I am Jihoon Eom (엄지훈), a M.S. student in the Graduate School of AI at PNU (Advisor: Prof. Myungho Lee). My current research interests are VR, 3D reconstruction, pointcloud and computer vision.

Email : eomvr0526@naver.com

CV | Google Scholar | Guithub | LinkedIn


2022.03 - | Graduate school of Pusan national university(PNU)

2016.03 - 2022.02 | Pusan national university (PNU)

  • [Bachelor] Computer Engineering


  • 디지털콘텐츠 미래인재 발굴 육성 XR 콘텐츠 개발 교육과정 수료(2021)

  • sw중심대학 공동 해커톤 부산대 대표로 참여(2021)


programming Languages

  • Python, C++