Sponsorship opportunities

We invite sponsors to support the Workshop for Young Female Researchers in Speech Science & Technology. The workshop is to be held online, prior to Interspeech 2021 on Sunday, 29 August 2021.

All the funds collected from sponsorship will be used in supporting students to participate in the workshop. All sponsor organizations will be listed on the workshop page. Sponsors are also welcome to participate in the workshop and describe opportunities in their organizations to the participants.

We are offering the following sponsorship levels:

  • Silver level: 500 dollars/euros: The sponsor receives a list with names and emails of all the participants.

  • Gold level: 1000 dollars/euros: The sponsor receives an invitation for one representative of their company to attend the event (and networking lunch, if applicable).

  • Diamond level: 2000 dollars/euros: The sponsor receives an invitation for one representative of their company to attend the event (and networking lunch, if applicable) and to serve as a mentor to our student attendees.

  • Platinum level: 5000 dollars/euros: The sponsor receives an invitation for one representative of their company to attend the event (and networking lunch, if applicable) and to serve as a mentor to our student attendees. The sponsor can select a preference for one or more students they would like to be matched with as a mentor.

Please email: youngfemaleresearchersinspeech@gmail.com for more information on sponsorship opportunities.