Duk-Ho An (안덕호: 安悳浩)

Professor. Ph.D. in Linguistics.

Department of English, Konkuk University

120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu   

Seoul, South Korea


(office) Liberal Arts (building #19) 405. 인문학관 (19동) 405호

(phone) 82-2-450-3921 (office)

(email) andukho   @   konkuk.ac.kr

I am a linguist. My research interests include (but are not limited to) comparative syntax of East Asian languages, cartography, noun phrase syntax, ellipsis, case/Case systems, complementizers, comparatives, and the interface between syntax and phonology/morphology.


2007    Ph.D. Linguistics. University of Connecticut, Storrs. (Advisor: Prof. Željko Bošković)

2005    M.A. Linguistics. University of Connecticut, Storrs.  

2001    M.A. Linguistics. Korea University

1999    B.A. Linguistics. Korea University

Academic Appointments

2019~present   Professor. Dept of English. Konkuk Univ. Seoul.

2014~2019        Associate Prof. Dept of English. Konkuk Univ. Seoul.

2010~2014        Assistant Prof. Dept of English. Konkuk Univ. Seoul.

2009~2010        Assistant Prof. Dept of English. Kyungpook National Univ. Daegu, South Korea.

2009                       Post Doc. Research Fellow. Center for Linguistics, Nanzan Univ. Nagoya, Japan.  

2008                       Research Prof. Center for Language and Information. Korea Univ. Seoul, South Korea.

2008                       Lecturer. Dept of English. Dongguk Univ. Seoul, South Korea.

2007~2008        Visiting Assistant Prof. Dept of Linguistics. University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada.

2001~2007        Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant. University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT.