Cosmetic Tattoo

We've gathered our favourite cosmetic tattoo product from TinaDavis and pemarblend,

What is semi-permanent makeup?

A form of micro-pigmentation (permanent makeup). Specially formulated pigment is deposited superficially into the skin with a single sterile needle. It is a soft layering technique that gives ultimate control to the artist to create the most natural looking powdered brow.

What is the difference between semi-permanent and permanent makeup?

  • PERMANENT MAKEUP:Pigment is deposited deeper into the dermal layer of the skin using a minimum of 3 prong needle. It is a more aggressive application resulting in more pain and potential scarring.

  • Can last between 5-10 years. The results are harsh and indelibly irreversible.

  • Due to the body's chemistry (acidity) of the of the skin there is a high chance of pigment to gradually change colors.

  • SEMI-PERMANENT Pigments are deposited very superficially into the skin using only a single prong needle.

  • Can last between 1-3 years. Touch ups are necessary to maintain color vibrancy and shape definition.

  • Pigment is deposited between the epidermis and the dermis therefore the pigment will fade as your skin naturally exfoliates.

  • Color will lighten and fade out before it has a chance to change to a primal color (blue or red).

What is the difference between microblading and powder ombre brows?


  • USES a hand tool that has an average of 12 needles packed together form a blade. The tool is used to manually make tiny cuts called hair strokes into the skin as it deposits pigment. The idea is to create the illusion and dimension of individual hair.

  • Great for clients that have fair skin and sporatic hair growth. Not so great for clients that have more of an oily or acneic skin type and high risk for scarring.

  • Typically last between 6 months to 2 years. The technique is meant to be very light, clean and crisp.


  • Uses a pen like device connected to a machine that penetrates the skin with a single prong needle that springs forward and back motion. This is similar to a very fast tapping motion and gives brows the illusion of powdered-in makeup effect.

  • Will hold the shape longer than microblading, as microblading has more the look of “fluffy brows” and powder brows has more of a clean “defined shape”.

  • Great for all skin types and lifestyles. Last between 1-3 years. Touch ups are recommended annually every 1 – 1.5 years.

Both techniques can be very natural or very aggressive depending on the artist skill level and experience.

How long does powder brows last?

There is no exact answer to how well the pigment may last. However, on average it can last from 1-3 years. Pigment retention always depends on factors such as skin type, lifestyle and desired results. - Skin type is a factor in that the skin is the canvas to which holds the pigment. Oily or problematic skin will not hold this pigment as well and may need touchup sooner. - Desired results such as darker colors will retain longer and lighter colors such as blondes will fade faster. We recommend a touch up every 12-18 months to keep the color vibrant and keep the shape symmetrical.

What if I don't touch up? Will it look weird?

No the pigment will just fade out. It will first shrink in size as in gets thinner and shorter, migrating towards the are of brow hairs. The color will get dull and lose vibrancy, but won't look unnatural.

How many sessions are needed?

The initial procedure requires two sessions 6 weeks apart. The first session consists of consultion, drawing, application. The 6 weeks in between sessions will be for the layers of the skin to heal. In the second session, a light application will be applied to perfect your desired brow results. The focus of the session is to bring back symmetry, adjust any imperfections, and create a general blend of pigment that lasts.

What factors will affect my semi-permanent makeup?

  • Constant STEAM! This means HOT showers! Frequent hot showers will cause premature fading as well as premature AGING. Hot showers feel great but need to be taken with caution. Our suggestion is once or twice a month, not everyday or every other day especially not more than two times a day. It causes inflammation and cellular breakdown. You will save on all of the expensive skin care, facials, potential plastic surgeries if you can try to refrain from constant hot steam showers.

  • An active lifestyle with swimming, constant sweating, and/or saunas will cause premature fading.

  • Oily skin type

  • Smoking

Is there anything I need to let Brow Theory Studio know before I book?


  • Have previously done permanent makeup

  • Are on any prescription medication that may thin your blood

  • Problematic skin-type that is constantly compromised (i.e. breakouts)

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Cancer and undergoing chemotherapy or radiation

  • Any bacterial/viral infection or on antibiotics

  • Botox/ Fillers and/or any chemical peels of any kind must be avoided 4 weeks prior and 4 weeks after your follow up. This also includes laser treatments of any kind.

Failure to let us know prior to booking will result in loss of your deposit.