Space Time Continium

The space time continium is describing the fourth dimension, where the three dimensions of space are merged with the dimension of time. It’s called continuum because there are no known gaps in space or instances in time - they are all interconnected.

The space time continium is the basis of time travel theory and many of the time travel books and stories revolve around that theme. Sometimes it’s hard to get one’s head around the concept of time travel, so maybe one way to describe it is from an observer’s point of view. If we picture an old western movie where a train is traveling through a valley, the train driver sees the future before him, the passenger in the middle of the train sees the present from his /her window and the conductor at the back of the train sees the past from whence they’ve come. An observer standing on a mountain looking down on the scene sees everything, past, present and future.

Again, from the movie perspective, an older movie tape is made up of a series of still shots, where the action is achieved by the series of stills being run in succession. In relation to the full movie, some of those stills on their own represent the present, while others are in the past and some  the future. Played together, they represent the space time continuum.

A book that incorporates the space time continium is The Blue Star Millennium, a time travel story where we are transported back and forward in time in an effort to save our world from environmental disaster. The above link is for the e book version and it’s also available in amazon paperback books.