CNRS researcher        

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Affiliation: CNRS, IEMN UMR 8520, France

The Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnology 

Research interests : MEMS/NEMS, Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, Applied Physics, Nanoelectronics, and Nanotechnology, Quantum engineering


Publication lists on HAL: link

I obtained the BA and MS degree from Nanjing university (China) and Ph.D from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan, supervised by Shunri Oda, Hiroshi Mizuta and Ken Uchita). I was SPDR fellow of RIKEN for developing CNT integrated single electron devices. Then, I moved to Quantronics group in CEA-Saclay as a postdoc of Denis VION and Daniel ESTEVE to develop quantum limited parametric amplifiers for an ultra-sensitive detection scheme. In 2015, I moved to institute NEEL (Grenoble, France) as a postdoc with Eddy Collin and started activities in microwave optomechanical devices. In the year 2017, I was recruited by CNRS as a permanent researcher. Currently, my research interests are focusing on developing the novel structure of nano-electromechanical system (NEMS), NEMS based optomechanical circuits, NEMS for signal processing from room temperature to ultra-low temperature (< 1 mK).