
Pretty much where you can get my characters.
If there is more than one .def It can either mean
It has some alternate modes, 1.0.def .etc

As for the 1.0 (or 1.1 .def files (Though some may not have it)
I Recommend using the 1.0 or 1.1 def files for the appropriate MUGEN build you're using.
I DO NOT recommend using winmugen.defs (It can either have no "10" or "11" on it. or just have "win" on it). over 1.0 and beyond. As AI activating may take sometime.

1.0 defs will also work for 1.1 they'll also work with IKEMEN (And IKEMEN GO)
Do not use the 1.0 or later defs for winmugen. As it will crash.

Please Note

If you have an outdated version of a specific character. I highly recommend you redownload it. so you are up to date with the most recent version.
Some have a readme file (Either way being in Wordpad form or note pad) in order to understand their special moves and super moves.
A changelog  file may not list everything changed between versions.

Sometimes they are hosted in other sources.
But maybe outdated...

Some characters may have those stars and AI
Those represent their Difficutly level

Though with 1.0 and beyond . It does make Custom AI levels a little more accessable if its coded with "AILEVEL" For 1.0 and beyond.

Some characters may have it's own built in AI Difficulty feature (Mostly for Winmugen users)


Please. Use. The. Def. Files. In. Their. Respective. MUGEN. Builds!

Feedback (And other things)

I am open for feedback for either of these. As long as you do not set the standards too high. (It's not hard to be nice).
What I can accept?
+Any feedback that is anything constructive, rather than destructive. Just please DO NOT set it too high.
+Anyone who edits this character to help improve it.
+Ideas to make more content for whatever the character needs for a later update. Just don't make it complicated.
+Any AI patches to help improve a character, Sprite patches (Like color separation) that improve their look, and/ or palette patches that makes it necessary colorful in any way. (although sometimes AI patches may not be always necessary)

What I cannot accept?
-Claiming you made it. Don't be stupid. Because some characters have been worked hard on. Whenever it comes finding many things to grasp and convert it as a MUGEN move thing. Unless its an edit I made
-I will not take: "Cool character", "Nice", "This char sux" or anything related to these things. As they're not feedback
-Making a "Bashing" video will not be considered feedback if you're doing it all wrong.
-Editing it without any improvements, or anything that is not suitable (like stat editing palette-swapping, Name Swapping, and/or even sprite-swapping) will not be accepted. Those are some examples that are considered lazy editing.
-Not being specific enough whenever it is needed to help improve the character. As if you're being vague.

Sometimes: There can be glitches and/or issues here and there. 

Not everything will be perfect even at the start.


WIP: Self explanatory (Work in Progress)

My Reception
if none of these are listed by the name: I really do not care.
(✨) My personal favorite
(🤷‍♂️): I am more on the mixed side

Battle Recommendation
if none of these are listed by the name:  Highly up to you.
(RFNB): Recommended for Normal battles
(RFCB): Recommended for Cheap battles
(NRFNB): Not recommended for Normal battles
(NRFCB): Not recommended for Cheap Battles


You CANNOT request ANY character in anyway no matter what.

Any character sprites i did not create/edit is always credited
If i missed someone (Whoever sprited something). lemme know.
Credit to anyone that did any sprites I did not do.

How do I get the characters?
Literally some have a little link you can click on. Mostly Mediafire

Some of their portraits can also lead to a link

Dont like 3 on 3s? or 4 on 4s?

Blank character (Edit of KFM) Use it for some 3v4,4v3,2v3,2v4,4v2 or whatever battle.
I DONT recommend setting it up for an arcade run if its alone
or just battling it alone
as its kills itself instantly
Just make sure its not shown as being either the leader or its first teammate

This is not for Ikemen or Any other forks of Ikemen IE: Ikemen go .etc

It's meant for regular 1.0 and 1.1 mugen
Unless there is a .exe file to adjust the simul to be a 2v# to 4v#

Created Characters.

I made these.

Normal Characters

Recommended for normal Battles. ("RFNB" for short)


() (RFNB)

Plays like its original source material (If you remember the original Xiaoxiao 9)
Except he can do some extra basic moves like running, back hopping, .etc
Boss mode included.

SSB warner esque Mario ()

Version: 1/16/24

Inspired by Warner's Luigi and a few other marios that i cant even remember

Used: N64Mario's Pocket Mario as its base (Like Warner's Luigi)

Dont use the resprite. (not because it looks better. It's actually still outdated af.)

Classic SEGA Sonic characters

Not using those old SEGA Genesis/MEGADRIVE sprites. But rather stylized after Sonic Advance/Battle


Lets rewind back to the past. + The Next character. Coming to your PC and Fighting Game Engine!


AI Difficulty: Made for built in options for 1.0 and beyond. otherwise. It varies


Are you up 2 it?


AI Difficulty: Made for built in options for 1.0 and beyond. otherwise. It varies


Unlike Modern Knuckles I chuckle!


AI Difficulty: Made for built in options for 1.0 and beyond. otherwise. It varies


Playable since the game gear days.
Still playable in Origins Plus
Fight the past. Save the Future!


AI Difficulty: Made for built in options for 1.0 and beyond. otherwise. It varies

An Armadillo.

To be in production

A Flying Squirrel

To be in production


So... That Annoying Cocky Hedgehog is in there too? And more of Me?
Well... This time. I'll be crushing each and every one with Science!.


AI Difficulty: Made for built in options for 1.0 and beyond. otherwise. It varies

Paper Mario cast

Every character based on this intelligent systems franchise is meant to be a lil "Love letter" for both new and old fans of Paper Mario.

Paper Mario
10/30/21 ()

Paper Mario CUTS into action!
This Version is supposed to be a "Love Letter" To both the New and Old fans. + Some doodle.

Kammy Koopa
10/30/21 ()

Paper Bowser
10/30/21 ()


MISC Characters

I dunno what to put here

SMB1 + Smm2 Cast

Teh Pesky Plumbers (and non plumbers)

Fun fact: These are actually meant to aim the style by Ermacwon (When that author made a Pesky Mario for MUGEN back roughly around 2008)
With a hint of some bits of say... that Pocket template.

Pretend its like a Successor of The original ErmacWon version. And its a one man project.

Pesky Luigi: 7/30/22

Pesky Wario: 7/30/22

Pesky Waluigi: 7/30/22

Certain moves are from different waluigis

EG: Warioman, Mr IBZS and MGSSJ2's

Pesky Mr.L To be in production.

Planned Characters for this Pesky Project for the future.

-Koopa Troopa

-Dry Bones


Boss Characters

Some are not recommended for normal battles. but Maybe a bit more on the cheap battles..

Bonus Characters

Some are not recommended for normal battles. but Maybe a bit more on the cheap battles..

Trivia and Facts

Some Info about whatever MUGEN creation(s).

Some of my Creations

-He was released first. But development began second.
-The .sff is simply SMG4's but with more  "knock off"  in it
-A few helpers for the "Crystal Funhouse" super were suggested by my friends.

-He was released 2nd. But development began First
-The .sff is based on an earlier version of my SMW Mario but recolored + a few new colors added in the palettes.

Sponge/Spondage Mario
-The name change is based on the Vinesauce wiki. (As the name does sorta suggests a somewhat full name.)
-One of the punch sprites is based on the smm2 + SMW Luigi resprite + a few custom made poses by Kusamochi/Hartflip.

LugiOGM/Luigi of Green Marios
-The name was suggested by a friend who likes making many YTPs and collabs + a MUGEN fan and does a few creations
-Story was made up by another friend who also does ytps. + MUGEN and does a few creations
-Due to the sprites being  shifty and scrambled that way. The only true sprite is the All stars sprite (aforementioned above as well)
-His cameo in my SMG3 is probably a clone due to the crisis.
-Certain clips  were used from Metal King Boo's famous funny screaming vids (Which i also got inspired to make a few of my own!)
-He does have a little lore.
-This character started back in Late 2019 to mid 2020.
within that it is partially based on Time Flux Sonic (Somewhat of the Lore). But some people call it a corruption or glitch. (part of the lore)
-Weegee isn't related. Despite almost having moves from his Smash Bros Crusade Incarnation (Before the huge revamp).

Pesky Project

-Instead of the cliché POTS style. A lil more combo-y stuff was implemented akin to lets say... the infamous pocket template
-Most sprites were given color separation (Look it up) during development back in 2019-2020.
-Some of the characters may also have some inspiration from JKS / Koopakingdom.Com's SSBE "Smash Bros Extinction" game.

-The obvious shows its a remake over the Original ErmacWon's version
-Plays like Ryu

-Plays almost like Ken

-Not much i can say here

-Has moves mostly taken from Mr IBZS' and Warioman's Waluigi

Pesky Hammer Bros
-Readme states 3 of the elements were taught by certain other characters
Such as Ryu (Street Fighter), Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat), Terry Bogard and Kyo Kusanagi

Paper Mario

In general
- Mostly uses the AngleDraw  (Which its sorta complicated to make them all paper-y and flat turning or just being flat.)
- I was originally gonna use a somewhat larger sprite. But instead a smaller one was created (Based on an old lib from MFGG . Net)

Paper Mario
- The palette "Doodle.act" is based on 2 spongebob episodes (FrankenDoodle + Doodle Dimention) and its Game spinoff for the DS (Drawn to life) Hence there's a few hints of doodlebob and franko's drawing of mario
- The Readme File's story segment mentions the current producer (Kensuke Tanabe who doesn't like it to be an RPG after SPM (Ironically turned good but retconned on the lore.) and the former (Ryota Kawade: who formerly worked on the first 3 games as RPGs). Despite the character is supposed to be a love letter to both old and new fans
- There's an Um Jammer Lammy and Henry Stickmin reference in one of the intros. + A Parappa Palette
- There's also a folder that has permission from Infantry00.
-The other pencil in the Disco no winpose is my IRL hand. + Pencilmation reference (before the huge downhill)
In addition: Another Henry Stickmin reference and a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Reference.

Paper Luigi
-Uses my own paper mario sprites as a base.
-Before the release video came out. Paper Luigi had a lil polish up for a lil special intro against his brother (If hes not in his normal mode)
-One of the winposes is basically Smash 64 (Suggested by someone)

Kammy Koopa
-Her voice clips are basically Kamek's/Magikoopa's Voice Clips pitched down by 10 (Via Audacity and Not taken from the recent Mario Kart Tour voice clips but rather The NSMB series).
While a few others are from: TF2's Merasmus but pitched up by 10 (Also Via Audacity).
-The Giant Block super is a remake old the old one but you have a bit more control to utilize what it should be doing. + Direction Indicator.
-There's some bits of Neo Kamek's Kamek.
-She is the 2nd character to utilize Alessi's Stand attack (Where she turns younger than being elder for a few seconds)

Paper Bowser
-One of his pallettes is one of my Fan characters

Classic Sonic cast

This section will mostly be abbreviating classic + whatever sonic character as EG: "C.Sonic"

The origin of the sprite: Originated from These Sheets [1] [2] [3]
In addition the blue shade color is mostly based on the Sega Saturn Era of Sonic

The origin of the sprite: Uses Tails Adventure (Game Gear) and a few other bits of Classic Tails Sprites: EG Sonic Mania, Tails Sky Patrol .etc

The origin of the sprite: Uses Sonic Origins Plus' Amy sprites but scaled down

The origins of the sprites are mostly Sonic Origins version of Sonic 3 and Mania.


The origin of the sprite: This old Eggman sprite sheet that would later have some face lifts and others + uses some Sonic Mania bits of sprites


SMW Mama Luigi
-Pretty much started from a simple paletteswap of the smm2 + SMW Luigi resprite . But became more slicker on the stache and made it more based on the all stars resprite instead.
-Not to be confused with the Super Show incarnation despite. This Mama Luigi has the (in)famous "Do the Mario"
-This is the first mama luigi not to be a paletteswap + soundswap of an existing creation.
EG. Warner's Luigi and Shinryoga's Super Luigi

-Due to a lack of an actual name by fans who like the cult following of the SMW TV adaptation the name is stuck that way.
-This resprite is also coincidently similar to this one.
-Not to be confused with the Super Show incarnation despite. This SMWTVMario has the (in)famous "Do the Mario".
-This is the first SMWTVMario not to be a paletteswap + soundswap of an existing creation.
EG. My Warner-Esque Mario and Shinryoga's Super Mario
-The gameplay is a bit of a mix of KOF, a hint of TFGAF SMW Luigi by Yochithmaster333, and mvc.
-The Only character (So far) that isn't made by Me (xXGlitz236) is the Renzor boss.

Luigi (All stars + smw incarnation)
-Whenever a different smw luigi sprite comes out and SMAS+SMW Luigi kicks them out of the way.
Simply a homage to the old "Homer Kicks Peter" intro.

-His Level 3 fart is from the famous "Living with Wario Episode 2" + Partly based on Smash Bros Brawl's Intro.

-The theme song that play whenever hes in full health + shades is "They Call me Waluigi"
When the said winpose occurs. Sometimes Wario Join's in if hes the teammate.

-Bowser's sprites were both done by me and all coded by myself.
Aside from using some customs and  parts from the 2020 gigaleak.
-Bowser's Midnight bliss is actually based on my own female bowser that is based on the other female bowsers that still resembles the original but feminine.

Those Classic Ol' MUGEN Characters still being used Trivia

Some keys
S: Season
E: Episode

NOTE: I will not include non english dubs. as I dont speak and/or dont mostly even understand them.
Only English Clips is included.

Homer Simpson

S4E16 - Duffless
Im trying to knock you out! (Ending part)

S5E5 - Treehouse of Horror IV
The Scream used when performing One of Iori Yagami's Supers: They're Dogs. and they're playing Poker! AHHHHHHH
"Take that vile Fiend!"

S5E15: Deep Space Homer
"I'll Bash you Good!"

S6E7 - Treehouse of Horror VI
Craaaaaaap (used in RDC_Homer)

S9E13 -  The Joy of Sect
Out-a My way Jerkass

Peter Griffin (Most edits and my edit)

-A list of episodes certain clips were used
(Family Guy Episodes)

The Flipping off Taunt + Audio
Love Thy Trophy: S2 E5

We must Kung Fu Fight + Origin of the ANNA Super
The King is Dead :S2 E7
vs Self intro
Left Side: S2 E21: Fore Father
Right Side:  S2 E15:  Dammit Janet
Cant touch me!: S2 E18: E. Peterbus Unum

TSSSsssss. Ahhhhh.. Intro: S2 E27: Wasted Talent. 

S3 E5: And the Wiener Is...
"What are you gonna? eeh ehh C'mon!"
"Ahh Yeah. Who's the big man now ehh?"

S3 E17: Brian Wallows and Peter Swallows
"Oh that's it you're history pal"

S4 E5: The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire.
Bam! (Most) and Ooh (DDR's Edit)

S4 E8: 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter.
Nausea Nightmare 

S4E18 The Father, The Son, and The Holy Fonz.
NYaaaaaa/Steroid Super/the Death SFX (Judgespear's edit)

S5 E11: The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou
1: Some of the Laughing 
2: "Hey. Im here to kick your ass"
3: "oh oh dont be afraid. I wont hurt ya. I wont hurt ya."