Nuclear Weapons as a Challenge to Nordic Politics and Security -webinar

21st of August at 6 PM (UTC +3)

What risks do the proliferation and ongoing modernization of Nuclear Weapons and Russia's war against Ukraine entail?

Although the Nordic region has not been declared a Nuclear Free Zone, none of the Nordic countries has allowed nuclear weapons to be stationed on their soil. The Nordic countries have also actively promoted arms control and disarmament of Nuclear Weapons regionally and globally. Now that Finland has joined Nato and Sweden will follow soon and when Nuclear Weapons posturing is playing a larger role than before we have to address the question how the Nordic countries can contribute to efforts to restrain the arms race and work for Nuclear Disarmament .

In particular: What role will Finland and Sweden have under the Nuclear umbrella? Can there be a Nordic Nato policy on Nuclear Weapons?

Speakers: Margot Wallström and Pekka Haavisto and moderated by Erkki Tuomioja, all former Foreign Ministers, and Tarja Cronberg peace researcher, former minister of Labour. The Norwegian speaker will be confirmed later.


(If asked: meeting ID: 875 9573 8265, Passcode: 658909)

Arranged by The Finnish Nuclear Weapons Monitoring Group

The members of the group are independent experts from Academia, Politics and Military. It was set up by four peace groups and mandated to evaluate the role of nuclear weapons and risks concerning nuclear weapons in the context of Finland´s NATO membership and to carry out analyses on how Finland, as a NATO member, deals with, positions itself and acts in nuclear weapons-related questions.

Technical host of the webinar: Peace Union of Finland

More info about the webinar