Poster presentation

Poster presentations should give an overview of a current or planned research project in which the student is involved, with an emphasis on promoting discussion.

Please prepare a poster in PNG/JPG format (portrait or landscape orientation, landscape is preferred for GatherTown) for presentation at the workshop. The poster will be displayed on virtual poster boards within the workshop platform (GatherTown).

Be prepared to present your poster to, discuss with, and answer questions from other workshop attendees who will stop by during the one-hour poster session.

There will be a 15-minute round of brief poster overviews prior to the poster session. Be prepared to give a very brief summary of your poster (1 minute max, no slides) to engage the interest of the audience.

We recommend that you make the poster in Powerpoint, A0 size (landscape) and then export it as PNG/JPG.

What we need from you:

* The full-screen poster (mandatory): [your-lastname]-poster-full.png

* Poster preview popup (highly recommended): [your-lastname]-poster-preview.png

* All other GatherTown poster files such as a poster stand are optional.

Follow the instructions on to make sure that the resolutions and file sizes are correct.

Please upload the full-screen poster (mandatory, [your-lastname]-poster-full.png) and poster preview popup (highly recommended, [your-lastname]-poster-preview.png) to the following folder (please zip it if you have more than 1 file):

[link sent to all participants]

Please do this before the 24th of August to make sure that your poster is ready in GatherTown for the poster session!

For any questions, please email Khiet Truong k dot p dot truong at utwente dot nl