Living Matter

Collective movement appears all around the living world from protein motors, bacteria colonies to schools of fish and flocks of birds. Despite dramatic biological differences, these systems exhibit similar patterns and dynamics pointing to common principles independent of microscopic details. 


We're Hiring!

Join us for exciting opportunities:

We have funded positions for MSc, PhD, and postdoc candidates to explore the physics of multicellular organization, develop advanced microscopy, and image analysis methods  (more details).   

Contact us by mail: yashunsk [at] bgu [dot]


About the lab

Our research focuses on self-shaping and tissue morphogenesis mechanisms. Comparing experiments and theory we are exploring the fundamental laws of physics governing the organization of multicellular ensembles across different types of living cells.  

We are developing novel techniques to measure and control organization of multicellular structures.  Our experiments rely on microscopy, microfabricated environments, and image analysis algorithms.

Research topics


Topological defects in multi-layered swarming bacteria

V. Yashunsky, D. J. G. Pearce, G Ariel, A. Be'er, Soft Matter, (2024), arXiv:2401.05560

Chiral edge current in nematic cell monolayers

V. Yashunsky, D. J. G. Pearce, C. Blanch-Mercader, F. Ascione, P. Silberzan and L. Giomi, Physical Review X, (2022) 12, 041017, arXiv: 2010.15555

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Crisscross multilayering of cell sheets

T. Sarkar, V. Yashunsky, L. Brézin, CM. Mercader, T. Aryaksama, M. Lacroix, T. Risler, JF. Joanny, P. Silberzan, PNAS Nexus, (2023), 2(3), 034, bioRxiv: 2021.06.22.449403

Turbulent Dynamics of Epithelial Cell Cultures

Blanch-Mercader C, Yashunsky V, Garcia S,  Duclos G, Giomi L, and Silberzan P.

Physical Review Letters (2018), 120, arXiv:1711.01568

Spontaneous shear flow in confined cellular nematics

Duclos G, Blanch-Mercader C, Yashunsky V, Salbreux G, Joanny JF, Prost J and Silberzan P, Nature Physics, (2018) 14

Live streaming, Francesc Sagués (News & Views)

Controlling Confinement and Topology to Study Collective Cell Behaviors

Duclos G, Deforet M, Yevick H, Cochet-Escartin O, Ascione F, Moitrier S, Sarkar S, Yashunsky V, Bonnet I, Buguin A, Silberzan P., Cell Migration. Methods in Molecular Biology, (2018), 1749: 387-399,  Humana Press, New York, NY

The 2020 motile active matter roadmap

G. Gompper, [...], V. Yashunsky, P. Silberzan, et al.,

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, (2020), 32, 193001 

Icesolidification project

