
Disaster Preparedness

Official Prefecture site (google translate)

How to prepare for earthquakes specifically. Good scale indicator to know what level of earthquake you are feeling, helpful emergency preparedness vocabulary and a section to print and fill out with important info such as telephones and addresses.

Tokyo Disaster Prevention Information Website. Most things will come up in Japanese, but you can use the good translate extension on Chrome.

Very detailed PDF on how to prepare for and what to do in the event of a typhoon or an earthquake (also has useful Japanese terms) handy info on what to do in different places (while traveling, at the beach, while driving, etc.) if a natural disaster were to strike when you’re not at home.

Has a list of 166 useful expressions for disaster events.

What to do AFTER an earthquake or natural disaster; various links, including legal counseling and disaster relief - by CLAIR, in 10 different languages plus simplified Japanese.