Young Geometric Group Theory XII

8th-12th April 2024

Bristol, United Kingdom

The 12th edition of Young Geometric Group Theory (YGGT) took place on 8th-12th April 2024 at the University of Bristol.

The purpose of YGGT is to gather together early-career researchers working in the area of geometric group theory, to give them the opportunity to learn from each other and the senior mathematicians invited, to broaden their knowledge of geometric group theory, and to share their own research.

The main activity of the conference was the three mini-courses, which were intended to give an overview of key areas in geometric groups theory. These were supplemented by four plenary talks in a colloquium-style format, and four research talks by early-career speakers.

As usual for YGGT, there were a number of discussion sessions, which are informal parallel sessions on topics suggested by participants. There was also an opportunity for lightning talks, as well as a poster session.

The next edition of YGGT will take place in Copenhagen.

Mini-course speakers:

Plenary speakers:

Early-career speakers: