Courses Taught

INSTRUCTOR, Department of Geography and Anthropoloy, Louisiana State University Fall 2018

Geographic Information Systems

  • Undergraduate level teaching
  • Syllabus, 11 lectures, and 4 in-class projects

TEACHING ASSISTANT, Department of Geography and Anthropoloy, Louisiana State University Fall 2014 – Spring 2018

Human Geography Europe Spring 2017

  • Helping 98 undergraduate students with homework, exams, and out-of-class lab assignments.
  • Helping through emails with useful hints and workable solutions for ArcGIS Online mapping.

Urban Geography Fall 2016

  • Graduate level teaching during lab.
  • Grading assignments and lab reports and providing feedback to students.

Geographic Information Systems Fall 2014, 2015, Spring 2016

  • Holding office hours to help both undergraduate and graduate students with lectures.
  • Email assistance for ArcGIS mapping and analysis.

Remote Sensing of The Environment Spring and Fall 2015

  • Teaching during lab.
  • Going through instructions and doing lab step-by-step to make sure there were no mistakes.