I am Roel Leenders , a M.S. student in the Graduate School at PNU (Advisor: Prof. Myungho Lee). My current research interests are human-ai collaboration, machine learning. 

Email : R.c.leenders@student.utwente.nl

CV | Google Scholar | Guithub | LinkedIn


2023.03 - | Graduate school of Pusan national university(PNU)

2021.09 - 2023.06 | Graduate school of Pusan national university(PNU)

2016.09 - 2020.06 | Avans Hogeschool.  

2019.09 - 2019.12 | Minor Korean Studies, 부경대학교 

2015.09 - 2016.06 | Conservatoire of Music Amsterdam  


[J1] Björn: An Interrogation Simulator

Roel Leenders, Pietro Camin, Ella Velner, Mariët Theune

In Proc. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications , 2022

Work Experiences

2022.06 - | Software Engineer, Positive Digits 

- Applying novel DevOps technologies like Terraform, Kubernetes and Docker to effeciently deploy and manage e-commerce platforms 

2021.03 - 2022.06 | Product Owner, Fledge Solutions B.V 

- Managed a team of 12 developers. Negotiated with stakeholders to realize their product requirements with the aim to update legacy ERP software to a fully cloud-based service. 

- Taught 10 junior developers about Angular web development and Agile best practices 

2020.02 - 2020.06 | Internship Software Engineer, Acorel B.V 

- Helped to develop the product recommendation system of the largest hardware company in the Netherlands 

2018.09 - 2018.02 |  Internship Software Engineer, JouwWeb B.V 

- Helped to develop the interface of a website-builder which is currently being used by more than 80.000 customers. 

Research Experiences

- Building an event detection pipeline with the aim to automatically identify valid additional information about breaking news events. 

- Modelled how the interpersonal stance of an agent would adjust based on the sentiment and question phrasing of the user’s utterances. 

- Applied multi-task learning and 3D CNNs to improve the descriptive power of lung CTimages 

- Improved the accuracy of the classifier by 20% after the ensemble defense. 

- Extracted sentiment time-series from generated text and created a classifier to evaluate if the text contained a story arc. 

- Attempted to generate realistic clickbait headlines using both neural network and template based NLG methods. 



programming Languages