
Victor Yashunsky | PI

Victor Yashunsky is an assistant professor leading the "Living Matter" lab at the Environmental Physics Department of Ben Gurion University. Victor holds PhD in Physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and postdoctoral training at Institut Curie (Paris). 

Curriculum vitae


Fluid Mechanics for Biomedical Engineering (3rd-year undergraduate course)

Mechanics and Dynamics of Living Multicellular Systems (Graduate course)


Dr. Dov Neimand | Postdoctoral fellow

E. Dov Neimand is a postdoctoral fellow.  Beyond the scope of his current data analysis projects here in the lab, his research interests also include set theory, graph theory, and convex optimization.  Beyond Academia, he's an accomplished expedition sea kayaker, having published two travelogues, If Things Go Right and  Close To the Sun.  It turns out, being alone on the water is a great place to think about math.

Embrace the sea. 

Hallel Hetzrony | Biomedical Eng. project student

Cell Cultivation on Micropatterned Substrates for High-throughput Screening

Hallel is a 4th-year student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Ben Gurion University. Her project involves developing methods for cell cultivation on micropatterned substrates. Micropatterned substrates are surfaces that have been modified with specific patterns. These patterns can be used to control the growth and behavior of cells. Hallel is interested in using micropatterned substrates to study cell behavior in interaction with their environments.


Dr. Prayas Singh | Postdoctoral fellow

Micropatterned Substrates for Manipulation  of Multicellular Organisation

Prayas is a postdoctoral fellow specializing in experimental biophysics. He unravels the complexities of biological organization at the cellular level. His research focuses on controlling nematic defects within multicellular systems. Beyond the laboratory, Prayas finds joy in traveling and exploring the beauty of nature, drawing inspiration from its diverse landscapes and ecosystems.

Roni Katz | Biomedical Eng. project student

Influence of Cell History on Individual Cell Fate within Multicellular Cultures

Roni is a fourth-year student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Ben Gurion University. Together with Sharon Sason, Roni investigates how the history of cells impacts their fate within tissues. By harnessing computer vision algorithms to analyze microscopic time-lapse images of multicellular colonies, they aim to unravel the intricate relationship between the cell cycle and eventual cellular outcomes within multicellular environments.

Amit Mordoch | Biomedical Eng. project student

Manipulation of Multicellular Organization with Cell-Repellent Patterning of Cell Substrates.

Amit is a 4th-year student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Ben Gurion University, he develops methods to manipulate multicellular dynamics. Additionally, Amit is focused on statistically measuring the structure and dynamics of cells within cell populations.

Sharon Sason | Biomedical Eng. project student

Influence of Cell History on Individual Cell Fate within Multicellular Cultures

Sharon is a fourth-year student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Ben Gurion University. Sharon and Roni investigate how the history of cells impacts their fate within tissues.