What Is Akashic Records Access

What is akashic records and how do we access akashic records book of life? This concept was introduced to western society by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of theosophy and the philosophical school of anthroposophy. However, the origins are from the Indian word Akasha, meaning that every thought, word and action is recorded and those records contain information about everything in existence from the very beginning of creation, the dawn of time.

However, to access the akashic records is no easy task. The practitioner must develop spiritually to the point where they transform beyond this world of illusion to access the akashic records and see the reality of what’s really going on. The concept of the akashic records goes hand-in-hand with the law of karma, that what we sow, both good and bad, we shall also reap, in this life or another.

One book that incorporates the akashic records book of life, showing how the characters in that story, an evolved extraterrestrial race of beings, access akashic records to help save our world, is The Blue Star Millennium, a metaphysical scifi story with an environmental theme. Along with a thought inspiring story, understanding what is akashic records comes in a fictional action packed adventure.

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