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Upscale the point-based soil moisture station data to match the footprint of the satellite.

Results: the two soil moisture products are more comparable.

Implication: As upscale involves the spatial autocorrelation of the stations (grid 2 in figure b), the conclusion of the study will help soil moisture station designers to improve the spatial distribution of the area to better reflect the soil moisture values of this region.

Saline-Alkaline Soil Optical Property Analysis (bidirectional polarization distribution function) with DNN Model

Spectra of BPDF measured on the surface of saline-alkaline soil: (a) is the spectra of different detection angles at an azimuth of 0; (b) is the spectrum of different azimuth angles at a 20° detection angle.

Fitting situation of the surface Rp of saline-alkaline soil predicted by the BPDF model, based on machine learning methods and the actual measured Rp. (a) 670 nm SVR, (b) 865 nm SVR, (c) 670 nm RF, (d) 865 nm RF, (e) 670 nm DNN, and (f) 865 nm DNN.

Last updated: May 25, 2022.