
How learning environment predicts female and male students’ physics motivational beliefs in introductory physics courses

Students’ motivational beliefs about physics can influence their learning outcomes as well as retention in their majors and career choices. I have been studyinng how students' perception of learning environment predicts their motivational beliefs and how to develop an inclusive and equitable learning environment in which all students can excel. For more, read the paper here.

Investigating female and male students’ physics motivational beliefs using qualitative methods

I have also conducted and analyzed individual interviews with students in introductory physics courses to understand the experiences of students in physics courses in order to improve equity and inclusion.

Clicker Question Sequences (CQS) for quantum mechanics

Research-validated clicker questions as instructional tools for formative assessment are relatively easy to implement and can provide effective scaffolding when developed and implemented in a sequence. I have been developing and assessing Clicker Question Sequences (CQS) for the advanced undergraduate quantum mechanics courses. For more, see CQS homepage

Quantum Interactive Learning Tutorials (QuILT) for quantum computing

I have also been involved in developing and assessing Quantum Interactive Learning Tutorials (QuILTs) for quantum computing topics such as Bloch Sphere and quantum algorithm. For more, see QuILT homepage

Motivational beliefs of students who repeat calculus-based introductory level physics courses

Students who repeat introductory level physics courses in college due to various reasons may experience a high level of anxiety, especially for students from underrepresented  groups. We investigated motivational beliefs of students who repeated an introductory calculus-based physics course in order to develop interventions that can help all students learn physics. For more, read the abstract here.