
 |  How to participate in a Seminar

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File Station/XRlab-Public/Seminar PPT

2023. 09. 22

Taeyeon : MPC-BERT: A Pre-Trained Language Model for Multi-Party Conversation Understanding 

2023. 04. 14

Roel : Voice Activity Projection: Self-supervised Learning of Turn-taking Events 

2023. 04. 07

Jeba : FuSSI-Net: Fusion of Spatio-temporal Skeletons for Intention Prediction Network

✔ 이번주 세미나는 1시에 진행될 예정입니다.

2023. 03. 24

문성호 : Leveraging recent advances in deep learning for audio-Visual emotion recognition

2023. 03. 17

김동현 : The Effect of a Foveated Field of view Restrictor on VR Sickness

2023. 03. 10

엄지훈 : Automatic Generation of Clustered Solid Building Models Based on Point Cloud

2023. 02. 17

정성헌 : Rhythmic Gesticulator: Rhythm-Aware Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis with Hierarchical Neural Embeddings

2023. 02. 10

금준영 : social interaction in augmented reality

정성헌 : 한국 HCI 학회 리뷰

2023. 01. 30

김규형 : MultiSoma: Motor and Gaze Analysis on Distributed Embodiment With Synchronized Behavior and Perception

2023. 01. 27

ASRAFI : Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Based on 2D Lidar

엄지훈 : Schonberger Structure-From-Motion Revisited CVPR 2016 paper (2부)

2023. 01. 13

문성호 : Learning with Average Precision - Training Image Retrieval with a Listwise Loss

2023. 01. 06

남예성 : Perceiving causality after the fact: Postdiction in the temporal dynamics of causal perception

2022. 12. 30

김동현 : Geometric simplification for reducing optic flow in VR

✔ 12/23은 세미나를 진행하지 않습니다.

2022. 12. 16

엄지훈 : Schonberger Structure-From-Motion Revisited CVPR 2016 paper (1)

2022. 12. 09

정성헌 : MobileNet

2022. 11. 25

김규형  : Kicking in Virtual Reality:The Influence of Foot Visibility on the Shooting Experience and Accuracy

2022. 11. 11

ASRAFI  : ENI: Quantifying Environment Compatibility for Natural Walking in Virtual Reality 

2022. 10. 14

이수연 : Using the Visuo-Haptic Illusion to Perceive and Manipulate Different Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality

2022. 10. 07

문성호 : Deep Learning on Monocular Object Pose Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Overview

2022. 09. 30

엄지훈 : Robust Image Retrieval-based Visual Localization using Kapture

2022. 09. 23

김동현 : Mixing in Reverse Optical Flow to Mitigate Vection and Simulation Sickness in Virtual Reality

2022. 09. 16

정성헌 : Learning Hierarchical Cross-Modal Association for Co-Speech Gesture Generation

This week seminar will be held at 3 o'clock 

2022. 09. 08

금준영 : Understanding Conversational and Expressive Style in a Multimodal Embodied Conversational AGent

2022. 09. 08

김규형 : Understanding and Designing Avatar Biosignal Visualizations for Social Virtual Reality Entertainment

This week seminar will be held on Thursday at 4 o'clock 

2022. 08. 12

이수연 : Towards an Objective Measure of Presence Examining Startle Reflexes in a Commercial Virtual Reality Game

2022. 08. 05

문성호 : Large-Scale Localization Dataset

2022. 07. 29

김동현 : Effects of Virtual Room Size and Objects on Relative Translation Gain Thresholds in Redirected Walking

2022. 07. 26

정성헌  : A Survey of presence and related concepts

2022. 07. 08

금준영  : Decision Model for a Virtual Agent that can Touch and be Touched

김규형  : Integrate Avatar and Agent Simulation in the Virtual Reality for Wayfinding

2022. 07. 04

✔ 연사초청 세미나 안내

📝 주제 : Beyond Reality: Create, Enhance, and Transform Reality Experience 

📆 일시 : 7월 4일 오후 4:00~5:00 

🏨 장소 : 자연대연구실험동 404호 

👨‍🏫 연사 : 김강수 교수 (캐나다 캘거리대학교) 

많은 참여부탁드립니다🙏

KangsooKIM_abstract and bio.docx

2022. 07. 01

문성호  : Methods For Visual Localization

김동현  : Larger Step Faster Speed Investigating Gesture-Amplitude-based Locomotion in Place with Different Virtual Walking Speed in Virtual Reality

2022. 06. 24

정성헌  : Depth Perception in Virtual Reality Systems Effect of Screen Distance Environment Richness and Display Factors

✔ 6월 10일과 17일엔 시험기간이므로 세미나가 진행되지 않습니다

2022. 06. 03

금준영 : The Influence of Size in Augmented Reality Telepresence Avatars

엄지훈 : PointNet Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation

2022. 05. 27

김규형 : Holographic glasses for virtual reality

문성호 : OctoPocus in VR Using

2022. 05. 20

이수연 : An Exploratory Study of Augmented Reality Presence for Tutoring Machine Tasks

2022. 05. 11

김동현 : Redirected Walking using Continuous Curvature Manipulation

엄지훈: Plane Detection in Point Cloud Data

2022. 05. 04

정성헌 : skeleton-aware networks for deep motion retargeting

금준영 : ForgetMeNot what and how users expect intelligent virtual agents to recall and forget personal conversational content

2022. 04. 27

김규형 : Learning Stereo from Single Images

이수연 : Effects of transparency on perceived humanness implications for rendering skin tones using optical see-through displays

2022. 04. 06

김동현 : Visual-Auditory Redirection: Multimodal Integration of Incongruent Visualand Auditory Cues for Redirected Walking

문성호 : Remapped Physical-Virtual Interfaces with Bimanual Haptic Retargeting 

2022. 04. 01

정성헌 : Evaluation of Drop Shadows for Virtual Object Grasping in AR

엄지훈 : Oasis Procedurally Generated Social Virtual Spaces from 3D scanned Real Spaces

Due to the lab situation, this week's seminar has been replaced at 3 o'clock on Friday. 

2022. 03. 23

김규형 : Time-travel rephotography

금준영 : Mitigating the Effects of Delayed Virtual Agent Response TimeUsing Conversational Fillers

2022. 03. 10

이수연 : Is ny Room_Really OK The Effect of Room Size and Furniture on Presence Narrative Engagement and Usability During a Space-Adaptive Augmented Reality Game

2022. 03. 02 

문성호 : HPUI Hand Proximate User Interfaces for One-Handed Interactions on Head Mounted Displays

2022. 02. 25 

김동현 : Understanding, Modeling and Simulating Unintended Positional Drift during Repetitive Steering Navigation Tasks in Virtual Reality

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 두 번째 발표자

금준영 : Reporting Mental Health Symptoms: Breaking Down Barriers to Care with Virtual Human Interviewers & It’s only a computer: Virtual humans increase willingness to disclose 

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 첫 번째 발표자

2022. 02. 18

엄지훈 : Survey on point cloud

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 두 번째 발표자

정성헌 : Eye contact in virtual reality – A psychophysiological study

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 첫 번째 발표자

2022. 02. 11

김규형 : Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes With Globally Coherent Depths From a Monocular Camera

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 두 번째 발표자

이수연 : Presence and Discernability  in Conventional and Non-Photorealistic Immersive Augmented Reality

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 첫 번째 발표자

2022. 01. 28

문성호 : Redirected Walking using Continuous Curvature Manipulation

2022. 01. 21

엄지훈 : Visual Localization by Learning Objects-of-Interest Dense Match Regression

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 두 번째 발표자

정성헌 : Flyables: Haptic Input Devices for Virtual Reality using Quadcopters

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 첫 번째 발표자

2022. 01. 14

김규형 : Project Starline_A high-fidelity telepresence system

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 두 번째 발표자

금준영 : AMITIES avatar-mediated interactive training and individualized experience system

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 첫 번째 발표자

✅ 이번주차엔 15:00부터 시작할 예정입니다

2022. 01. 07

이수연 : Breaking The Experience Effects of Questionnaires in VR User Studies

2021. 12. 31

문성호 : Perceived Realism of Pedestrian Crowds Trajectories in VR

2021. 12. 22

김동현 : The Influence of in-VR Questionnaire Design on the User Experience

⭐ 금요일 크리스마스 이브이므로 이번주는 수요일 2시에 세미나 진행하겠습니다. 

2021. 11. 26

엄지훈 : survey on 3D surface reconstruction

2021. 11. 19

정성헌 : Head Up Visualization of Spatial Sound Sources in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People

2021. 11. 12

금준영 : The Effects of Immersion and Real-World Distractions on Virtual Social Interactions

2021. 11. 05

김규형 : The Role of Depth Perception in XR from a Neuroscience

⭐ 금일 세미나는 ifland를 통해 진행될 예정입니다. 미리 ifland 가입하시고 아바타 생성 후,

세미나 시작전에 해당 링크로 접속하시면 감사하겠습니다

2021. 10. 29

이수연 : Enhancing Realism and Presence with Active Physical Reactions in Augmented Reality

2021. 10. 08

문성호 : Sparse Point Cloud Generation Based on Turntable 2D Lidar and Point Cloud Assembly in Augmented Reality Environment

2021. 10. 01 

김동현 : Direction Change of redirected walking via a single shoe height change

 2021. 09. 24 

엄지훈 : Hasti: Haptic and Audio Synthesis for Texture Interactions

2021. 09. 16

정성헌 : ManipNet: Neural Manipulation Synthesis with a Hand-Object Spatial Representation

 2021. 09. 09  

금준영 : Hybrid Embodied Conversational Agent

⭐ pm 17:50 시작

2021. 09. 02

김규형 : The effect of water immersion on vection in VR

⭐ 이번 세미나는 VR 호라이즌으로 진행될 예정입니다. 

세미나 시작전까지 rbgud2008@naver.com으로 참여하실 이메일 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

2021. 08. 26

이수연 : Combining Wearable Finger Haptics and Augmented Reality

2021. 08. 18

문성호 : Adjusting Relative Translation Gains According to Space Size in Redirected Walking for Mixed Reality Mutual Space Generation

2021. 07. 29

금준영  : Capture Learning and Synthesis of 3D Speaking Styles

Date : 2021. 07. 22

Presenter : 김동현

Topic : Effects of Dark Mode Graphics on Visual Acuity and Fatigue with Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays

Date : 2021. 07. 15

Presenter : 이수연

Topic : Human Perception of a Haptic Shape-changing Interface with Variable Rigidity and Size 

Date : 2021. 07. 15

Presenter : 문성호

Topic : A User Study on Augmented Virtuality Using Depth Sensing Cameras for Near-Range Awareness in Immersive VR 

Date : 2021. 07. 01

Presenter : 신지홍

Topic : DeepFovea : Neural Reconstruction for Foveated Rendering and Video 

Date : 2021. 07. 01

Presenter : 이수연

Topic : 가상 아바타의 외형이 사회적 실재감에 미치는 영향

Date : 2021. 06. 24

Presenter : 금준영

Topic : non-verbal behavior generation for virtual characters in group conversations

Date : 2021. 06. 03

Presenter : 김동현

Topic : How to Deal with Motion Sickness in Virtual Reality 

Date : 2021. 05 . 27 / pm 17:50

Presenter : 엄지훈

Topic : Shared Augmented Reality Experience Between a Microsoft Flight 

Date : 2021. 05 .13 / pm 17:50

Presenter : 이수연

Topic : Physical Interaction in Virtual Reality

Date : 2021. 05 .06

Presenter : 김동현

Topic : Projection-Based Diminished Reality System 

Date : 2021. 04 .29

Presenter : 금준영

Topic : Eye-tracking data analysis for visual exploration assessment and decision making interpretation in VR environments

Date : 2021. 04 .15

Presenter : 문성호

Topic : Detecting Mid-Air Getures for Digit Writing With Radio Sensors and a CNN

Date : 2021. 04 .01

Presenter : 허석용

Topic : 몰입형 가상현실 콘텐츠의 확장된 인터페이스에 대한 연구

Date : 2021. 03. 25 / pm 17:50

Presenter : 김정윤

Topic : Metaverse

Date : 2021. 03. 18

Presenter : 신지홍

Topic : Introduction to OpenXR and Deployment on Microsoft Hololens2

Date : 2021. 03. 11 / pm 17:50

Presenter : 금준영

Topic : Dose VR increase emotional engagement during exposure for PTSD?

Date : 2021. 03. 04

Presenter : 이수연

Topic : A Study on the principles of 4W Hologram

Date : 2021. 02. 25

Presenter : 엄지훈

Topic : Perceptual Issues in Augmented Reality

Date : 2021. 02. 18

Presenter : 김동현

Topic : 가상현실 공간에서의 영상처리를 이용한 이동 패턴 추적 

Date : 2021. 01. 28

Presenter : 문성호

Topic : Estimation of Detection Thresholds for Redirected Walking Techniques.

Date : 2022. 01. 28

Presenter : 김동현

Topic : Improving Walking in  Place Methods with Individualization and Deep Networks

✅ 방학기간엔 주차별로 2명씩 진행, 번째 발표자