluicing, and PF-deletion. Proceedings of the 24th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Tae Sik Kim and Jungu Kang, 132-140. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. 

2022c. Reversed polarity sluicing in Japanese. In: Kaori Horie, Kimi Akita, Yusuke Kubota, David Y. Oshima  and Akira Utsugi (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29, 341-350. Stanford, CA: CSLI. [online proceedings]

2021a. Crossed-control in Indonesian and functional restructuring of verbs of wanting. Proceedings of the 23rd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Tae Sik Kim and Suyoung Bae, 144-163. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. 

2021b. Unaccusative mismatch, floating quantifiers and telicity: The state of the art amended. Proceedings of the 23nd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Tae Sik Kim and Suyoung Bae, 310-318. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. [with Ran Gonoi, Mayuko Hattori, and Rio Sato]


2020a. Focus mismatch under ellipsis in Japanese, polarity and head movement.  Proceedings of the 22nd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Tae Sik Kim and Sae-Youn Cho, 224-232. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. 

2020b. How can one kill someone twice in Indonesian? Causal pluralism at the syntax-semantics interface. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America 29–43. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. 

2019a.  How can one kill someone twice in Indonesian? Proceedings of the 12th Generative Linguistics in the Old World & the 21st Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Sae-Youn Cho, 537–545. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. 

2019b. Lexical decomposition in syntax: New evidence from VP-ellipsis. Proceedings of the 12th Generative Linguistics in the Old World & the 21st Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Sae-Youn Cho, 210–222. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle. [with Jianrong Yu]

2018. Spelling-out inverse scope in Japanese: Intonation and scope-prosody correspondence. Phonological Externalization 3. ed. by Hisao Tokizaki. 25-53. Sapporo: Sapporo University. [with Masako Maeda]

2017. Particle stranding ellipsis in Japanese involves PF-ellipsis. Proceedings of the 19th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar: The Syntax-Morphology  Interface in Generative Grammar. 171–190. [with Masako Maeda]

2016a. An in-situ syntax of sluicing in Indonesian. AFLA 23: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. 243-257. Canberra, Australia: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.

2016b. How large can elliptical arguments be in Japanese? Proceedings of FAJL8: Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 79: 121–130. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy: MITWPL.

2015. Sluicing in Bahasa Indonesia, P-stranding, and interface repair. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 269-280. University of California, Berkeley: Department of Linguistics.

2013. Reduplication in Indonesian and the lexicalist hypothesis. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 365-372. University of California, Berkeley: Department of Linguistics [with Bradley McDonnell]

2012. Phase-bound locality, deletion, and failure of vocabulary insertion at the syntax-phonology interface. Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 159-169. University of Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society. [with Dwi Hesti Yuliani].

2011. P-stranding under sluicing in Indonesian, repair by ellipsis and the organization of grammar. Proceedings of GLOW in Asia VIII 2010: Universals and variation, 326-329. Beijing Language and Culture University: Beijing.

2010. Coordination, dependency, and gapping in Japanese. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL6): MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 61, 309-324. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy: MITWPL.

2009a. Gapping in Japanese = Coordinate + dependent ellipsis. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on East Asian Linguistics: Simon Fraser University Working Papers in Linguistics 2. Simon Fraser University: SFU Linguistics Graduate Student Association.

2009b. Radical underspecification, general number, and nominal mapping in Indonesian. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. 197-209. Department of Linguistics: University of California, Santa Cruz.

2008a. Japanese obligatory control as switch reference: An AGREE-based account. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 56. 267-278. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy: MITWPL

2008b. The distribution of the active voice morphology in Javanese and vP phases. Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics 18. 235-246. University of California, San Diego: Department of Linguistics.

2008c. The denotation and morphosyntax of bare nouns in Javanese: Against the nominal mapping parameter. Proceedings of the 2007 Mid-America Linguistics Conference: Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 30. 257-271.University of Kansas: Linguistic Graduate Student Association.

2008d. Wh-in-situ in Bahasa Indonesia and choice function. Proceedings of the 2007 Mid-America Linguistics Conference: Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 30. 272-286. University of Kansas: Linguistic Graduate Student Association [with Dwi Hesti Yuliani]

2007a. A new type of nominal ellipsis in Japanese. Proceedings of the Fourth Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 55: 197-204. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy: MITWPL [with Jason Ginsburg]

2007b. The syntax of intrinsic reflexivity in Japanese: A case study with zi-verbs. Proceedings of the 9th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar: Locality and Minimalism. 391-404. [with Maki Kishida].

2006. A new type of nominal ellipsis in Japanese: Further evidence for the LF copy analysis. Proceedings of the 8th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar:

Minimalist Views on Language Design. 61-77. [with Jason Ginsburg]

2005. One- and do so-replacement revisited: An argument for the derivational approach to syntax. Proceedings of the 2005 KASELL International Conference. 90-100.

2003. Causative psych verbs as world-creating perceptive predicates: A hyperclause analysis of backward binding. The Meeting Handbook of the 127th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan. 128-134.


2014a. Review of Shiobara, Kayono (2010) “Derivational linearization at the syntax-phonology interface,” Hituji Syobo, Tokyo, for English Linguistics 31: 325-338.

2014b Review of Moro, Andrea (2012) “The Equilibrium of Human Syntax: Symmetries in the Brain”, Routledge, London, for LINGUIST LIST 25.309.

2013. Review of Uribe-Etxebarrie and Valmala Vidal (eds.) (2012) “Ways of structure building,” Oxford University Press, Oxford, LINGUISTLIST Issue 24.1454

2012a. Review of Low, Ee-Ling and Hashim Azirah (eds.) (2012) “English in Southeast Asia:Features, policy and language in use,” John Benjamins, Amsterdam, LINGUIST LIST Issue Number 23. 3907.

2012b. Review of Randall, Janet (2010) “Linking: The Geometry of Argument Structure,” Springer. Studies in English Literature 53: 171-182.

2011a. Review of Richards, Norvin (2009) ‘Uttering Trees,’ MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 56: 286-289.

2011b. Review of Lebeaux, David (2009) “Where Does Binding Theory Apply?” MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. LINGUIST LIST Issue Number 22. 551

2010. Review of Grohmann, Kleanthes K. (2009) “Explorations of Phase Theory:Interpretation at the Interfaces,” Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. LINGUIST LIST Issue Number 21. 1718.

2009a. Review of Reinhart, Tanya (2006) “Interface Strategies: Optimal and Costly Computations,” MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 54:574-577.

2009b. Review of Aarts, Bas (2008) “English Syntax and Argumentation, Third Edition,” Palgrave Macmillan, New York. LINGUIST LIST Issue Number 20. 1457.


2010a. ELG 365 Morphology: Study Guide. SIM University. [Approximately pp. 90; distributed at the Department of English Language and Literature at SIM University in July 2010]

2010b. ELG 367 Syntax: Study Guide. SIM University. [Approximately pp. 90; distributed at the Department of English Language and Literature at SIM University in July 2010]


2024a. The adjunct test in Japanese ellipsis at the prosody-information structure interface

Ms., Tokyo University of Agriculture/Hokkaido University/Tsuda University.

[under the first round of reviews at Semantics and Pragmatics; with Ryoichiro Kobayashi and Tomoya Tanabe]

2024b. The obligatory wide scope phenomena in Japanese: A myth?

Ms., Hokkaido University/Tokyo University of Agriculture/Tsuda University.

[under the first round of reviews at Journal of East Asian Linguistics; with Tomoya Tanabe and Ryoichiro Kobayashi]

2024c. The obligatory contour principle and obliteration at the syntax-phonology interface: With special reference to Indonesian -meN. Ms., Tsuda University.

[under the first round of reviews at Gengo Kenkyu]

2024d. Reversed polarity sluicing in Japanese

Ms., Tsuda University. 

[under the third round of reviews at Natural Language Semantics

2024e. Exceptional case marking, raising-to-object, or none of the above? Pettiward’s (1998) challenge revisited

Ms., Tsuda University.

[under the second round of reviews at Canadian Journal of Linguistics]

2024f. Focus mismatch under ellipsis in Japanese and its theoretical implications

Ms., Tsuda University .

[under the third round of reviews at Journal of East Asian Linguistics]

2024g. Renumerating wh-compound questions in Japanese at the syntax-morphology interface

Ms., Tsuda University/Rissho University.

[under the second round of reviews at Glossa; with Hisako Ikawa]


2024a. The syntax of dependent grafted speech: A new case for TP-ellipsis in Japanese

Ms., Tsuda University. 

[to be submitted to Linguistic Inquiry]

2024b. Even more doubts on pragmatic enrichement in argument ellipsis: Reply to Landau 2023

Ms., Tsuda University.

[to be submitted to Syntactic Theory & Research

2024c. The exceptional syntax of free exceptives in Japanese

Ms., Tsuda University 

[to be submitted to Natural Language & Linguistic Theory]

2024d. Interspeaker variation in particle stranding ellipsis and the two-grammar hypothesis for Japanese

Ms., Tsuda University/University of Tokyo.

[to be submitted to Language Variation and Change, with Hiromune Oda]

2024e. The adjectival conjugational ending drop construction in Japanese, exclamativity and utterrance phrase

Ms., Tsuda University.

[to be submitted to Journal of East Asian Linguistics; with Nagisa Hayashi and Riko Nakayama]  

2024f. The syntax of scope rigidity in Singapore English

Ms., Tsuda University & University of Connecticutt, Storrs. 

[to be submitted to Studia Linguistica; with Si Kai Lee, Megumi Ishikawa and Hajime Ono]

2024g. A mismatch theory of ellipsis

Ms., Tsuda University.

[to be submitted to a special volume featuring ellipsis and ellipsis mismatch]


2024. Endogenous computational variability: Toward a more inclusive generative paradigm. 

Ms., Tsuda University.

2023. 『言語学者の世界冒険紀行 - アメリカ、カナダ、シンガポール篇』 
