Music Composition Tools

Terms Used

  • Tempo = Speed of music; measured in "bpm".

  • bpm = Beats per minute; usually 4 beats to a "bar".

  • Length = Length of music segment; measured in "bars".

  • Time = Duration of music segment, usually in seconds.

  • Hertz = Frequency, measured as Cycles per second.

Tempo (bpm) Calculations

The relationship between Tempo, Time and Length is quite simple. Basically, Length = Tempo x Time. The difficulty arises because of the different units of mesurement used.

- Tempo is in beats per minute (bpm).

- Length is in bars (not beats).

- Time is in seconds (not minutes).

As such, the easiest way to resolve the problem is to introduce a constant of 240 (ie 60 seconds per minute x 4 beats per bar). This normalises the equation as follows:-

(BARS x 240) = BPM x SECONDS

For LENGTH in Bars,

BARS = (BPM x SECONDS) / 240

For TEMPO in bpm,

BPM = (BARS x 240) / SECONDS

For TIME in seconds,

SECONDS = (BARS x 240) / BPM

Time is a critical factor when composing music for commercial use. As such, I have provided a table below which gives Tempo settings for 20, 30 and 40 seconds. For example, to achieve 18 seconds in 9 bars requires a tempo of 120bpm.

bpm BarsSeconds 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1416 60.0 75.0 90.0 105.0 120.0 135.0 150.0 165.0 180.0 195.0 210.017 56.5 70.6 84.7 98.8 112.9 127.1 141.2 155.3 169.4 183.5 197.618 53.3 66.7 80.0 93.3 106.7 120.0 133.3 146.7 160.0 173.3 186.719 50.5 63.2 75.8 88.4 101.1 113.7 126.3 138.9 151.6 164.2 176.820 48.0 60.0 72.0 84.0 96.0 108.0 120.0 132.0 144.0 156.0 168.0Seconds 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1926 83.1 92.3 101.5 110.8 120.0 129.2 138.5 147.7 156.9 166.2 175.427 80.0 88.9 97.8 106.7 115.6 124.4 133.3 142.2 151.1 160.0 168.928 77.1 85.7 94.3 102.9 111.4 120.0 128.6 137.1 145.7 154.3 162.929 74.5 82.8 91.0 99.3 107.6 115.9 124.1 132.4 140.7 149.0 157.230 72.0 80.0 88.0 96.0 104.0 112.0 120.0 128.0 136.0 144.0 152.0Seconds 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2436 93.3 100.0 106.7 113.3 120.0 126.7 133.3 140.0 146.7 153.3 160.037 90.8 97.3 103.8 110.3 116.8 123.2 129.7 136.2 142.7 149.2 155.738 88.4 94.7 101.1 107.4 113.7 120.0 126.3 132.6 138.9 145.3 151.639 86.2 92.3 98.5 104.6 110.8 116.9 123.1 129.2 135.4 141.5 147.740 84.0 90.0 96.0 102.0 108.0 114.0 120.0 126.0 132.0 138.0 144.0

Delay Calculations

The same equation (as above) can be used to calculate delay times. However, digital delay times are quoted in milliseconds so the equation has to be altered a bit.

For TIME in milliseconds,

MilliSeconds = (BARS x 240,000) / BPM

So to work out the delay-time for 3 sixteenths of a bar would be,

((240,000 x 3) / 16) / BPM

which equals to 45,000 / BPM. Assuming the tempo is 120bpm, the delay time for 3/16 of a bar would be

45,000 / 120 = 375 milliseconds.

The table below lists the various delay times in milliseconds for 16ths of a bar and 12ths of a bar.

Time (ms) Sixteenths of a Bar Twelfths of a Barbpm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 4 560 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 333 667 1333 166765 231 462 692 923 1154 1385 1615 1846 308 615 1231 153870 214 429 643 857 1071 1286 1500 1714 286 571 1143 142975 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 267 533 1067 133380 188 375 563 750 938 1125 1313 1500 250 500 1000 125085 176 353 529 706 882 1059 1235 1412 235 471 941 117690 167 333 500 667 833 1000 1167 1333 222 444 889 111195 158 316 474 632 789 947 1105 1263 211 421 842 1053100 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 200 400 800 1000105 143 286 429 571 714 857 1000 1143 190 381 762 952110 136 273 409 545 682 818 955 1091 182 364 727 909115 130 261 391 522 652 783 913 1043 174 348 696 870bpm 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/12 1/6 1/3 5/12120 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 167 333 667 833125 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 160 320 640 800130 115 231 346 462 577 692 808 923 154 308 615 769135 111 222 333 444 556 667 778 889 148 296 593 741140 107 214 321 429 536 643 750 857 143 286 571 714145 103 207 310 414 517 621 724 828 138 276 552 690150 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 133 267 533 667155 97 194 290 387 484 581 677 774 129 258 516 645160 94 188 281 375 469 563 656 750 125 250 500 625165 91 182 273 364 455 545 636 727 121 242 485 606170 88 176 265 353 441 529 618 706 118 235 471 588175 86 171 257 343 429 514 600 686 114 229 457 571180 83 167 250 333 417 500 583 667 111 222 444 556

Rhyme Chart

Here's a simple chart to help with rhyming. Basically you take the last syllable of a word and try starting the syllable with each of the letters in the chart.

For example, if you were trying to rhyme with "orange", the last syllable would be "..ange". Going through the chart, you'd come up with "range", "change" and "strange".
















Music Note Frequencies

The chart below shows the pitch/ frequency (in Hertz) of musical notes. Tuning uses A4 = 440 Hz, where A4 {in Scientific Pitch Notation} is Midi Note #69. In this notation, octave-numbers begin with C so Middle-C is at C4 {or Midi Note #60}.

A4=440 C C#/Db D D#/Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A A#/Bb BOct=0 16.3516 17.3239 18.3540 19.4454 20.6017 21.8268 23.1247 24.4997 25.9565 27.5000 29.1352 30.8677Oct=1 32.7032 34.6478 36.7081 38.8909 41.2034 43.6535 46.2493 48.9994 51.9131 55.0000 58.2705 61.7354Oct=2 65.4064 69.2957 73.4162 77.7817 82.4069 87.3071 92.4986 97.9989 103.826 110.000 116.541 123.471Oct=3 130.813 138.591 146.832 155.563 164.814 174.614 184.997 195.998 207.652 220.000 233.082 246.942Oct=4 261.626 277.183 293.665 311.127 329.628 349.228 369.994 391.995 415.305 440.000 466.164 493.883Oct=5 523.251 554.365 587.330 622.254 659.255 698.456 739.989 783.991 830.609 880.000 932.328 987.767Oct=6 1,046.50 1,108.73 1,174.66 1,244.51 1,318.51 1,396.91 1,479.98 1,567.98 1,661.22 1,760.00 1,864.66 1,975.53Oct=7 2,093.00 2,217.46 2,349.32 2,489.02 2,637.02 2,793.83 2,959.96 3,135.96 3,322.44 3,520.00 3,729.31 3,951.07Oct=8 4,186.01 4,434.92 4,698.64 4,978.03 5,274.04 5,587.65 5,919.91 6,271.93 6,644.88 7,040.00 7,458.62 7,902.13Oct=9 8,372.02 8,869.84 9,397.27 9,956.06 10,548.1 11,175.3 11,839.8 12,543.9 13,289.8 14,080.0 14,917.2 15,804.3

For Guitar and Bass Guitar tuning, the pitch frequencies (in Hertz) are as follows:-

Guitar E A D G B e

82.4069 110.000 146.832 195.998 246.942 329.628

Bass b E A D G

30.8677 41.2034 55.0000 73.4162 97.9989

How to work out the pitch frequencies in a spreadsheet - See spreadsheet below. Our reference is that A4 is pitched at 44o Hertz. The pitch of A5 is double of A4; the pitch of A3 is half of A4. We can fill the column for A0 to A9 by halving & doubling -or- we can use a formula =440*2^(Oct#-4) {where Oct# is the Octave number}.

The pitch of the other notes are calculated using their "note distance" from "A". An octave is divided into 12 notes (or semitones or halfsteps). For example, C is -9 notes away from A. The formula for C4 is =2^(LOG(440,2)+(-9/12)) {where 440 is the pitch of A4 and where -9 is C's note distance from A}. The formula uses "Logarithm to the Base of 2" (Log base 2) to linearise the note's distance from the reference; and then this is reversed back {arc-log} using 2 to the power of that value.

Music Hertz

Frequency Spectrum Chart

I made this audio Frequency Spectrum chart [in Hertz] using Google Draw ('tho most of the work was in Google Sheets due to the calculations needed). It's made for you to print out and draw on. It'll be mostly useful for marking down settings for audio production. Anyway, the middle section has the spectrum as how it is popularly represented. The top has the markings for a typical Graphic Equalizer. The bottom has the markings for musical notes.

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