I am ASRAFI AKTER , a M.S. student in the Graduate School at PNU Computer engineering (Advisor: Prof. Myungho Lee). My current research interests are Machine learning , Big data, Algorithm   and AI

Email : asrafijeba@gmail.com 

CV | Google Scholar | Guithub | LinkedIn


2022.09 - | Graduate school of Pusan national university(PNU)

2018.08 - 2021.08 | North South University 

Awards & Honors

Projects Experiences

- Bachelor’s meal management system. 

- Android base mobile app to manage bachelor’s meal management system. 

- Group Project. 

- Effectiveness of online classes guring Covid-19 pandemic through machine learning approaches. 

- Three algorithms were used to predict the effectiveness of online classes for a particular student’s in-contrast of offline classes. 

- In our proposed algorithms we have achieved 86.3% accuracy using Logistic Regression (LR), 84.2% using KNearest Neighbor (KNN) and 81.5% using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). 

- Group Project. 

- Remote Sensing Vegetation Change in Bangladesh with Satellite Driven Unsupervised Image Processing Technique. 

- For this research, our goal is to show the vegetation change for all the divisions and 64 districts of Bangladesh from the year 2013-2019. And identify the rapidly vegetation decreasing areas of Bangladesh. From that we showed the time series comparisons and calculated the future vegetation changes for next 4 years. 

- Group Project 



programming Languages