Yangming Li's Research on

Robotic Autonomy and Collaboration

go to https://www.rit.edu/rocal/ for more about my research.

Benefiting from the development of computer hardware, sensor technology, material science and mechanics, robotics is quickly approaching the breakthrough point of entering our daily lives. However, making robots as useful and popular as cars or cell phones still requires improvement of robot performance and reliability. The goal of Yangming Li's research is to improve performance and reliability of robotic collaborative environmental perception, collaborative motion planning, manipulator and environment interaction, and robot learning, through probabilistic methods and learning techniques.

Click to know more about Yangming Li's experiences and researches.

I have openings for 1) strongly self-motivated Ph.D students 2) visiting Ph.D students or scholars, who are interested in collaborative robotic perception, control and learning. Please email your CV and cover letter to yangming.li at rit.edu for more information.