Yamato country japan


Storehouse of treasure and wisdom


Author Daisuke Murai  Launched on January 20, 2023


We are now entering the final stage of the domination of world civilization by material power and selfishness.

At the same time as the Buddha's entry into Nirvana (hiding in the rock door of spiritual civilization for the second time), the destruction of the Jewish state, the loss of sacred treasures, the three sacred treasures (the golden pot of manna, Aaron's rod, the tablets of Moses' Ten Commandments), the three Jewish sacred treasures, Christ, and spiritual civilization. The great laws of the world have all disappeared from the world all at once.

Approximately 3000 years have passed, and the time of prophecy has come.

The heavenly shining rock door was opened, and Maitreya, Christ, returned and descended from the pontoon of the true Sumera, pointing to the eternal lineage of Yamato Japanese YAP, the so-called wisdom of all things.

We, the Yamato people, are a race of gods who are forever one lineage.

Although the Deep State knows this fact, they have forgotten their past debt of gratitude, and shameless superpowers are using weapons, capital, military power, and police power to restrain the people and engage in a struggle for supremacy in a slave society. are doing.

The reality of the current world frenzy is that power is everything.

In order to correct the chaos and frenzy in this world, to rescue as many people as possible from the evil hellish social system of the fittest, and to create a society free of disease, death, old age, and suffering, We must join forces, work hard together with ourselves and others, and build that world on earth.

To achieve this, it is necessary to teach blind science that lacks autonomy and independence. And we must hurry to reveal to you the whole picture of the spiritual civilization of the science of subjectivity.

This is an absolutely clear truth, and one answer that is clearly needed in this era and the world.

Exactly, ``It's time to open the rock door.''


Founding of Yamato country.Japan.YAP.  Treasure of  Wisdom BeginningKaibyaku-開闢

No. 2

January 7, 2023 (original)

October 13, 2023 First issue 

Haplo-D(YAP) group

『YAP. The one who inherits all of D.』


(Concealment rank ZS) file

In Cabalic, the current word in Kabbalah, it is the Earth.

In ancient times, this earth was known as Yamato, Tara, Tiara, Sufia, Sophia, YAP Laerdis, Chumi, Yamatomutara, Yamatomutuara, etc., which were named as the actual names of this planet in ancient times. However, they have continued to be destroyed and hidden by the Cabal and Kabbalah.

The meaning of Yamatomutara is 16 sun crests = the source of the sun.

That was the name of the earth.

The earth (Tara) was born from the energy of 16 suns.

The Earth still exists thanks to the 16 suns.

In the secret tradition, when one perceives in sync with the earth and the 16 suns, one performs ginomai (Japanese Noh dance). Ototama (mantra: the soul contained in the sound) at that time was,

``Tom tara houm vazaratala on maihum tarahoom A-Ri. Ga-ta-ya (thank you for the meaning) talaa houm.''

By the way, at the time of the creation of Yamatomutara, this star created by the gods "Yamatu Sophia" and the theology of the universe (Amenomichikara) were referred to as Sumera = Tomtara Sumeru (Sixteen Sun Emperors), Machimachi Tomtara (8, 8, 16 Many ruins have been discovered that have inscriptions such as ``Inheritance'' (Sun Crest).

It has been found in ruins all over Japan and all over the world, appearing in temples, churches, underground, at the bottom of rivers, under the sea, and underground in ancient cities, and was written in Japan's ``Kamiyo script.''(神代文字=age of gods)  It has had a tremendous number of appearances, but has remained hidden.

``Yamatomutara'' has been found not only in Japan but also in ruins around the world.Many items with the 16 sun crest logo and the hachi light (8) logo have been found there.

What is written there is "Yamatomutara, o, ataeshi, nusismera..." (Sumera, the lord who gives Yamatomutara)

As a result of Daisuke Murai's multidimensional/3D thinking (Nenpa) and reading the faint thoughts left in the spaces and objects left by those who were involved in ancient ruins, he continuously performed attunement and perception. I was able to read it as follows.

The Emperor (Sumera) of YAP, Sushumera, is the child of a god chosen from the 16 sun gods.

In Hebrew, it is Messiah (sumera), and in Greek, it is ``Christ''.

Also, Yahweh is YAP a way. It has the same meaning as (God's way).

It says that this Tara (earth) is given to the Lord of all, the Savior Christ, Sumera.

The providence of the heavens, the providence of the universe = Sophia, and the Lord who rules and protects by being attuned and in harmony with that providence is a precious God who is attuned to the universe.

The meaning of YAP a way (God's way: Sumer Sumera) is how to read numbers in Japanese: 1: hi(sun), 2: fu: 3,:mi which means the sentence of the sun, 2.3(fumi means message,letter) 4: yo (teach:give), 5: i (Lead) 6: Mu (Give) 7: Na (Harmony: Meaning of Christ)   8: Ya (God: Gratitude) With this justice, 9: With this (descendants), 10: To (God who protects this earth: Tennou・Amanomikoto・Mikado・Sumeru)

It means that he is the king of this planet, and is the pillar through which God and humanity are assimilated.

Many ancient Kamiyomoji inscriptions written in this way have been found all over the world.

These were things that those who completely ruled the world had to completely cover up and erase, no matter how many countries they annihilated.

For them, this was ``an absolutely inconvenient true history.''

Concealment rank ZS file

I have no intention of imposing this truth on the people of the world.

I do not view people who are not YAP or other races/lifeforms in a hierarchical manner. There are none. Why? Let me answer everyone clearly. it is,

Because it's YAP!

Since time immemorial, we, YAP, have been connected to the compassion of the origin of the universe and our consciousness and heart, so we unconsciously think about ourselves and others naturally and continue to care for others. This is because they are a species that acts with That is the characteristic of people who carry the HaploD group YAP gene.

Races with the YAP gene also have the characteristic of hating anything that harms good life and nature with evil and malicious intent.

Now, as an explanation of the true phenomenon that should be conveyed next, I mentioned the phrase "blind science" last time. In other words, the reality of modern people is

He continued to destroy the wonderful abilities that humans have inherited from God. Those who have continued to destroy it are the super rulers.

Super rulers continue to destroy the wonderful abilities that humans have inherited from God since time immemorial, and continue to enslave them.

After destroying the ancient wisdom inherited from God, the super rulers taught their slaves (human beings) to analyze only objective phenomena in detail, which they called science, and modern science. They continued to build a slave-dominated society.

Do you understand? everyone. This is one of the worst mistakes, and it is the brainwashing of academia that makes humans stupid from the very beginning and continues to make us fools. This fixed truth that cannot be deceived is one of enlightenment, wisdom, and entrance.

Please read this passage over and over again. And please notice. Please wake up.

You have now come to realize one of the immovable truths: modern science is about objects.

In other words, we, the people who are being forever enslaved, have been experiencing the wonderful ``sprouting of the wisdom of the spirit, mind, and consciousness of the unity of the subject'' since our childhood when our minds and hearts were growing up.This is ``God's scientific It can be said that the essence, subject, and object are one and the same, and it is a person who grows up in a series of many "?", but this has been replaced by object science by the super rulers.

In ancient language, this series of ``?''s during childhood is called ``Youchishinpou, the divine treasure of young wisdom.'' This is as irreplaceable and important as the ability to synchronize.

The divine treasures of infantile wisdom that these infant children possess are transformed into the awakening of the divine personality, but they are destroyed by the superlords (science of eternal objects: modern science: satanistic science) (world The Satanist education system (which disappoints the people) is compulsory and imposed as a hindrance.

The super-controllers continue to forcibly, thoroughly, and completely prevent us humans from awakening to our divine senses.

What's more, they are preventing awakening by putting vaccinations and all kinds of chemical substances in large quantities in food, clothing, drinks, containers, etc., and by printing and distributing huge amounts of paper dollar bills.

The scale of this project is far greater than we expected, and it is being continued without wasting any time. They forcibly brainwash, cover up, and continue to destroy everything including the mind, body, and consciousness.

It includes the immortal providence and the human ability to awaken.

They are for the chain of suffering, and for that purpose they make full use of force, weapons, fear, genocide, paper money, the media, etc. Those who object to this are assassinated and massacred by the super rulers. This is outrageous and cannot be tolerated.

The right and power to issue currency is a terrifying brainwashing item.

If I had the power, I would immediately help good people and children around the world eliminate material suffering and eliminate evil forever.

We will soon prove how foolish and worthless the society of material things, profit and loss, and desire is, and we will put an end to it and completely eradicate all evil evils from this world.

It will also destroy all evil and suffering such as sickness, death, suffering, pain, etc.

This will come true by me releasing all the technology in the universe that the super rulers keep hidden.

By making the world ``liberate, expose, share, and produce,'' we will completely eliminate bad suffering.

I want to realize and build a world where everyone can be happy forever.

That is one of our goals at Yamato Q.(神真都Q 神:GOD 真:truth 都:capital heaven)

Modern science is a study of objects only. There will never be a subjective answer to this question.

This makes us lose ourselves and cause us to collapse. (Education of super rulers for that purpose)

We are citizens who are being treated as livestock slaves by the super-rulers. These are all made to aim at object science and industry through brainwashing education.

If things continue like this, super rulers will forever control society and the country's institutions, and we will only become slaves.

It dehumanizes all humans. They are forced into that situation.

This leads to the collapse of the independent spirit of freedom, independence, and autonomy in individual life. I am forced to be guided by it.


You and I do not realize a single thing that we can do at this moment, at this moment, which is inconceivable from the perspective of the universe and the world of all knowledge. The fact that what we can perceive is so little that we can't even imagine it.

This recognition also leads to understanding the existence of the Almighty, who is aware of all wisdom.

I will show you how to receive knowledge of the immense existence, such as awakening, the Father Universe, Mother Motherhood, the Primordial God, the Higher Dimensions, the Tathagata (Buddha), and the quantum consciousness of the Universe.

S rank secret

Quantum consciousness education through subjective unity attunement

= How to harmonize with the universe

= big(Futo:太) universe

=Yamato Japan's divine science

= Mani quantum theory

= Tama: Dynamic Knowledge

From now on, we will revive the teachings of ancient high-dimensional civilizations at Yamato Q (Kaibyaku-開闢)

Continued to issue 3

KouNii (Daisuke murai)

※ KouNii originally belonged to the military that protects the Illuminati Deep State. Although its name is unknown to the world, he named it "Tokusen."

Tokusen is a group of various psychics who manage the world's military, protect the Illuminati, and are responsible for various cover-up operations on Earth.

He was working with scientists to obtain information from inside the brain using ``clairvoyance.'' Also called viewing. It's probably a type of remote viewing. Because of this, he is able to provide true information that is never made public in the world. Knowledge that has been hidden.

Miraculously, he was rescued by President Trump. Tokusen humans are not supposed to exist in this world. So is the organization. Therefore, even if they retire, they are treated as death.

KouNii, the only living witness of the secret organization "Tokusen", stands up for Q in the world. To save children who are being sacrificed to the reptilians.

The organization he founded in Japan is Yamato Q.

He has a younger brother.

His name is Kou (甲). Kounii means Kou's older brother.

Kou was also originally an Illuminati member of Tokusen.

However, he is now active as the head of the world's Q forces and is fighting against the Illuminati deep state forces around the world.

He likes cats and turtles.


Founding of Yamato country.Japan.YAP.  Treasure of  Wisdom Beginning(Kaibyaku)

No. 3

January 18, 2023 (original)

First issue March 3, 2024

Written by Daisuke Murai, also known as Kounii.

By the way, I have never formally explained the etymology or origin of Yamato-Q. First, I'll start declassing from there.

Before that, please be careful. ➀I don't want to use the terrible characters of the Cabal language, which are completely inappropriate kanji that have been forcibly distorted by the Cabal. First, I will write down the revised characters that I will use this time.dyed brain

②In terms of the era, it is extremely old. It would be easy to irresponsibly and unilaterally end the discussion by saying, ``I have explained the modern characters.'' We, who are deeply immersed in the modern brain-educated society, are too far removed from the history that has been taught to us by our brain-stained and polluted knowledge, so I will omit the number of years. .

Before that, let's declass a little.

The time in the Genesis of this planet (Tenjin era) is different from the regulations, laws, concepts, and principles of modern time, so the communication power and transmission power in modern Japanese and writing is at best 10. I can't even tell you the percentage. Understanding this is like explaining quantum dissociation and infinity, and in the polluted and dead brains of modern humans, red alerts are likely to go off, causing rejection and misunderstanding. However, I will try my best to convey it simply and vaguely.

As we move from the present day to the ancient times when this star was born,

◦The span of one hour on this modern planet is not only sensual, but ◦Imagine that time itself becomes limitless along with the surrounding environment, multiplying by 10, 100, or 1000 times. please do it. That image is closest to reality.


Awakening is no longer possible for dead thinkers such as "broken" and "crazy" ruler-object physics science with flat, dyed-brain thinking that has been enslaved by modern day villainous rulers. Just like the coronavirus vaccine death procession, there are big problems that can and cannot be understood. No matter how much we try to reach out to the swamp of polluted brains, those people themselves are being swallowed up by the swamp of poisonous brains, and they no longer realize that they are suffering and struggling.

Therefore, it is difficult, frustrating, and frustrating to convey important truths using only words and modern characters. Especially for people like me, who have poor communication skills and lack the ability to communicate in modern languages, the moment I open my mouth, there is a barrage of misunderstandings, and it is no exaggeration to say that only 1 in 1000 people will understand me correctly. To be honest, for someone like me, who is an idiot, I can't help but think of this kind of writing as some sort of punishment or bullying.

 Moreover, I am writing this while being arrested due to a complete misunderstanding, being salted without salt, being pickled in sugar, and being unfairly detained for more than a year in a small room with only cold water and a washbasin and toilet. are doing.

So writing this is a very difficult task.

By the way, "together with the surrounding environment" mentioned above means,

Gravity 1/12 to 1/160,

1600 types of light energy,

The electromagnetic field is infinite,

Infinite colors,

The main component of the atmosphere is hydrogen,

The etheric body of quantum silicon is the main

The time in the universe is 1/1000 to 100 million, so long that time does not exist.

At that time, there was actually a world on this planet that was free of all the sufferings of modern times and was forever filled with "issaokaikuudokoufuku" and all kinds of joy.

This was the ``great natural law'' of the ultra-ancient world environment, and it continued to exist in a real world.''

This is true no matter what anyone says. At some point in the ancient past (we will adjust the timing, disclose, and explain all of this, so please look forward to it with confidence),

A certain alien star race (NAA Anun race) group has reduced the proportion of stars that have enjoyed the long-standing cosmic happiness and benevolence providence to the bare minimum.

Continuous suffering for the sake of some evil and foolish purpose amplified the energy of destruction. They began to reverse the providence of this planet. This should never happen.

These were the most important matters that all human species must protect and prevent with their lives.

To that end, about 2,926,000 years ago, after receiving a divine edict, the Emperor said, ``(Subaru) (Subaru) (Sumeru) (Sumera)'' = ``From now on, until 2,920,000 years from now, there will be continued happiness.'' is reversed into continuous suffering. ” he said.

 In order for everyone to continue to prevent this from happening in harmony and harmony with oneself and others, the name of oneself and the period of the reign should be made.


He dared to stigmatize it and reprimand it with love.

The meaning is




(○aezu⇒The providence of happiness and benevolence) is not met, a demon enters and happiness and unhappiness are reversed.''

There are also other translations, but they all have the same meaning.

From now on, let's take a close look at a simple diagram A and look at the origin and era of Yamato (God's true capital).

It is much older than the Ugaya Dynasty (2.92 million years ago).

In other words, the origin and era of Yamato is from the seventh Tenjin era to the first Sumera Mikoto (Emperor) of the Upper Ancient period.

This was (also known as the Age of Divine Trees, when gravity was less than 1/12, the atmosphere was mainly hydrogen, and time was cosmic time.)

 These historical facts will likely come to light in the future.

Wait a little longer.

Everyone!  I have included a schematic diagram of the chronology.

All of a sudden, this credibility has become extremely weak.

Just this is good. From there, enjoy investigating various things until you are convinced of the truth.

By the way, our great senior YAP○D's Takeuchi Kiyomaro was not the kind of man who would tell lies or hoaxes even after he died.

He was a master of martial arts, had an honest and upright personality, did not follow the iron rules of the Kabbalah Shinto world, did not do business with the political, business, or government world, and did not accept any foolish rules imposed on the weak ( Anun caste, etc.) rejected and hated.

Finally, after nearly 3000 years, with the arrival of the godless world (the signal of Kaminashi), the ancient NAA/ANN Society (Black Lodge) (Ishua), Hatakara Kabal, Kamo Kabal, Japan Handler Cross Society Lodge, etc. For the sake of the descendants of the few pure Yamato gods left in the Yamato country of Japan, all the good and pure lives scattered throughout the world, and my comrades, Yaps. Although Takeuchi Kiyomaro is a member of a branch family, he has unearthed over 4,000 items from hidden treasures scattered across the country, including the history of this planet that has been passed down in secret since ancient times, Sumera, YAP, etc. It was designed so that everyone could know and learn equally.

They were enshrined together in several shrines. And he made it public. 90% of the main family is on the cabal side)

Naturally, the world rulers completely destroyed the true, super-ancient history that had existed for a long time before the ``Signal of the Age of Jinmu (Godless World, Kaminashi)''.

We have mastered the foolishness of the ``Great Evil Ritual (Genocide Wars, Sacrifices of Billions of Sufferings)'' that transform the providence of eternal happiness into a providence that is the exact opposite of the providence of eternal happiness. ) ◎ Holy Spring ◎ God's Ball ◎ The portal system etc. were contaminated with the blood of many sacrifices and were destroyed in reverse. They cunningly continued their truly horrifying acts. They have built a global society of providence, evil, and despair of the S-ring (Satan ring) of suffering up to this point.

(S-ring economic governance system)

 S = Satan = Snake (United Nations, WHO, etc.)

It is a world organization consisting of 666,000 members.

“Neither gods nor men, evil ones” are

``If the history and official history of Japan, the world-class country of Yamato and Japan's profound, ancient, and immense lineage of all ages, becomes widespread, it could lead to a serious situation,'' he feared.

Each time, the official history has been covered up based on instructions set by associations around the world, and emergency suppression similar to a witch hunt has been carried out.

They mobilized the (corrupt police (Mito), special high school police (killers)), and since December 1930, many good people, including Mr. Kyomaro, who is a hero, have been accused of crimes such as the blasphemy incident. comrades were unjustly detained and killed.

This is something that should never be tolerated.

This incident is just the tip of the iceberg of stupidity under bad authority.

Kiyomaro, who was beyond the realm of a madman, survived the harsh torture that was said to result in his death 10 times.

He died and came back to life three times.

Kiyomaro fought for 15 years against the Cabal judiciary, and after performing many impossible miracles (God's techniques), he finally survived and was acquitted.

However, 4,000 items were confiscated in the basement of the Grand Inquisition (all Illuminati (13 bloods)) and the DuPont Forbidden Archives (Vatican Second Basement)), including 4,000 authentic historical records from the super ancient times of the Universal System, and ``140,000 items built on this planet.'' Several types of blueprints such as details of the 4,000 Iwasaka (pyramids), details of space technology, blueprints of 47 types of sky spaceships, divine spiritual power attunement divine edict seed collection divine people (hydrogen, silicon, ether, crystal, plant, etc.) The court and the government have notified that the documents "such as detailed drawings of crystal bodies, alien species from other races, etc., as well as cosmic wisdom texts such as DNA, quantum, photoelectric consciousness, etc." were "burned down" without being returned.

This is an incident that should never be tolerated.

These are the treasures of this planet, one of the major "keys" to the higher-dimensional evolution of humanity, and one of the matters in which everyone should take responsibility. Also, around the same time, many wonderful ancestors who revealed the truth were murdered by the police (Special High Police), prosecutors, and cabal organizations at the time.

World and Japan Ancient Iwasaka Amaterasu Hinokami Ritual Temple Futo (Space),

Solar giposu energy yield increase storage hiramide (pyramid) of quantum exchange movement to and fro,

Katsutoki Sakai, one of these researchers, is one of them.

Here, I would like to tell you a little about the Pyramid of Giza, which everyone is familiar with, before it was destroyed.

When the pyramids at Giza were built, they were entirely made of white marble and red marble.

A red Hinomaru (sun stone) was placed at the top.

During the day, there were 16 rays in total (x2 = 32), with 4 rays on each side from the apex, in red, white, red, and white stripes.

(Hereafter, abbreviated picture)

The contents of this illustration are recorded in a letter written by the murdered British researcher Edgar.

These dates roughly match the chronology of the pyramid's construction recorded in an ancient document owned by Takeuchi Kiyomaro.

It has a very ancient and profound history.

By the way, the CIA server also has a lot of data on Shangri-La, including artifacts, which Snowden is probably well aware of.

There is chronological glyph data for this star, which is also quite close to the Kyomaro chronology.

``In other words, the points that various places, people, organizations, etc. that have no contact in each place naturally connect in a circle.''

The reality is that these are the only things that make it difficult to peek into and know the true truth of official history.

In addition, by practicing just a few of the ancient teachings of Yamato such as the person's thoughts, remaining thoughts, plaques, attunement, and Tama motion knowledge, if the timing is right,

By utilizing the many powers of (Suijin) ⇒ (Mr. Manokami ◦ Mina Kanushinokami ◦ Suishin Kongen Ohmikami), regardless of 70% of the person's current situation, we can ``sympathize with the person who was no longer present and have a dialogue.'' Many things become possible, such as consciousness linking and mental communication.

(Etama Etera Etel)

They are (the true and tremendous power of water, which occupies 70% of the body, which continues to be hidden.☆Don't worry, we will reveal it at a later date)

(However, it should be noted that in 80% of cases, in synchronic perception, one accepts the other person's experiences of suffering, sadness, pain, etc. directly in one's own body and mind.)

There is such a big risk. Most beginners (in modern times) will die or go crazy.

Please have someone with knowledge sit with you until you get used to it!

*In today's day and age, even a short period of time, a person's personality can change for the worse.

*In modern times, Wi-Fi, bad radio waves, mobile electromagnetic waves, etc. are major obstacles to synchronic perception.

*Please be aware that if you do not get the consent of the person who will absolutely agree with you, you will be in trouble.

This puts a burden and risk on your mind and body.

I don't think there will ever be a lesson like this.

The person who perceives the same person may feel overwhelmed by the ``many feelings of pain and sadness that the person has experienced.''

With everyone's joy at the beginning of the world in my heart as my energy, I will continue to do my best, unafraid of taking risks and moving forward together with everyone.

The star of the gods was the Yamato star (same meaning), and it was decreed by the gods to be the capital of that star.

The desecrated books that are now forcibly designated to the ANN group and other ancient societies (Isis, Isiyah, Cabal, Masonic Lodge, etc.), which are considered to be the official national history of this country, were compiled during the Nara period. These recent books are called ``Kojiki'' and ``Nihonshoki'' and are said to be Japan's oldest national history book, but it is like putting your forehead on a large rock and proclaiming that this is our star. As you say, it is impossible.

We, the ancestors of YAP (Sumera D), lived on the ancient Earth, which was inconvenient for the rulers to permanently rule the world, under an extremely brutal occupation control system even worse than GHQ after the ancient Atrem War. They confiscated, destroyed, concealed, forged, falsified, and edited all of the history, culture, technology, writing, the science of subjectivity, and the wisdom of the cosmos of the wonderful ancestor gods of Yamato.

As a result, Japan's ancestors continue to be murdered, and the ancestors of Japan use many codes and methods that cannot be caught by the strict surveillance network of cabal censorship to protect their future beloved descendants. He stepped up and left behind a true history.

We will be the first in the world to accurately reveal the true history of the earth, with all of our ancestors' strong love and feelings of compassion and justice since ancient times.

By the time this series reaches its final stage, he will surpass all the great pseudo-scholars, pseudo-doctors, pseudo-religionists, and other objectifying pseudo-scholars that have come before.

First of all, I sincerely hope that you will be able to complete the core of the study of subjectivity, and that you will be guided down the path of light (kakuchikou) to enlightenment.

By the way,

◎The first generation of Tenjindai (first generation Omikami) is (Motofumikuraino Minonushioomikami)

◎The first generation of Jouko (Amehinomoto, Ashikabikiminushi, Mihikaru Amatsuhitsugiameno)

Sumera Mikoto)

◎1st generation Ugaya Fuki Aezezu (Mihikariya Amatsu Hitsugi

Amenos Meramikoto)


Reign period: 2,838,042 years (currently) WAO!!!

Next, what is the "Q" in Yamato Q? Why Q?

I will tell you that. Everyone, don't be surprised~ Wahaha... See you later~