Remote 2021

XR Workshop 2021 Hubs: Australia

Besides the in-person event in Auckland and due to COVID-19 people can participate remotely. We have setup Hubs in different cities in Australia to allow students and people to come together and join the XR workshop experience. Contact the following people for further information. You should also register for the workshop too. Sessions will happen synchronously with NZ but there will be a slightly different schedule and a couple of additional speakers please see below. Professor Mark Billinghurst will be leading the Remote Programme. Please ask questions on the Slack channel.

Contact the following people running the hubs in parallel to the workshop in Australia to participate.

University of South Australia (Adelaide):

- Professor Mark Billinghurst (

Monash University (Melbourne)

- Dr Barrett Ens (

University of New South Wales (Sydney)

- A/Prof Tomasz Bednarz (

Australia National University (Canberra)

- Dr Matt Adock ( and Madhawa Perera (

Tuesday 9 February 2021 (Adelaide Time)

0730-0800 Registration

0830-0930 Keynote #1 - Tony Parisi (Unity, USA)

0930-1030 Welcome and Introduction

1030-1230 Introduction to Unity - Prasanth Sasikumar (University Auckland, NZ)

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1330 Developing AR and VR for clients – more than just programming - Dr Roy Davies (University Auckland, NZ)

1330-1400 When will VR games become mainstream? - Dr Simon McCallum (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)

1400-1500 Group formation, and project ideation

1500-1600 Project work

1600-1700 Project work

1700-1800 Feedback Session

Wednesday 10 February 2021 (Adelaide Time)

0800-0830 Opening

0830-0930 Keynote #2 - Dr Pedro Lopes (University of Chicago, USA)

0930-1030 Project presentation/Discussion

1030-1130 Keynote #3 - A/Prof Gina Grimshaw (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)

1130-1230 Project work

1230-1300 Lunch

1300-1530 Project Work

1530-1630 Feedback Session

1630-1730 VR Online Meetup with Hubs in Australia

Thursday 11 February 2021 (Adelaide Time)

0800-0830 Opening

0830-0930 Keynote #4 - Professor Joaquim Jorge (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

0930-1030 Project presentation/Discussion

1030-1230 Interface Design for AR/VR - Professor Mark Billinghurst (University of South Australia)

1230-1300 Lunch

1300-1700 Group Project Work

1700-1730 Feedback Session

Friday 12 February 2021 (Adelaide Time)

0800-0830 Opening

0830-0930 Industry Panel:

  • Melanie Langlotz (Geo AR Games)

  • Amber Taylor (ARA Journeys)

  • Dr Roy Davies (University of Auckland)

  • Sakthi Priya Balaji Ranganathan (JIX Reality)

  • James Everett (NZXR)

0930-1030 Project presentation/Discussion

1030-1130 Keynote #5 - Dr Hrvoje Benko (Facebook Reality Labs Research, USA)

1130-1230 Project Work

1230-1300 Lunch

1300-1530 Project Work

1530-1630 Demos

1630-1730 Keynote #6 - Sir Ian Taylor (Animation Research Limited, NZ)

1730-1830 Cleanup