Everyone heals differently, which means it may not be perfect the first session.

Please be patient as it is normal to need two sessions to achieve the desired results. Your semi-permanent makeup should start peeling after the 3rd day and finish around the 7th day. Sometimes it will take a bit longer to fully heal due to dry skin or sensitive skin, but not sooner than the 3rd day. If there is any redness or swelling it will dissipate within 24 hours.


• Swelling, itching, scabbing, light bruising and dry tightness. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare balm is nice for scabbing and tightness.

• Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 3-7 days the darkness will fade and once swelling dissipates unevenness usually disappears. The follow-up touch up is highly recommended as any concerns can be addressed.

• Colour change or colour loss. As the procedure area heals the colour will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. This is normal. The procedure area has to be completely healed before we can address any concerns. This takes at least four weeks.

• Needing a touch up months or years later. A followup touch up is recommended 5 - 8 weeks after the initial appointment. Thereafter maintenance may be needed every 12-18 months to keep the shape symmetrical and the colour refreshed.

Failure to follow after care instructions may result in infections, pigment loss or discolouration.


After care is very important for producing a beautiful and lasting result.

• Keep the area clean by washing with freshly washed hands and a mild soap. Do not use a washcloth or sponge to remove soap. Simply splash with water. Do not use cleansing creams, acne cleansers or astringents. Use a mild, natural soap.

• Apply the aftercare ointment with a Q-tip. Use the ointment very sparingly. Too little is better than too much. We want your skin to breathe and not clog your pores. Blot off excess ointment with a clean Q-tip.. Never touch the procedure area without washing your hands immediately before.

• Do not scrub, rub or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready the pigment underneath it can be pulled out.

• After the 7 days healing period, always use a sun block after the procedure area is healed to protect from sun fading. Maintaining proper skin care is suggested to help keep your brows as vibrant and fresh as possible. This means cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing the brow area is recommended.























  • Using a fresh Q-Tip, apply a light coat of Ointment to the tattooed area twice a day, morning & night.

  • Keeping the area moist during the first 5-7 days will help the tattooed area hold colour and heal evenly. It is normal for the pigment to fade 30-50% within the first two weeks.

  • Do not touch the tattooed area with your fingers. This increases your risk of infection.

  • Do not rub or scratch your eyes. This increases your risk of a corneal abrasion.

  • If you should experience swelling, an ice pack may be applied using a thin protective barrier such as a paper towel. Icing is most effective in the first 24 hours following the procedure.

  • Sleeping with your head slightly elevated can also reduce any residual swelling.

  • Do not apply makeup or mascara on or near the tattooed area for 7 days. Purchase new makeup or mascara to avoid contamination or bacterial infection.

  • Do not scrub or pick at the tattooed area. Doing so can cause the pigment underneath to be pulled out.

  • Allow the epithelial skin to flake off by itself.

  • Do not use makeup remover or creams and avoid pools and hot tubs for two weeks.

  • With freshly washed hands, you may gently cleanse the eye area with tepid water.

  • Avoid washcloths.

  • Do not wear contact lenses for 72 hours following the procedure. If possible, use a new pair.

  • Sunglasses are recommended to protect the eyes when outside.

  • Please notify immediately should you experience any of the following symptoms: redness in or around the eye, matting or drainage, pain that becomes increasingly worse, difficulty keeping your eyes open, sensitivity to light.

  • I will get in touch with you in 4 weeks for touch up appointment.