On-going project: 

ANR-MORETOME  (01/2023-12/2026 link), Coordinator, Keywords: optomechanical circuits, coupled NEMS network, smart sensing

Collaborateur: NEEL Institut Néel,  LOMA Université de Bordeaux

Chist-ERA NOEMIA (03/2023-02/2026 link), Principal investigator and coordinator of French partners, Keywords: non-conventional computing, NEMS, optomechanics

Collaborateur: University of Southampton, Czech Academy of Sciences, National Taiwan University, Riga Technical University

Other projects:

ISITE ERC-generator MOST (2019-2022), Coordinator, Keywords: nanoelectromechanics, optomechanical thermometry

STaRS-MOC (2018-2021), Coordinator, Keywords: microwave optomechanical circuits